New Member
Very well put BT, i like reading what you have to say in most threads, i wish there was more like you !I have said that same basic thing many times. There are strains that to many here seem to be old and obsolete and outdated and because of they the new ones have to be better so the old ones drop in sales and also over time in price but their genetic quality has not dropped, they are still as good today as they ever were and much to the amazement of some they can be as good to even way better than the hot ticket flavor of the month that most everyone is drooling over.
The other one is newer strains that just are not yet well known or may have been around a while but while still very good sound reliable strains never hit the top three so they never gained the recognition they deserve or the following that should go with it so their prices are low.
Some people are only out for Mr. Toads Wild Ride but if someone has a specific need or purpose or just preference to fill and that is their main, number one and only goal there are some really good deals to be found and some include some in the very lowest levels of pricing and many in the lower middle to upper middle pricing range.
You do not have to pay through the nose to get something you actually need though it is likely in many cases you may have to pay through the nose to get something you only want.
Am not into that rep'ing shit but i respect your many coments.