Well-Known Member
hahaha fdd DONT YOU SHOOT THAT LIL OPOSSUM, brother!i was gonna buy a compound bow today. they had some cool ones at walmart. but then i thought, "what would i do with an opossum on a stick"?
hahaha fdd DONT YOU SHOOT THAT LIL OPOSSUM, brother!i was gonna buy a compound bow today. they had some cool ones at walmart. but then i thought, "what would i do with an opossum on a stick"?
Shit than might as well ban boozewow, i read most of these posts and must sat im shocked... i yhink its just what your use to... i live in the uk and couldnt imagine going to the shops and having guns on sale..
fair play to all you pistol lovin peeps across the pond...alls fair in love and war..
im a geat beliver thou that if ciggarets wernt the major sales item in the shop.. given the best display all lit up like a giant sweet counter. the children growing not seeing the fags everyday of there lives might stand a better chance of not smoking..- im sure this would work for guns in the i.s to..
So if you read the forum you would have noticed that the thread starter is from another country NOT THE U.S. Yoiu're not saying anything that hasn't already been said. You just said it in a rather rude way. This is a discussion, not an argument. If your not adult enough to convey your message politely, and without the name calling, as the forum rules suggest, then you should remove yourself from this forum and maybe not even be invoved in any kind of adult activities, ie. grwing pot and all that good stuff. Leave the real discussions to the grown ups.Dipshit's like you ruin America. If you don't like our constitutional right to bear arms then go live in another country.
Do you honestly think suicide rates would go down with a ban on guns? It would probably go up. I know I would hang myself if this country gets that liberal.
Not even going to read this piece of garbage thread. You probably just made it to get a rise out of people. Congrats fuck stick.
I totally agree. Someone is less likely to rob a liquor store if the fellow next to him is showing a glok.I live in one of the least regulated states for guns. I see guys at the grocery store wearing pistols. I have people come into my buissiness wearing them. It concerns me not in the least. Actually makes me feel a bit safer in general. When i was a bit younger I carried a .357 revolver or a 9 mm auto on my hip almost all the time (from 15 years old). Still do if i'm out in the country. It Makes for polite society
So if you read the forum you would have noticed that the thread starter is from another country NOT THE U.S. Yoiu're not saying anything that hasn't already been said. You just said it in a rather rude way. This is a discussion, not an argument. If your not adult enough to convey your message politely, and without the name calling, as the forum rules suggest, then you should remove yourself from this forum and maybe not even be invoved in any kind of adult activities, ie. grwing pot and all that good stuff. Leave the real discussions to the grown ups.
If everyone is going to stay on one side or the other and not budge then we can just go ahead and kiss the human race goodbye because we'll never make it. If someone can look down the middle and recognize that both sides have valid points, and use those commonalities to better their path and the path for others than we might have a better shot at evolution instead of extinction.
I do strongly believe that as citizen of america you should be able to own a gun. I'm gonna buy my first one as soon as I can. Granted I do have a felony from when I was 17. I did seal it up the legal way and if for some reason the gun store doesn't let me buy a gun because the f.b.i. found my record, then oops, sucks to be me. That was my mistake in the past and I have to deal with the consiquences. I'm not going to go out and buy an unregistered gun because if you get caught with that then you are toast. Warm buttery toast, mmmmm.....
I also believe in regulation. I believe the govt should regulate those who don't have the ability to do it themselves or those who are just too plain stupid to do so. Isthisnametaken might fall under one of those definitions. (See, you CAN insult some one without calling them names. You just gotta put a little more effort into it.) A person who is willing to experience both sides of the spectrum will be better off then some one who is one sided and condems any one else that should think differently. The only way we have progressed as human beings is through our bright minds that have chosen to see the world in a different way. The ones who are brave enough to challenge both sides oppinions and walk away with nothing but positive things to say.
I'm independent when it comes to politics but i lean toward the liberal side. Not to say that I don't agree with a ton of replubican ideals but I would love to become green party, if it actually meant something here in the states. I believe we should expand into renewable resources and crack down on those who use guns improperly. I also believe that gays/lesbians shouldn't be able to get "married." Not to say they don't have any right to be with eachother and be united under the eyes of the law and god but if you look up the word "marriage" in the dictionary this is what it says. "the social institution under which a man and woman establish their decision to live as husband and wife by legal commitments, religious ceremonies" MAN and WOMAN, HUSBAND and WIFE. Don't get me wrong, 5 of my family members are gay/lesbian and I love them to death and I want nothing more than to see them happy and fufilled. Gays/lesbians have all the same benefits being "united" as a man and woman do being "married." They just don't call it "marriage" it's called being united. Marriage is a word that has a specific deffintion in the english language that was unfortunately written when a "union" between gays/lesbians was never even thought of. If we invented the word "marriage" right now I'm sure we can work, "between man and woman, man and man, or woman and woman," into that deffinition. But oh well it was inveted hundreds of years ago and we can't changes it's deffintion just like we can't change the deffintion of the word "couch" to include "chairs". I'm sure we can think of a new word that the gays/lesbians can have all to themselves and exclude us straights if they wanted or we can come up witha brand new word that incorperates every one. You may bash me if you would like, and show your true colors, or we can have a great conversation and discuss this like adults. (Mhhmm.. isthisnametaken are you reading?)
