My LED fluoro grow #1


Well-Known Member
Here's an update
Watered the ladies today getting harder and harder to get to the back plants so I took a couple out. the first pics are of the one I topped and the other 2 are ones I didn't. It was nice to get a good look at them it is pretty crowded but I really don't like pruning fan leaves I pretty much just bend them down out of the way. I only remove yellowing and dead leaves. It got pretty warm today I think the highest I saw it was 85F humidity 50% check em out:joint::peace:
lookin damn good bean!!!:) keep it up :joint:new pics on my thread check em out

Bean 420

Well-Known Member
Ok so it's been a little while and things are still going good for the most part but I have hit a little speed bump. I went on vacation for a week and had to leave the ladies alone for a week. I had a buddy of my stop by mid week to water them. I set everything up for him ahead of time I mixed the nutes before I left and told him what to do down to the T. I get back at the end of the week though and a couple of plants looked either heat stressed or nute burned I'm not sure which. Their leaves looked cupped and discolored. Now it as probably the warmest it had been all year and the temps in my closet got up to at least 90F from what I saw when I came home. Now some plants, the majority looked fine, but the others that were affected looked in my eyes awful. Shriveled dark green with maroonish brown spots. It was most noticeable at the tops of the plants, the bottom of the plants didn't look so bad. I immediately flush the affected plants with 10 gallons of PH'ed water a piece (they are in 4 gallon pots) and watered the others with just plain PH'ed water just to be safe, I did my best to cool the closet down and hoped for the best. The temps have been 85-88 since then and I haven't seen much improvement in a day. I decided to remove the leaves that I felt weren't salvageable, I hope this didn't stress them further but I couldn't stand to look at them in that hurting state. Now I guess the bright side is that 2 of the 3 plants affected the most were late bloomers and hadn't developed as much as the others, though the other that was affected was probably my nicest and best producing plant.... boo. Now like i said I'm not sure if it was the heat or if pre mixing my nutes and letting them sit for 5 days before watering was the cause. My buddy checked the PH before watering and said it was fine. I was happy with the increase in bud development and the fact that they seemed to stop stretching vertically I'll try to get some new pics up I need batteries for my camera. Please if anyone has had a similar experience I would love to hear how long it will take them to rebound, or if there is anything you think i can do to help them please let me know

Bean 420

Well-Known Member
Ok here are the pics
#1 probably the worst looking one
#2 an unaffected plant
#3 overhead shot
#4 What my nicest now looks like ouch
#5 a nice bud after i took the hurting fans leaves off
#6 my frosty plant is turning a little yellow under the heaviest frost, yellow spots

again if anyone has any suggestions or words of encouragement (basically to tell me everything is ok and that I didn't F*CK up too bad) I would love to hear it :wall:
I'm at just over 5 weeks of flower



Well-Known Member
Temps have been higher than 88 at canopy levelThat might be the entire problem, its hard to peg pH probs with heat stress, so I'm not sure on that one..


Well-Known Member
I fathom that what is wrong is multiple different ph, lockout, and actual nute burn issues, all of which are made worse by the temps.

good thing you had previously practiced the 'flush' reaction bean...

Bean 420

Well-Known Member
Well not much has changed, the hurting leaves are now crispy and dead at last the one I hadn't already trimmed them off but they haven't gotten any worse. The temps are holding in the mid to high 80's when the lights are on and mid to high 70's when they are off. Since I couldn't get the temps to drop that much I figured I'd make the best of the situation and add some homemade sugar and yeast CO2. I mixed up 2 1 gallon jugs with 4 cups of sugar, a teaspoon of yeast, a little molasses, and a couple drops of vinegar. They seem to be working lots of little bubbles rising to the surface today hopefully this will help them deal with the higher temps. At the worst I might junk 2 plants but they were under achievers anyways, we'll see

Bean 420

Well-Known Member
Ok here's a week 6 of flower update. Things are looking better since the heat and PH/Nute problems. I think the Co2 set up is working well. even the worst plant is making a comeback and the other less affected continue to add weight and improve. Here are some pics.
#1 A top
#2 " "
#3 " "
#4 Overhead
#5 unaffected plant late bloomer
#6 worst one
#7 This is the normal N def that happens in flower I hope


Well-Known Member
Ok here's a week 6 of flower update. Things are looking better since the heat and PH/Nute problems. I think the Co2 set up is working well. even the worst plant is making a comeback and the other less affected continue to add weight and improve. Here are some pics.
#1 A top
#2 " "
#3 " "
#4 Overhead
#5 unaffected plant late bloomer
#6 worst one
#7 This is the normal N def that happens in flower I hope


Well-Known Member
Yeah you got enough time left yet bean-
for those girls to recover, and put on weight somewhere near to their full potential...

