I find it ironic when Babs rants about the Muslims, but if you go on YouTube you can see fundamentalist Christians advocating capital punishment for atheism, adultery, homosexuality, apostasy, and anything they don't like.
My favorite was the woman who accuses all atheists of being pedophiles who want to bring down the church to have access to the children who are no longer under the protection of Jesus. There's so much irony there, the words are magnetic.
is right about Islam being a threat though. She just doesn't understand why Christianity is just as big a threat.
The only reason we don't have executions in the town squares here is because religion doesn't hold absolute power over the people, like it does in some Middle Eastern countries. But if religion continues to infiltrate schools, politics, and the military via dominionism, we'll see North America rendered into another religious third world region.
I found it very interesting that the top 10 most religious states also allow the death penalty. In fact you'd be hard pressed to find a state more fixated on getting religion into schools than Texas.
Arizona must be feeling pretty proud too. When important government issues like Uranium mining are decided by
someone who evaluates environmental impact using the concept of a 6,000 year old Earth.
Hopefully the rapture will come take her away before she has to figure out what to do with the toxic byproducts of the mine.
The church must love the fact that the US education system is floundering. Countries where children receive a good education have more athiests, and the church doesn't want kids growing up with the ability to question the world around them.
So many people proclaim the US to be a good Christian nation. Could that be why the military budget dwarfs all others? So the foreign blasphemers can be killed with peaceful cluster bombs, and loving artillery strikes?
Oh you got me ranting

Darn you!
Cristianity is about as accepting of other religions as being a muslim is. Assimilate or die used to be standard practice aka the crusades, now it's much more watered down but you folks don't even help starving people etc without also shoving the bible down their throats.
Excuse me for stating the obvious but the last thing starving people need is a bible. Too bad people don't just help to help and instead only do it to further their ranks and push their agendas.