New Member
The sad fact is, man has not progressed all that much since swinging in the trees. Oh, our brain got hardwired and connected up nicely with the opposable thumb, and we can create tech marvels with those connections, and it is amazing. BUT, man himself hasn't really changed much. A lot of the superstitions are still there. We are primitive still. You might say that our timing is off a bit. Our hands out evolved our brains.
Perhaps the next KOH Species will get the timing down better. Maybe we are the "proto" try out. The next time, nature will synch up the growth of the brain with the hands evenly. Slow it down a bit....make a more thoughtful and logical creature.
One that won't linger too long in front of the mirror...
Perhaps the next KOH Species will get the timing down better. Maybe we are the "proto" try out. The next time, nature will synch up the growth of the brain with the hands evenly. Slow it down a bit....make a more thoughtful and logical creature.
One that won't linger too long in front of the mirror...