• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Proof of the existence of an intelligent Creator and what His purpose of mankind is


Well-Known Member
I mean Paddy, you don't understand how sometime, I have to bite my tongue, or just simply walk away, because somebody feels it's cool to say Fag around me because they feel I'm Christian and against someone being Gay.., Like I guess somebody would say the N word amongst their contemporaries as it was Ok.. I simply have to refrain from saying anything or walk away because I don't want to go in a Frantic Beast Rage beating the Shit out of their Ignorant Ass, claiming something I hold dearly as a Truth and defiling it with Dogmatic practices and beliefs.. I'm just telling you it's not all religious constructs that act this way but follow the conduct that was set in place by Christ.. Myth if you wish.. and I understand you, but after beating the shit out of them, they probably will have a harder time accepting the people they just made fun of, including me for accepting them.. So I ignore them.. and demostrate to each individual my set of beliefs by my actions.. I know it's hard but you can't beat the Stupidity out of some one, only into them...


Well-Known Member
Wasn't Christianities message to those other cultures it was accepting "Assimilate or burn in hellfire?"

Christian tolerance of other cultures only extended so far as those that could be used to increase their numbers.

If you don't follow "the God" you will burn with the unbelievers. This is always the underlying message no matter how much they want to sugar coat it with 'Jesus loves you'.

There's nothing special or unique about it.
Cristianity is about as accepting of other religions as being a muslim is. Assimilate or die used to be standard practice aka the crusades, now it's much more watered down but you folks don't even help starving people etc without also shoving the bible down their throats.

Excuse me for stating the obvious but the last thing starving people need is a bible. Too bad people don't just help to help and instead only do it to further their ranks and push their agendas.


Well-Known Member
Christians never expect non-Christians to have read the bible.

Would you?

After all, if someone is one of the many people who follow the religion, but haven't actually bothered to read the holy book that they claim defines their life, would they expect a non-believer to do so?

It boggles the mind.

It would be like someone who believes in witches daring to read Harry Potter.

It's interesting that there wasn't a single reply from the religious ones when I asked about Sodom and Gomorrah in one of these threads.

Guess they realized that it might be a trick question, and the common answer isn't the one written down :)

Perhaps you should read my posts first... I have stated already that indeed I have read the Bible... I have studied Theology at the University level. I was raised catholic and confirmation and all that. Been there, done that......

Maybe you should start reading what's inside the threads..... instead of the titles.... :wink:


Well-Known Member
I find it ironic when Babs rants about the Muslims, but if you go on YouTube you can see fundamentalist Christians advocating capital punishment for atheism, adultery, homosexuality, apostasy, and anything they don't like.

My favorite was the woman who accuses all atheists of being pedophiles who want to bring down the church to have access to the children who are no longer under the protection of Jesus. There's so much irony there, the words are magnetic.

She is right about Islam being a threat though. She just doesn't understand why Christianity is just as big a threat.

The only reason we don't have executions in the town squares here is because religion doesn't hold absolute power over the people, like it does in some Middle Eastern countries. But if religion continues to infiltrate schools, politics, and the military via dominionism, we'll see North America rendered into another religious third world region.

I found it very interesting that the top 10 most religious states also allow the death penalty. In fact you'd be hard pressed to find a state more fixated on getting religion into schools than Texas.



Arizona must be feeling pretty proud too. When important government issues like Uranium mining are decided by someone who evaluates environmental impact using the concept of a 6,000 year old Earth.

Hopefully the rapture will come take her away before she has to figure out what to do with the toxic byproducts of the mine. :P

The church must love the fact that the US education system is floundering. Countries where children receive a good education have more athiests, and the church doesn't want kids growing up with the ability to question the world around them.

So many people proclaim the US to be a good Christian nation. Could that be why the military budget dwarfs all others? So the foreign blasphemers can be killed with peaceful cluster bombs, and loving artillery strikes?

Oh you got me ranting :) Darn you! :P

Cristianity is about as accepting of other religions as being a muslim is. Assimilate or die used to be standard practice aka the crusades, now it's much more watered down but you folks don't even help starving people etc without also shoving the bible down their throats.

Excuse me for stating the obvious but the last thing starving people need is a bible. Too bad people don't just help to help and instead only do it to further their ranks and push their agendas.


Well-Known Member
CJ, why are you using my statement as your quote and not giving me credit for it...Sign my name to it dammit.. I said it, I didn't quote it, give me my props :), You act like you ever had something intelligent to say.., I only see quotes of ignorant stuff you have said put on signatures, that's fucked up, you didn't say that and you didn't put my name behind it to give proper do.. Pitiful..

You've already proven yourself to be a fraud and say whatever comes out of your ass.., Now you stealing my thoughts too...

