do you beleive in ghosts


Well-Known Member
My daughter is 4 saw a ghost walking down are stairs. She was not afraid but just came to me to tell me.
Yeah not scary, but fer real.


Well-Known Member
when i was living in the house in south carolina when i would be laying in the house i would feel like a cat walk on my back but no cat


Well-Known Member
i lived in a haunted house in south carolina bout 2 or 3 years ago. i think its interesting. it wasnt as interesting maybe even skeptical till i had my own experiences.


Well-Known Member
i lived in a haunted house in south carolina bout 2 or 3 years ago. i think its interesting. it wasnt as interesting maybe even skeptical till i had my own experiences.
Cool. We live a block away from a very old cemetary, we get activity every once in awhile. Not too often like I thought we would.


Well-Known Member
well i beleive there are ghosts and demons. people dont think much of it till something happens to them


Well-Known Member
Yeah I beleive in them both. Had personal experiences with other people's demons. It's like evil people are protected or guided by evil demons and the good people have Gaurdian Angels about.


Well-Known Member
i would love to get a picture or recording of some indisputable proof. it would make a lot of people recognize that there are other things that science cant explain.


Well-Known Member
i dont know what to think about orbs. they are possibly really spirits contracting energy. but i think a good bit if not most of them can be proven to be blemishes or dust or something or a smear on the camera. im sure some of them are really what they are.


Well-Known Member
They are Spirits in raw energy. I looked for an old picture I had but I could not find it. Anyways the cat was looking at us in first shot then second shot he turned and was looking at 2 orbs coming right at him across carpet.


Well-Known Member
When I would go frequent chat rooms with Psychics/Mediums then take pictures around the house there was many Orbs in our house. But if I stayed out of those rooms and kept my home blessed there would be very few.


Well-Known Member
yeah im sure orbs are real. im not disputing that. i just think everyone (mainly on tv cuz thats where i see it) who has taken pics of orbs the pics have been dismissed. you know what i mean? ppl take pics and dont know whats in the pic and say its an orb. but im sure alot of them are really orbs too