I Have A ? For You Religious People.


Active Member
ok so alot of them are atheists... of course they would deny creation... that is why evolution is being preached.. it doesnt make it true tho



Well-Known Member
No, what's BS is your poor attempt to discredit all the sources I listed, using nothing more than immature insults. Now try to think logically instead of emotionally. :mrgreen:

The order seen in the universe can't possibly be explained by some random, disorderly event. If it could... you big bangers, should be able to provide many everyday examples of this happening. Isn't there 1 example of a natural disaster resulting in at least 1 new species?

What's amazing to me is that these big bangers have so much faith in what they preach, even though there is little evidence of a "big bang". Evolution is your religion, and you feel so strongly about it, you're motivated in telling everyone about your new found faith all over the Internet. You're as bad as Jehovah's witnesses aren't you, spreading your doctrine here, with no evidence whatsoever?
I was thinking logically. Logic told me that I shouldn't spend an hour of my time individually discrediting each part of a list that you copy>pasted in a few seconds, especially since you wouldn't take any notice anyway, and much of it has already been discredited in recent posts.

If you would like, i can discredit each one of your "sources" one at a time. Would you like me to start with "Dr. Etheridge, famous fossilologist of the British Museum, one of the highest authorities in the world"?

I invite anyone with a non-biased interest to google any or all of these names, and see the truth of your claims for themselves, as I have.

It is you who is thinking emotionally rather than logically, and it shows, both here and in the politics forum. You regularly resort to name calling and labelling. I also find it interesting that you want "big bangers" to explain evolution. They are seperate and distinct theories, as you well know.


ok so alot of them are atheists... of course they would deny creation... that is why evolution is being preached.. it doesnt make it true tho

Yet again, you're ass backwards in your logic fish...

Scientists don't all of a sudden decide to become atheists... then try to discredit religion through science. They use science to discover things about reality THEN decide to become atheists. The things they figure out sway their opinion on whether or not there is a God. They find that reality DOES NOT support any creation myth and those books and beliefs are nothing but ancient fairy tales...


Active Member
Yet again, you're ass backwards in your logic fish...

Scientists don't all of a sudden decide to become atheists... then try to discredit religion through science. They use science to discover things about reality THEN decide to become atheists. The things they figure out sway their opinion on whether or not there is a God. They find that reality DOES NOT support any creation myth and those books and beliefs are nothing but ancient fairy tales...

i think they are atheists before they become scientist... otherwise they would see the truth BUT that is just me thinking so if you can find evidence that says otherwise....


Well-Known Member
i think they are atheists before they become scientist... otherwise they would see the truth BUT that is just me thinking so if you can find evidence that says otherwise....
I think you will find that most will start out following a religion and then become Atheist. Its logical as most people learn about their parents religion from birth, told that this is the way and are as such forced into believing whatever there forefathers said is so. Then as they grow and develop and learn they start to make the own mind up about things and weigh up the evidence before coming to the conclusion that they are Atheist.
This would not be the same for all and will be fewer and fewer in the future as less parents nowadays are religouse, but most adults around at the moment would have been bought up to believe their parents religion so it highly unlikely they started out Atheist.


Well-Known Member
Regardless of whether they were athiest before or after becoming highly educated in these specific fields, it shows clearly that those who in fact know the very most overwhelmingly dismiss religion. You'd think that would be a clue to some people but no...


Well-Known Member
You cannot be a logical person and believe the Bible. If you believe the Bible, you just aren't cutting it.

The whole idea is ridiculous. I honestly lose a little respect when someone does believe in the Bible... doesn't mean i don't like them... just know they're not very logical.


New Member
Exactly JGordo.

The more fundamental the belief, the less logical I consider that person to be. They may have great jobs, families, 23 cars, whatever.... but I know they view the world through rose colored glasses none the less.


Well-Known Member
Exactly JGordo.

The more fundamental the belief, the less logical I consider that person to be. They may have great jobs, families, 23 cars, whatever.... but I know they view the world through rose colored glasses none the less.

I just don't get it, Cracka



Well-Known Member
ok guys here it is, God created the universe, the universe in turn is every thing we see, a star explodes and another is born. several thousand years ago humans were stupid, well, not smart enough to invent a radio, anyways, so god allowed all of the religions on earth, each region has their own religion, imagine the earth any other way and it would be totally different, so, even tho i believe that good people go to heaven and evil people go to hell(whatever hell is), i still think it sux that the catholic church hung people when they said that the earth moves around the sun and so fourth, our brains could not understand god so he gave us religion to guide us in the right direction,

its like one of those things we cant understand, how could our brain comprehend how the universe was made? i gave up trying, i think if we could handle the truth than maybe god would come down and give us some more direction, but now days, a Jesus freak would totally freak out of they seen anything out of this world, including aliens,

by the way, does anyone know how old the earth is? and compare that to how long humans have been on the earth!!!!


religion is for fools who search for peace in their minds because they are afraid to die.
anything can be painted onto a blank canvas (human mind)
ie keep telling a kids they have to slap their head everyday to be close to jesus n theyd do it no q's. this would then turn into a head slap branch of christian religion or w/e.
fairy tales ne1 with half a brain knows this...


Well-Known Member
also there is nothing wrong with any religion, they all, in essence, teach to be respectful, and care for each other, dont get me wrong, the church has hated science for ever, but now, these days, science and religion go hand in hand, has anyone looked up at the stars and said, "yea, it just happened" if u believe that then i think u have more problems than people following a religion, God is too powerful for any of us to understand, any one with half a brain could realize that no one religion is right, people are either smart or stupid, like the church in early days of astronomy, they were so scared that science would take away all of there money that comes in every sunday, so they banished anyone claiming truth, which then was that the earth goes around the sun, and now we know that the sun goes around the center of the milky way, and that our sun is actually one of the smallest stars out there, man, i could go on forever,


New Member
Man is a superstitious creature..... period. Religion is a manifestation of that superstition. So are UFO visitation, and ghosts and hauntings. All can be explained by science, but some ppl prefer the myth.

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
Why would the spiritual mind evolve? What is the scientific purpose for people to believe in a higher power?

Animals don't consider these things.

And why is belief in a higher power a part of any 12 step program? The 12 step program was a product of the psychological (scientific) community, but they obviously see the power in prayer and belief.

Did you know that prayer has been scientifically proven to help heal sick people? Please explain this lol

And if there is a separation of church and state, why is it that there is a daily prayer which opens the house of representatives each day, and all swearing and oath taking, takes place with your hand on a Bible? Have you never been to court?

When I was a teen most of us questioned authority, but "When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me."