My First Grow: DWC in Grow Box w/ 250 HID Bulb (Open Thread)


Well-Known Member
I had some free time tonight so I ended up trimming one of the branches from Jean Grey (Master Kush). Took one of the longer branches and damn... it took me a REALLY long time. But then again, I was being really anal with getting rid of as much of the leaves as possible. It seriously took me an hour just to do one branch. And wow were my fingers sticky... unreal.

The stuff I buy from friends, looking closely at it, you can see they just clip away most of the leaves, but there's still a good amount left. So what's the deal? Be anal and trim away all? Or just trim most?

Jigfresh, two things... first, thanks big time for the spring-loaded clipper... I could not imagine manicuring with regular scissors. Also, as for the stacking of those jars -- yes, they are stackable. However, I would stack them on top of each other on a glass coffee table. Know what I mean? Not designed to be stacked, but it's definitely doable if you do it in a cabinet against a corner. The 68 ouncer was pretty sweet, but I went with the 61 since it was wider and easier to store.

Alright, so here are some pics from tonight:

1. Lois Lane (AK48 ) after 1 day of drying

2. Jean Grey (Master Kush) after 1 day of drying

3. Stuff I bought today... glass jars from IKEA (and jigfresh, showing how they stack), and the scissors from AC Moore.

4. Manicuring one of Jean Grey's branches... before anything is done

5. JG after clipping away the fan leaves. Made three piles w/ the fan leaves, those w/ absolutely no crystals, those with minimal crystals, and those with good amount of crystals. I may end up just mixing these all together after manicuring all of JG and making special brownies.

6. Top of JG is clean, now onto the bottom. Holy crap those small buds are such a pain in the ass to manicure.

7. Done... let me explain the piles:

Above the branch left of the lamp are the sugar leaves. Lots of trichomes

The pile to the left of that pile are really small buds that were much too difficult to trim.... all basically from the very bottom of the branch. I'll end up grinding those and collecting the kief.

Piles up top are the ones explain from above.

Tomorrow night, the manicuring continues! :weed::weed::weed::weed::weed::weed::weed::weed:



Well-Known Member
Hard work huh. I can't even tell you how bad my first harvest was with all those branches. You are doing a smash up job though. For one... you will get faster with practice. I vote for immaculate trimming, but that is if you have the time. I got lazy on some of my PK and when I was jarring it today I didn't like the way it looked... not sure if I can tell any difference in smoke. I haven't tried it yet.

It's funny how when you trim down the buds they seem so small, but at the same time you look at it all and it is SO MUCH weed to have.

Power to the spring loaded clippers.


Well-Known Member
I just got settled in for the night so I'm going to get back to manicuring Jean Grey. I'm going to tackle her biggest branch... this should take me an hour or little more.

Jigs and wvoid, I'll be back on later to respond to both of you.

Here's a pic of my work area... what you can't see is my HDTV playing a little Bela Fleck and the Flecktones (if you know who they are... +rep to you!)



Well-Known Member
No idea on the fleckstones... but I have a ps3 as well. Nice. Also love the bong... I'm guessing you made that out of a liquor bottle. Very Nice.

What games do you play?

Good luck on the trimming. I've found if you just concentrate and keep cutting every few seconds it goes so much quicker. Not thinking about where to trim next, or looking at the tv... just cut, haha. Like you need an instruction book to remove leaves.

Oh... the "NS Mem. PK Hashball" is actually a cube, and it weighs in at 3 grams. Very very nice.



Well-Known Member
No idea on the fleckstones... but I have a ps3 as well. Nice. Also love the bong... I'm guessing you made that out of a liquor bottle. Very Nice.

What games do you play?

Good luck on the trimming. I've found if you just concentrate and keep cutting every few seconds it goes so much quicker. Not thinking about where to trim next, or looking at the tv... just cut, haha. Like you need an instruction book to remove leaves.

Oh... the "NS Mem. PK Hashball" is actually a cube, and it weighs in at 3 grams. Very very nice.

thanks for the tip on trimming, definitely found myself never looking up at the tv and just cruised along. it helped smoking, helps make it mindless. so jigs, first, a question for you. all the really small sugar leaves... do you clip them all too? i mean, some, the tips barely show above the buds.

so with your post from yesterday... yeah, it's unbelievable how much the branches and colas seem after manicuring.... it's almost a bit depressing. but like you said... it's still an ARSE load of bud, plus a ARSE load of sugar leaves to make other stuff that will get you blazed.

as for the bong, it was actually a gift from a friend. he made it out of a finished bottle of goldschlager. it's one of my oldest pieces. love it man. :bongsmilie:

for my ps3, i have cod4 (which i play the most), oblivion, mirrors edge, assassins creed, and little big planet which is the best game ever to play stoned... i imagine all the developers were stoners. about to go pick up madden '10 when it comes out.

3 gram cube??? niiiiiiice. :drool: i'm honored man and if you can, anyway i can see a pic of it?


Well-Known Member
Fantanstic! How much was your wet/dry weight?
yo wvoider... so first off, like the new pics in your album. looking really good man. keep me posted.

as for the weight... i did not weigh wet. i have a very small digital scale and only planned on weighing when the drying is complete. i will be sure to post there results. i'm just as eager to find out. all i do know is that it's a lot of bud and will def last me a few months... maybe more. either that or i'll just have to start smoking even more than i already do... :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I just got settled in for the night so I'm going to get back to manicuring Jean Grey. I'm going to tackle her biggest branch... this should take me an hour or little more.

Jigs and wvoid, I'll be back on later to respond to both of you.

Here's a pic of my work area... what you can't see is my HDTV playing a little Bela Fleck and the Flecktones (if you know who they are... +rep to you!)
So I was dead on with my time estimate in how long it would take me to manicure that branch. It took me 1 hour 5 mins. The cola on this one looks great, can't wait to try her. I'll have a pic of the results tomorrow.

Also cleaned up another smaller branch in about 30 mins. I have another 3 branches left to Jean Grey, which I plan on knocking out tomorrow.

I may also start on Lois Lane tomorrow if I have enough time. Man, this manicuring thing is not exactly what I consider a good time. But hey, I just know it's gonna all pay off really soon.


Well-Known Member
Man, this manicuring thing is not exactly what I consider a good time.
Seriously, right? I felt like someone was playing a trick on me when it came to trimming. Like 'no one told me about this'. I slacked off on my purple kush a bit and am bummed. I wish I would have kept my high standard.

As for my small leaves... I pretty much get 'everything'. The ones that just barely stick out I try and get in and clip them 'below the surface'. Again, I don't know if it's worth it... it's just what I do.

Me and my wife both play oblivion. I play little big planet. Me and my wife also like rocking together on one of our many guitar/ drum games. I like racing sims and bought the ps3 and my tv primarily for gran turismo 5. Talk about patience... growing plants is nothing. Thanks for indulging me.

I took a couple pics of the nsmpkhc... hope you enjoy.



Well-Known Member
LBP is the greatest game ever dude, I think they are coming out with a second one. I like that little hash square if that is what you took a pic of


Active Member
I just got settled in for the night so I'm going to get back to manicuring Jean Grey. I'm going to tackle her biggest branch... this should take me an hour or little more.

Jigs and wvoid, I'll be back on later to respond to both of you.

Here's a pic of my work area... what you can't see is my HDTV playing a little Bela Fleck and the Flecktones (if you know who they are... +rep to you!)
Nice pixs NS28! Looks like its going to be some good smoke!! Can't wait itll im at that point :) I saw belafleck and the flecktones back in the day when they were touring with Dave matthews great show to say the least!!


Well-Known Member
Seriously, right? I felt like someone was playing a trick on me when it came to trimming. Like 'no one told me about this'. I slacked off on my purple kush a bit and am bummed. I wish I would have kept my high standard.

As for my small leaves... I pretty much get 'everything'. The ones that just barely stick out I try and get in and clip them 'below the surface'. Again, I don't know if it's worth it... it's just what I do.

Me and my wife both play oblivion. I play little big planet. Me and my wife also like rocking together on one of our many guitar/ drum games. I like racing sims and bought the ps3 and my tv primarily for gran turismo 5. Talk about patience... growing plants is nothing. Thanks for indulging me.

I took a couple pics of the nsmpkhc... hope you enjoy.
jigfresh, i love my little nsmpkhc. hope she's treating you and your wife well.

as for the ps3, i heard gran turismo 5 is a loooooong game. i remember playing that series on the ps2 and you're right, a lot of patience needed. i would say, right now, patience needed for manicuring is right up there. if you private message me your ps3 account name, i'll gladly friend you on there too.

regarding the manicuring, i will admit, i haven't been extremely anal with getting every little leaf. now, i see why you prefer to manicure when they're fresh cut. it's tough to tell what are leaves and what are bud. but hey, as long as most leaves are gone, i think it'll be good enough for me. i'll be a little more anal tonight.... maybe.

LBP is the greatest game ever dude, I think they are coming out with a second one. I like that little hash square if that is what you took a pic of
looks like we've got a small LBP crowd here. my favorite thing in LBP? bitch smacking the other players on there. hahahaha.


Well-Known Member
Note: I originally had this as a quick post, but decided to move it over to a full post and will continue to edit this as the night continues, or until someone else posts below.

Original (5:18 PM EDT):
Just got home from work for the day and about to settle down and start manicuring for the evening. Hoping to get as much done as possible... probably the rest of Jean Grey and half of Lois Lane.

Question though... Jean Grey SMELLS LIKE FRIGGIN' GRASS!!! She smelled so sweet when I cut her down on Sunday, and yesterday, I got wiffs of grass. But today, all the bud smells like straight grass. Is this normal and just a phase of drying?

Even though it's only be three days since harvesting and even though she smells like grass, I'm about to try a small piece of bud I accidentally clipped off on Monday night. This bud smells better than the ones hanging up, and is pretty dry (I left it between two brown paper bags with the trims.

I'll be on and off throughout the night and will provide a more formal update later on tonight.


Few things. First, I just smoked the bud and took two hits... and wow... at first, I was a bit scared b/c it wasn't that strong of a high. but holy... it just kept growing in intensity and even now, it's still growing. Cannot wait for the final, properly dried and cured bud! (as long as it stops smelling like grASS)

Alright two question... oh shit, I forget them...

Oh, first one... those leaves that dried up brown.... do you want to keep those or toss them?

Second... damn, I really don't remember my other question.

I'll be back when I remember.

5:48 PM - Remember it... do you want to trim all the fuzzy red hairs? The bud I trimmed on Monday night, the red hairs are sticking out like a fro'


Well-Known Member
Here are a bunch of pics from last night and today.

Following are from last night:
1. A little hashball from my fingers... or a little piece of mouse turd, you decide.

2. Finished product from last night... just over one hour to finish.

3. Crazy artsy stoners

4. Close up.

Following are from today:
5. Jean Grey all cleaned up:
- Top left and top right piles are the fan leaves
- The pile all the way to the left above the branches are buds which were too small to manicure... so I just ended up clipping them off with leaves and all
- Pile to the right of that are the sugar leaves
- And of course, all the bud. There are three smaller branches I did not include in this pic

6 & 7 are both just more closeups of the bud.



Well-Known Member
I would leave the hairs IMO. who about a close up of the buds brother? :)
Paranoid is right... leave the hairs. Absolutely.

And the smell will definitely get better, not sure what it will end up like... and it might not smell like all you would ever want, but it will definitely get better.

Rock on.

EDIT: My favorite part of LBP is the spinning wheel levels... especially high. Just throwing little sackboy around is so fun. I also just LOVE the costumes and all.


Well-Known Member
DAMN DUDE... your bud looks fucking awesome. WOW. Seriously that shit is ON.

I was wondering about my little afros too, but when it dries the hairs pull up along side the bud and looks like the herb you get from others (only way better).

I see that ziplock bag with herb in it.... that will be a thing of the past.

The proof is in the pudding. Well by the look of those buds, you, my friend, are a growing master. And things will only get better from here.

Way to hit a home run your first major league at bat. Props.


Active Member
yeahh no kidding! That looks fab! Looks like at least 1.5-2.0 oz's easy Nice work my friend, jars all the way from here for you now.