I Have A ? For You Religious People.


New Member
When I say the Church, I'm talking Roman Catholic Church and I OBVIOUSLY don't mean Muslims nor Jews nor Hindus for that matter.

It is the Roman Catholic Church which holds most of the Christian wealth globally, no one else. We were talking about materialism... right? Follow along plz.

Yes, govt's certainly would be negotiating with Hitler, but the church isn't a govt. now is it....

It's just another indicator that the church will follow any govt. which allows it to ply its hucksterism.


Active Member
When I say the Church, I'm talking Roman Catholic Church and I OBVIOUSLY don't mean Muslims nor Jews nor Hindus for that matter.

It is the Roman Catholic Church which holds most of the Christian wealth globally, no one else. We were talking about materialism... right? Follow along plz.

Yes, govt's certainly would be negotiating with Hitler, but the church isn't a govt. now is it....

It's just another indicator that the church will follow any govt. which allows it to ply its hucksterism.

Ok, fine.................


New Member
Here's a little taste of the Pope... :lol:

The Kaiser wrote in his memoirs that he told Pacelli: "If the Pope did nothing, ... there was danger of peace being forced upon the world by the socialists," that is, a peace that would upset the status quo, "which would mean the end of the power of the Pope and the Roman Church."

The Kaiser added that Pacelli replied, "You are absolutely right!" Indeed, the preservation of the existing social order and with it the power of the papacy was to be the basis of his policy in World War II.


Active Member
When I say the Church, I'm talking Roman Catholic Church and I OBVIOUSLY don't mean Muslims nor Jews nor Hindus for that matter.

It is the Roman Catholic Church which holds most of the Christian wealth globally, no one else.
LOL the roman catholic church what a joke..................

The Roman Catholic Church teaches that salvation is by baptismal regeneration and is maintained through the Catholic sacraments unless a willful act of sin is committed that breaks the state of sanctifying grace. The Bible teaches that we are saved by grace which is received through simple faith

the New Testament will reveal that the Catholic Church does not have its origin in the teachings of Jesus, or His apostles. In the New Testament, there is no mention of the papacy, worship / adoration of Mary

Are Roman Catholics Christians? They are if they have trusted in Jesus alone for the forgiveness of their sins. However, if they believe that the are saved by God's grace and their works, then they are not saved

Being a Christian does not mean being a member of the Roman Catholic Church.


New Member
You must be dense. Who put the Bible together? The Roman Catholic Church did... :roll:

all sects of Christianity spring from their mother... the Catholic Church. It was not until Martin Luther did some ppl rebel against the papacy.

You need to work on your time lines.

So you think the ppl that wrote, edited, and published ALL the Bibles, you think the bible isn't theirs? :lol:



Well-Known Member
I have a question for those that know more about the Vatican... Where do they get their money these days? Churches in the US don't ever send a penny to the vatican do they? Or if some do which ones? I never understood all the division and variants of cristianity there are or if any work together.


Active Member
You must be dense. Who put the Bible together? The Roman Catholic Church did... :roll:

all sects of Christianity spring from their mother... the Catholic Church. It was not until Martin Luther did some ppl rebel against the papacy.

You need to work on your time lines.

So you think the ppl that wrote, edited, and published ALL the Bibles, you think the bible isn't theirs? :lol:

The origin of the Catholic Church is the tragic compromise of Christianity with the pagan religions that surrounded it.

Church: It is people who believe In the real jesus the jesus of the holy bible. It is people who in an instant became a changed person changed by realizing that there is a God and Savior. Its not a building filled with "chrisian's" who wonders how much they can sin and still go to heaven. It's the christian's that has had a changed heart and does not want to sin.

For the first 280 years of Christian history, Christianity was banned by the Roman empire, and Christians were terribly persecuted.

Determining the canon was a process conducted first by Jewish rabbis and scholars and later by early Christians.

The real chruch, the one you can't see, it is real people, who really love, help, & care for people its not the neighbor who goes to church because there parents did, its not the stuff you see on tv, its not the hypocrite that we all know And its definitly not the church you call roman catholic.

Apparently you have never met a real christian.
does the bible say if there were dinosaurs?? are religious people allowed to believe in dinosaurs???? because if you think about it we have ALOT of proof that they existed but if they did and we can prove that over time they evolved and went from the diff time periods (trassic, jarassic,etc.) then wouldnt it be safe to say that the theory of elvelotion of humans from monkey or apes or chimps would be logical?? i mean we have proof that we were cave men and back then we were diff and we elvolved.... i dont understand how the bible can just say there was adam already elvolved and then eve CAME from him already elvolved... and if that was true then reliogion is a big hoax cause my prest used to say that interbreeding and insest is bad yet if it started from adam an eve then there kids either had to get together or a kid and the parent but then there kids would have had to get together.... then saying that somehow they split up and some went to asia and africa and america and we (get this) elvolved into how we are today... the african had to get used to the sun so there bodys elvolved and gained more melenoma(i cant spel sorry) and pigment in there skin and the asains had to get accumstomed to there region and so forth.... so how would the bible explain that?? and why is it okay for you to "pray" to god and its ok but if you get an answer your crazy?? but if you think about it your crazy either way because they say if you talk and get no response your talking to yourself... i dont get it... can anyone help with any of these questions i have?? and im very sorry if i have offeneded anyone.
The thing is most people take what is written in the bible literally.
One thing I do remember reading is when God said he would show no evidence of his existence and that you have to believe by faith.
So to hide his existence there has to be an explanation for every thing.
What if when scientist's figured out where oil came from and the only answer they could come up with was God must of made it?
In a way science proves the existence of God.
Cannabis proves he's a loving Godbongsmilie