Back to the guns thing. In order to get rid of the threat of illegal guns we as people should take the responsibility to question our local law enforcement as to why unregistered and illegal guns keep getting confisgated and then recycled back to the street. The real criminal is the under payed paper pusher who gets his palms greased to look the other way while hundreds and thousands of guns are being taken right back to the street with every intent of doing personal harm to some one else. These "thugs" as you call them (police) are just as answerable to you as they are to their supervisors. Not if you're the one they are coming for. If you see a cop on the street talk to them. Ask them questions and pick their brains. Know your enemy better then you know yourself. Cops can also be aneffective deturant against invaders. And If you're setup is less than legal then you could find some way to make it legal. There are loop wholes everywhere but being a bunch of lazy stoners we aren't gonna do the research. Do the research know your rigts and practice them. When you stop practicing your rights is when they will be taken away.
well, I certainly wouldn't start an argument with a guy with a gun on his hip.i don't see how politeness in your town can be directly attributed to the fact that everyone is armed. .i'm afraid that if everyone in the new york metro was allowed to carry a piece there would be a whole other story.
i fully agree.I think they should ban shoes. They're bad for your feet.
i'm a big advocate of concealed weapons not so much open carry.
I completely disagree with you.I also believe that gays/lesbians shouldn't be able to get "married." Not to say they don't have any right to be with eachother and be united under the eyes of the law and god but if you look up the word "marriage" in the dictionary this is what it says. "the social institution under which a man and woman establish their decision to live as husband and wife by legal commitments, religious ceremonies" MAN and WOMAN, HUSBAND and WIFE. Don't get me wrong, 5 of my family members are gay/lesbian and I love them to death and I want nothing more than to see them happy and fufilled. Gays/lesbians have all the same benefits being "united" as a man and woman do being "married." They just don't call it "marriage" it's called being united. Marriage is a word that has a specific deffintion in the english language that was unfortunately written when a "union" between gays/lesbians was never even thought of. If we invented the word "marriage" right now I'm sure we can work, "between man and woman, man and man, or woman and woman," into that deffinition. But oh well it was inveted hundreds of years ago and we can't changes it's deffintion just like we can't change the deffintion of the word "couch" to include "chairs". I'm sure we can think of a new word that the gays/lesbians can have all to themselves and exclude us straights if they wanted or we can come up witha brand new word that incorperates every one. You may bash me if you would like, and show your true colors, or we can have a great conversation and discuss this like adults. (Mhhmm.. isthisnametaken are you reading?)
Like it was said earlier,Guns don't kill people people kill people.
Show me the last time a gun just got up and shot someone.
I thought
It's never happened before...and it never will.![]()
for one if you ban guns and their will still be guns around but u wont have one so now ur fucked! drugs are banned but people still have them. 2 if somone want to kill them self's they dont need guns, its just a quick way out that pain free, most of the time lol. so you telling me that if somone breaks into your house with a gun and is going to rape ur wife or kids your going to just call the cops and wait for them, or are you going to put that S on your chest like superman and beat up a guy with a gun? dont think so, ill tell you what i will do, get mr. 12gauge and save my family.i started this thread as i was asked to stop posting in the gun enthusiast thread. it seems to me for a stoner website theres a hell of a lot of people who like to shoot things! lol.
heres my reasons why i think guns should be banned.
1. in 2006 there were 60.000 fatal incidents involving guns in the us. compare that tt the 4.237 that have been killed in iraq in FIVE years it shows if you want to be safe join the army!
2. america has the highest suicide rates in the world. fact. this even includes switzerland where it is legal for assisted suicide. (for this reason many people from over europe go there for a dignified end.)
3. if people have access to guns they shoot if they dont they cant!
4. only 0.8 percent of fatal shootings in america are in self defenc. this makes a mockery of the claim that fire arms are essential for personal safety.
any way this is all my opinion. if anyone else has any reasons feel free to post!
this is supposed to be a marijuana pot growing site,idle chit chat and stupid bong threads are great,,in my eyes I would think a site like this would not allow any gun talk,,makes for gangster growers and dealers,,,or any avatars of guys holdin 9 millies or twin glocks,,is this site for legal and medicinal marijuana,,or for wannabee gangster druglordsi started this thread as i was asked to stop posting in the gun enthusiast thread. it seems to me for a stoner website theres a hell of a lot of people who like to shoot things! lol.
heres my reasons why i think guns should be banned.
1. in 2006 there were 60.000 fatal incidents involving guns in the us. compare that tt the 4.237 that have been killed in iraq in FIVE years it shows if you want to be safe join the army!
2. america has the highest suicide rates in the world. fact. this even includes switzerland where it is legal for assisted suicide. (for this reason many people from over europe go there for a dignified end.)
3. if people have access to guns they shoot if they dont they cant!
4. only 0.8 percent of fatal shootings in america are in self defenc. this makes a mockery of the claim that fire arms are essential for personal safety.
any way this is all my opinion. if anyone else has any reasons feel free to post!