I get it, that's how you acquire your information because "You don't Know " <<<< Yeah, those are your thoughts..

Just put B, Brazko, or, My God..as in your God..whatever works, but don't claim my works, you don't believe in me remember :)

Just correct it please or ill put your name behind some shit you didn't say ;)


Well-Known Member
I was using anonymity to protect you, but I will certainly give you the full credit.
Thank You.. Yeah, I need anonymity from speaking the truth, you can twist it to mean whatever you want and its still a lie..however the statement is True..Right? Yeah, that's what I thought<<< You see, "I thought"..but your the lucky winner because you get to have your Lie signatured..., No, not the truth, Your quoted lie<<<< Yeah, that's what you do......ahhhhhhhhhh, maybe not....too much of a waste in energy..

Guess Ill just talk about it and do nothing.. Then force you to believe I do, that way you won't know I didn't..Just taking the actual step out of making it real ;)


Well-Known Member
Dang you keep giving me sig's.... u think u made sense there do you? :mrgreen: hooboy!! :lol:
To whom it was directed to..It did...I cannot always speak to a primates conscious (Grey Matter), so I always make sure I at least reach their subconscious (the spirit)..Oh My. You Monkey!! :)


Well-Known Member
I find it ironic when Babs rants about the Muslims, but if you go on YouTube you can see fundamentalist Christians advocating capital punishment for atheism, adultery, homosexuality, apostasy, and anything they don't like.

And you still believe it can even be remotely compared, eh?
I've been to hundreds of churchs.......never once been encountered with what you say they as a group advocate.
In fact, I've never even so much as encountered one single Christian that is guilty of the above.
You guys really do need to repeat things to make yourself believe in something that just doesn't exist.
The fact you believe they are dangerous on the same level only shows the purest ignorance of any possible atheist thread.


Well-Known Member
Yes. It can be directly compared.
Christian's don't have a theocracy here. The dominionists are pushing hard for it every day, but so far the constitutions of the US and Canada are holding them at bay.

If the tyranny of theocracy makes itself present again, you can expect to see a return to the system that made one North American town famous. You might have heard of the place. It was called Salem.

edit: I should add, that since you've never professed a desire to murder us for atheism or blasphemy, I wouldn't expect you to be one of the bloodthirsty ones. Nor would I expect most. The issue is that dogmatic faith allows the fundamentalists and extremists to overrun the moderates very easily. The overwhelming danger of religion is that you can't reason with someone who thinks that God is directing them to do something.

edit2: Imagine if a radical fundamentalist evangelical sleeper makes it into the White House under the guise of a moderate. One of the many who believe that 'The Rapture' is coming and must be heralded by Armageddon. Would you want someone like that in charge of nuclear weapons? Consider ourselves lucky that the Bush family loved money more than their religious beliefs. Or we'd likely be talking via smoke signals right now.

With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion. - Steven Weinberg


Well-Known Member
This is so sickingly redundant. You're worried about Christians burning people in THIS day and age with what's going on in the world?
You obviously don't live in America and know of how islam is making it's permanent imprint upon society.
Any sane person would take the laws of America as they are now over sharia, even its nicest version..........well, except CJ. :roll:
You and CJ both are more prone to accepting sharia over current law.

That says it all right there.


Well-Known Member
Wow, Babs.
So the two atheists who praise secular government and have open contempt for religion would happily accept religious law?

Have you not been paying any attention to the whole atheist thing or are you just stupid?

Christianity is a bunch of made up bullshit. Islam is a bunch of made up bullshit. Judaism is a bunch of made up bullshit... etc. etc.

What's next? You're going say we're more likely to accept South Park law?


Well-Known Member
Wow, Babs.
So the two atheists who praise secular government and have open contempt for religion would happily accept religious law?

Have you not been paying any attention to the whole atheist thing or are you just stupid?

Christianity is a bunch of made up bullshit. Islam is a bunch of made up bullshit. Judaism is a bunch of made up bullshit... etc. etc.

What's next? You're going say we're more likely to accept South Park law?
There are very few countries left where sharia hasn't been proposed.
Slowly, but surely, it IS being incorporated, but we still focus on the common law we know, and have known and practiced, for over a hundred years now? ......because there is a need to be scared of the Christians as a whole---and the likelihood they would like to resort back to the stone ages and burn people as punishment? Come on now.
Muslims are STILL to this day practicing horendously outrageous laws.
It's funny when they come from the mideast to flee the oppression only to come to the West---to instill the same here.
We're so politically correct and continue to open our doors to their sick laws.
Even worse is that by being so PC, all too many remain ignorant to what it is they should rightfully fear.


New Member
Islam has been here a long time now.... no worries.....the USA isn't about having a favorite religion. Maybe you should take a civics class, or two, or three.