The thing is most people take what is written in the bible literally.
One thing I do remember reading is when God said he would show no evidence of his existence and that you have to believe by faith.
So to hide his existence there has to be an explanation for every thing.
What if when scientist's figured out where oil came from and the only answer they could come up with was God must of made it?
In a way science proves the existence of God.
Cannabis proves he's a loving Godbongsmilie

Well then what does AIDS, the boubonic plague, and the flesh eating virus prove? :confused:
Well then what does AIDS, the boubonic plague, and the flesh eating virus prove? :confused:
Damned if I know.
I know real religious people will give you an answer, but I'm not one so I can't.

Here's my thoughts on what God is.
I figure we are all energy, that includes all plants and animals.
God is the collective of that energy.
As far as what others believe I don't care.'
As far as others excepting what I believe, I don't care.
My beliefs work for me, but may not work for you.
That's why I don't try to convince others I'm right and they're wrong or visa versa.
That's how most wars start.


New Member
If you simply see the world objectively, it's pretty messed up conceptually. Think about it.

Everything has to kill to survive. Almost everything gets eaten. In the animal world it's usually eaten while still alive. Uhhhh.... gross? Over the top violent perhaps?

Tigers kill Gazelles, gazelles kill grass, grass kills trees...... on and on right on down to paramecium.

Has it occurred to you that this planet may be the worst place in the Universe?
What if most other life bearing planets all live off of sunshine and convert that into energy. There is no killing. It is unknown to them. This planet would be a HORROR show to them...... a horror.

I'm just saying...... the concept is crude and maniacal. Who would do something like this ON PURPOSE??????

The smaller we go (subatomic particles) the more chaos we find, not order. All the signs keep pointing to randomness.
i believe in god and i've started reading the bible sometimes it gets confusing but i find it easier to believe that we were created by someone who had a purpose for us rather than believe we were all created by accident. .
and that we came from monkeys :s
but thats my opinion.


i believe in god and i've started reading the bible sometimes it gets confusing but i find it easier to believe that we were created by someone who had a purpose for us rather than believe we were all created by accident. .
and that we came from monkeys :s
but thats my opinion.

Why the fuck... does everyone say "we didn't come from monkeys..." - That's gotta be the biggest misconception in all of highschool science.


Well-Known Member
i believe in god and i've started reading the bible sometimes it gets confusing but i find it easier to believe that we were created by someone who had a purpose for us rather than believe we were all created by accident. .
and that we came from monkeys :s
but thats my opinion.
And that's pure human nature to want to believe you have some purpose, and all that might go with it like an afterlife in heaven. Who wouldn't want to believe it. I an athiest would like to, it's just that none of it stands up to any scrutiny if you challenge anything let alone if you are the type of person who challenges everything.

Trust me my life would have been easier had I just thought there was a god, anyones life is easier with that thought especially those with a hard life for any reason.

But even as a child I never could just believe something someone told me without question and I couldn't accept all the lame answers I was given to my questions by the nuns who should have known those answers in the catholic school I went to as a kid. This athiest is no stranger to the sytem, they tried to assimilate me, but I resisted. You choose not to resist, that's your right as an american I guess... As long as you are aware the reasons you choose aren't based in logic but are based in your personal desire to believe period then you are ahead of many already.


New Member
i believe in god and i've started reading the bible sometimes it gets confusing but i find it easier to believe that we were created by someone who had a purpose for us rather than believe we were all created by accident. .
and that we came from monkeys :s
but thats my opinion.
Uh huh.... there was the key statement...
" i find it easier to believe that we were created by someone who had a purpose for us rather than believe we were all created by accident."

Yes, it is easier, but entirely incorrect. The easy answers that spew forth from religion are meant to be a "comfort". It's completely made up non sense, but it can make ppl feel better.

I'd rather face the world as it is, than as I wish it to be.

Why the fuck... does everyone say "we didn't come from monkeys..." - That's gotta be the biggest misconception in all of highschool science.
:lol: We did not come from Monkeys. We all came together from the same tree line of genetics, but that's it. They are our cousins, not our parents.

The church has been drumming that nonsense for quite awhile now.