I just learned I have to, no matter what, refresh my res every week in order to avoid those kind of problems. From certain death to explosive regrowth in about a week. If your girls have stopped putting on vertical though...

they're not gonna look real pretty ever again.

I hope they fill out though!

Bean 420

Well-Known Member
Here's a little update. Plants are looking better everyday, more new new growth. I gave them a less potent nute mixture at their last watering to ease them back up to normal dosage. I also rearranged the plants in the room so that the tallest were closest to the UFO in the middle, on the sides I don't think the tallest tops benefitted from the UFO they weren't getting direct light. I also picked up one of those hand held microscopes and took a look at the trichs and they all appeared clear still. Temps have been staying mainly in the high 80's with the lights on

Bean 420

Well-Known Member
Ok so its been a full 2 months of flower now and I figured I needed to due a little update. Temps in my area have been hot, can you say heat-wave. Any hoo basically I top out everyday for almost a week and a half at 90-92F, if I'm lucky its in the high 80's in there. And the ladies are drinking like crazy. But things still look good, still have new growth probably about 1/2 inch new growth to the tops of the main buds since the PH/nute issues occurred about 3 weeks ago. Trichs still look clear under the mini microscope, which I must say is pretty awesome, buds will still be adding weight and the trichs look crazy under that thing, coolest thing I ever bought for $12. I think my home-made CO2 jugs are running out and I'm wondering if I i need to add more sugar or yeast or if they are just done? Here are some new pics. I was curious what people think as far as how much longer they will go? Many buds still have all white hairs others are 50/50 white and red hairs. I want to make sure I have enough time to flush but I don't want to due it prematurely.
Here are the pics
#1 One main bud
#2 Another
#3 smaller bud close up
#4 Top of the 4 headed plant
#5 One of my tops, discouraging, recently put it directly under the UFO to see if it will fill out hopefully it just needs time, what is there is incredibly frosty, weird single leaves?
#6 Over view



Well-Known Member
nice bean those colas are fucking immense my man.

don't be afraid to run them to like 10 weeks to see if they fill out.

I wish mine were that long.

you proud mother fucker

The Wookie

Active Member
damn i dig the set up. i was about to invest in LEDs and use a lot of supplemental cfl's but i just keep hearing that the results for LEDs still arnt quite there. Im interested to see if these fill out a lil more and how the yield comes out on this. Plants look nice and healthy though. Congats

Bean 420

Well-Known Member
Thanks for checking in Treeth and the Wookie. I am pretty happy with how things turned out, I definitely met my expectations. On the down side I think I can write off 2 of my plants as a total loss due to very little bud development, they were hit hard by the nute/heat/PH troubles. I am getting the itch to snip the more lovely looking ones, but I'll use my mini microscope to determine the right time for each plant or bud i want to make sure I give them a good flush too, I think probably nothing but plain water, PH'ed of course the rest of the way. Maybe the late bloomers might get one more feeding of nutes. What do you guys think?
Hey treeth are you getting a little fed up with the LEDs you haven't seemed too positive on the posts that I seen lately? Hows your grow going?


Well-Known Member
BEAN 420!!!!!!

whats going on man hows the girls they glowing amber yet already or what? fuck I can't wait to harvest... Its almost the end of august! Fuck!

this is week 7 for me. I'm willing to run long, i got 100% sativa, so I'll wait till they are ripe, to get some trippy mother fuking weed. I hope in the next two weeks they really start dripping with crystals...

I've experienced very little, almost no yellowing yet, being a month beyond grow nutes.

I think its a good idea to flush them a week before you think they're done, but remember the longer the better. I've heard things like the most productive fruiting time can be a week before the life cycle is pretty much complete... I want brown, sour looking buds, and discolored leaves and everything. Plus I got this botanicaire sweet, its like digestible carbs and shit, but no nutes... So i get to flush and still get them more sugars (i took that from stinkbud)


About the leds...

I have two plants under 800 watts of red leds, I know the number has changed, i just run better numbers for the first time, as 900 was more impressive.

The footprint, and the canopies which more or less fill the footprint up,

is 2x2.

So, I have 200 watts of light per foot, when the number thats necessary is more like 60, meaning my lights could be covering a 4x4 area.

Anyways, I should have CRAZY fucking bud, huuge colas, but,

I'm growing a "medium" yeilding pure sativa, plants whic have had inordinate amounts of stress and have heroicly not hermied, and with less than desirable growth patterns.

I mean, i'm shooting for a gram per watt, cause I pretty much know what i'm doing, now at least. Soo,

800 grams, 32 grams an ozzy means I need to yeild 25 oz, which at this point, looking at the well developed colas, I don't think its gonna happen. Though if I come close I will be elated, I need to prove watt for watt parity with an hps before anything else can happen.

a fat greasy indica is what I need. And I need to fuck the tree format, cause well mothered sog is the way to effeciently fill an area with bud sites, and use all of your light.

and i'm procrastinating on getting more plants in there, cause i don't know how much I like the plants I have. Fuck it. I can always get more seeds, the genetics are not that special.

Thanks for the help bean,

give us a harvest report,
hit me up with any harvesting drying curing questions.

Bean 420

Well-Known Member
Treeth unfortunately no Amber yet and I stress yet. I have searched long and hard my friend, and I'm willing to be liberal with what I call amber but I can say that I have Cloudy Trichs and nicely frosted buds. Some of the lower branches on my more developed plants are pretty much ready to cut, almost all the hairs are now red 95%, but no AMBER TRICHS!!!! I will be patient, I will wait. They are fox tailing at the tops of the buds. I hope they won't be airy but I fear they will be. I won't judge my success with weight and density of buds, I would happier to just achieve a high quality, even if they are airy. Or at least that is what I tell myself. I wish my camera didn't suck at close ups because they look dynamite. It has now been 68 days of flowering, and the ones I plan to harvest first haven't had nutes now for a week (hopefully they only need another week), but the slackers are still getting fed. I definitely will post a harvest report when things are all done. As far as curing I would be curios to hear your technique. I was planning to use the closet to dry in but since I'm cutting some before others, I probably won't do that. Maybe a rubber maid tub with a fan a and racks? I'm not really sure maybe just hang them and then to a paper bag before jarring them up? Help me out


Well-Known Member
my suggestion is to go in and remove some popcorn... the buds that will never be significant because they are just to low, so you can get a feel for the different stages of a bud losing moisture.

hang em in a closet with a fan, this stage will probably take a couple of days, while the buds sweat and the stem becomes weak while it loses moisture, and slowly dryness will creep up the bud.

I think the thing to avoid while drying is to not overdry the bud- it'll get crisp and fall apart easily an stuff,

but the stem takes a while to dry out, which is why you gotta try to keep it slow.

when the stem is dry its ready for some time in the jars.

amen for the heady nuggets- the best ive ever had was some fluffy ass ak, an eighth of which was like four-5 fingers high in the baggie... good stuff.

marijuana should be a volume product, considering the trichs cover the outside of the plant material, meaning I want surface area!

Bean 420

Well-Known Member
Ok so I trimmed some of the lower buds, basically any buds that started to show amber trichs last weekend and they have been hanging out to dry for about 4 days now. They probably need a couple more days before they can go into jars. The buds look nice all manicured up but they are pretty lite, hopefully the main colas will be more beefy. I feel like theses LEDs cause the plants to continue to stretch and grow even in flower. The bottom of the buds look done but the tops look like they still need time. The tops are kinda branchy, and the leaves are twisting a little, so I'm still raising the UFO pretty often. I tested some smaller buds, they need to cure longer, but they do the job. I'll try to get some bud shots up soon. Do you think switching from 14 on 10 off to 12/12 would help them finish up?