I agree with both of you completely.

and what really bugs me are all those parents out there that are shielding their kids from the truth. Why not inform them on the reality of it? Why not explain that cannabis prohibition is an unjust law and the war on drugs is a joke? Maybe because most of them have no idea or any real knowledge on what is happening. They are the kinds of people that believe everything they are told and gladly choke down all the propaganda our government continues to spew. Then the only reason they have to back their argument for little johnny and susie is that its illegal...
damnit people, this crap is irritating. Cannabis is harmless and a lot of people do not understand this... I try spreading the word whenever i can.

And for all the nay sayers out there (which ironically will never read this) JUST LOOK AT THE FACTS, look at all the statistics, and look and see how many deaths are caused a year by alcohol alone. Find me
ONE documented case of death caused by cannabis alone. didnt think so...

Glad you enjoyed it!