One more error on the church side. Let us prey, er pray.


Active Member
And that's pure human nature to want to believe you have some purpose, and all that might go with it like an afterlife in heaven. Who wouldn't want to believe it. I an athiest would like to, it's just that none of it stands up to any scrutiny if you challenge anything let alone if you are the type of person who challenges everything.

Trust me my life would have been easier had I just thought there was a god, anyones life is easier with that thought especially those with a hard life for any reason.

But even as a child I never could just believe something someone told me without question and I couldn't accept all the lame answers I was given to my questions by the nuns who should have known those answers in the catholic school I went to as a kid. This athiest is no stranger to the sytem, they tried to assimilate me, but I resisted. You choose not to resist, that's your right as an american I guess... As long as you are aware the reasons you choose aren't based in logic but are based in your personal desire to believe period then you are ahead of many already.

Now I'm not one for being a preacher or nuthing, but I would waiger a christian response to your above sentiment would be, "The fool in his heart says there is no God". Thats in the old testament, btw.

I've really been enjoying your posts and some of the other crusaders against God, too. God is much more pleased with you than you may think.

He once said to a bunch of milk toast religious people "I wish you either loved me or hated me. But because you do nither, you make me want to vomit!" So, when I listen to people rail against God, I remember the apostle Paul, before he realized what he was doing......then I feel hopeful for you.

Many people understand that you only get angry with the people you care about or admire in some way. No one gets angry with a fairytale character, unless you're insane.



Now I'm not one for being a preacher or nuthing, but I would waiger a christian response to your above sentiment would be, "The fool in his heart says there is no God". Thats in the old testament, btw.

I've really been enjoying your posts and some of the other crusaders against God, too. God is much more pleased with you than you may think.

He once said to a bunch of milk toast religious people "I wish you either loved me or hated me. But because you do nither, you make me want to vomit!" So, when I listen to people rail against God, I remember the apostle Paul, before he realized what he was doing......then I feel hopeful for you.

Many people understand that you only get angry with the people you care about or admire in some way. No one gets angry with a fairytale character, unless you're insane.


Maui, what kind of bullshit is this? I certainly hope you don't actually believe that...

This is not the first time I've heard this.. "You must believe in God if you hate him so much!" - atheism has NOTHING to do with believing God exists. That is not what an atheist is. An atheist is a person who either believes God does not exist or that the thought of God actually existing is highly unlikely. (I don't think God exists...)

It's not like we're sitting here saying "yeah, that God character sure is mean, I'm not going to worship him, he doesnt' deserve it!"... it's more like "ok, I don't see any reason to believe this God character exists (much like santa clause, am I angry at Chris Cringle too?)"..

We argue against the idea of God that the organized religions push because all of us atheists know the stories don't line up. It's bullshit. I'm not content letting people throw their minds away and idly sit by and watch the world turn to shit because of this. I feel obligated to educate at every turn, especially about religion or science.

So your logic of us being pissed off at God and that's why we're not believing in him makes as much sense as saying I'm pissed off at the easter bunny and that's why I don't believe in it, disregarding all the vast evidence to support the existence of the easter bunny that we have... :roll:


Well-Known Member
I hate organized religions, not a god. Any that claim to have any answers or evidenced anything of a god should such a thing exist, which I believe is practically impossible. Should there have ever been something you would call a god that had any hand in putting people or other animals on this earth or hell creating a whole galaxy in a test tube we don't know but I would just consider that being not a god but a being which evolved much earlier than us. Beings don't just appear out of nowhere. Complex living organisms of any type even a type we can't understand yet don't just come about poof. No. It would have had to have evolved somewhere, meaning not perfect either just ahead of us. Also it wouldn't give one shit about us or how we live our lives nor would he need to be praised nor worshiped.


I hate organized religions, not a god. Any that claim to have any answers or evidenced anything of a god should such a thing exist, which I believe is practically impossible. Should there have ever been something you would call a god that had any hand in putting people or other animals on this earth or hell creating a whole galaxy in a test tube we don't know but I would just consider that being not a god but a being which evolved much earlier than us. Beings don't just appear out of nowhere. Complex living organisms of any type even a type we can't understand yet don't just come about poof. No. It would have had to have evolved somewhere, meaning not perfect either just ahead of us. Also it wouldn't give one shit about us or how we live our lives nor would he need to be praised nor worshiped. Those are all obvously vain reasons created by man, a man seeking purpose, who would like to think he's somehow important enough to matter at all.

That's another thing I dont get about religion... The point of it is to praise God and glorify God. That's coming directly from believers mouths, I've asked plenty of them what the point of it is, that's the most common answer I get. So if that's the point, how the fuck could you possibly be satisfied with that?! And what does that even entail? Worship and glorify God... for all of eternity... always, all the time, at every moment, for hundreds of years, thousands of years, millions of years, billions of years, trillions of years... ETERNITY...

Talk about a fuckin' ego.

Clearly imperfect.