do you beleive in ghosts


Well-Known Member
That is a fly by. All orbs are not going to look the same. Anyways that was posted right after I left forum. I beleive its an Orb because Mblaze was standing still shooting pics (5) and in the 3rd one there is a round white looking thing (orb). You can tell he is taking oics in the dark, so that is not a light and it has no shadow.

The picture below it looks like the same frame but Orb is off to right and a bit higher.


Well-Known Member
There's absolutely no evidence to suggest ghosts, demons, angels, heaven, hell, souls, etc.. exist. The idea behind them doesn't even really make any logical sense...
This is exactly why i can not get my head around the fact that people still believe in all this hocus pocus shit. I think its embarrassing.

Imagine if we ever did come in to contact with other 'intelligent' life and we told them all this nonsense, i'd be ashamed.


Well-Known Member
This is exactly why i can not get my head around the fact that people still believe in all this hocus pocus shit. I think its embarrassing.

Imagine if we ever did come in to contact with other 'intelligent' life and we told them all this nonsense, i'd be ashamed.
I was thinking the opposite, I mean like what if we met intelligent life and those of you who do not believe in "spirits" and "ghost" and they look upon the non beleivers as simple simons.


Well-Known Member
you gotta remember ghost stories has gone back to the beginning of time. like with jesus these stories wouldnt last centuries unless there is truth behind them


Well-Known Member
you gotta remember ghost stories has gone back to the beginning of time. like with jesus these stories wouldnt last centuries unless there is truth behind them
But science and reality have basically proved this not to be true but many people still cant face up to it because its hard for them to accept there isnt a magical theme park to go to when u die.

Its fear not truth, just like many people wont admit that they dont believe in ghosts cos they r scared to.

If there are any of those people reading - tell yourself RIGHT NOW that this is ridiculous and preposterous. I promise you, you will be fine.


Well-Known Member
That and there are people who can communicate with the dead on a daily basis.
no they fucking cant! Dont ever go to these people they r fucking con artists making an ABSOLUTE mint out of manipulating people. I think 'mediums' and such should actually be jailed. its disgusting.


Well-Known Member
LOL scientist can not beleive in something they fear, or can not touch. And they fear anything that goes bump in the night.
With out personal experience or your death, you will never believe in "spirits", after life, etc.
One day hopefully before your death, you will have a postive experience with the true understanding that one's spirit does not vanish to nothing just becuase they have no body to host.
It's a big universe out there, and we are but ants in it.


Well-Known Member
r u one of them?

does it feel good taking vulnarable peoples money to feed them a load of shit?

Golden Ganja - there is no such thing as a spirit. I couldnt agree more with ur last comment tho - we r but ants in a universe we dont yet understand. This is y i dont understand y people think all this stuff is aimed at us....Where r all the lil doggy ghosts? Big elephant ghosts?? What makes us so special (and dont say its cos humans have spirits, that isnt an answer... its more drivvel)


Well-Known Member
r u one of them?

does it feel good taking vulnarable peoples money to feed them a load of shit?

Golden Ganja - there is no such thing as a spirit. I couldnt agree more with ur last comment tho - we r but ants in a universe we dont yet understand. This is y i dont understand y people think all this stuff is aimed at us....Where r all the lil doggy ghosts? Big elephant ghosts?? What makes us so special (and dont say its cos humans have spirits, that isnt an answer... its more drivvel)
Dogs have spirits too. As a matter of fact (personal experience) I have seen dogs with thier former master (both dead) togther walking through there house.
I never take a dime from anyone, never will. But when a spirit is standing next to there former lover and wants to convey a message, I have no problems what so ever relaying message to and fro.
Like I said, I don't expect you to believe, and I realize there are scandelous poeple who will take your money useing any angle they can, including charitys and religeon.
Just remember you will too will know the truth in time. That I can 100% Gurantee you. :clap:
Gotta Go, try not to be so harsh on what others can see and you can not, it's not a fault we have, it's a GIFT. :-P


Well-Known Member
ok, u r not a money grabbing a-hole so i take that back. I think u genuinely do believe u see these things so fair play to ya, its not something im ever going to buy into UNLESS i experience something myself that couldnt possibly be anything else... this never happens tho. how many people feel as strongly against this stuff as i do and then r turned by experiencing something....... Its the believers who see it all - which is a tad suspicious imo


Well-Known Member
one day you will see there is some truth to it. i think most medians or physics are fake but i do beleive there are some that are real. just look at Nostradamus he predicted world war one and two and earthquakes and stuff like that. how did he know 200 years later this would happen? there is somethin to it


Well-Known Member
Can't remember who said this: "I don't believe in ghosts, but they still scare me" I can relate to that
i dont know where this fear comes from anyway....whats there to be scared of? its not like u here of ppl being killed or robbed by a ghost!

id tell a ghost to fucking do one :finger: