Today's the big day... and I'm hoping I'll be alright tonight to still harvest. Bachelor party last night, hungover today and only got 3 hours of sleep. Let's see what happens.
Originally, I had planned on harvesting all three plants at the same time and just drying in the closet I grew in. But since Mary Jane is going to go for another week before harvest, I have to improvise. I will be hanging the branches in my utility closet for the week, and once the last plant gets cut down, i'll move everything over.
I'll be taking plenty of pics tonight and will probably post them up by tomorrow.
alright, change in part of the original plan...
i smoked a good amount to help the hangover (something i find works for me) a little and while my mind was wandering, i came to a realization. i can't dry in my utility closet b/c it also contains my neighbor's HVAC unit. i'm not exactly sure how HVAC units work, but if the smell entered her system... wow, that could have been disastrous.
i'm limited for space in my apartment, so i have to improvise. check out this temporary dry box.
made up of foam posterboard pushed up against the call with a chair. "suspended" above the floor to allow for airflow into the "box." there is a cardboard box below half of the posterboard and the other half is open. in the open area on the floor, i have an oscillating fan to keep the air moving. the top is just a cardboard posterboard with a hammer weighing it down.
can't get any more ghetto or cheaper than this. the things you can come up with when you're stoned.

the pics below will help show what it looks like...
pic 1. a view from the side
pic 2. a view looking down into the "box"