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does anyone else think guns should be banned?

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Well-Known Member
i started this thread as i was asked to stop posting in the gun enthusiast thread. it seems to me for a stoner website theres a hell of a lot of people who like to shoot things! lol.

heres my reasons why i think guns should be banned.
1. in 2006 there were 60.000 fatal incidents involving guns in the us. compare that tt the 4.237 that have been killed in iraq in FIVE years it shows if you want to be safe join the army!
2. america has the highest suicide rates in the world. fact. this even includes switzerland where it is legal for assisted suicide. (for this reason many people from over europe go there for a dignified end.)
3. if people have access to guns they shoot if they dont they cant!
4. only 0.8 percent of fatal shootings in america are in self defenc. this makes a mockery of the claim that fire arms are essential for personal safety.

any way this is all my opinion. if anyone else has any reasons feel free to post!


Well-Known Member
it dont matter if we have guns or not if someone wants to kill someone bad enough they will do it..
they dont need a gun..and if someone wants to kill them selfs they will do...they dont need a gun...
dont blame the gun....
if someone had a gun in your face gettin ready to kill you..
would you reather be you the peason gettin ready to be shot dead..
or the person with the gun...


i started this thread as i was asked to stop posting in the gun enthusiast thread. it seems to me for a stoner website theres a hell of a lot of people who like to shoot things! lol.

heres my reasons why i think guns should be banned.
1. in 2006 there were 60.000 fatal incidents involving guns in the us. compare that tt the 4.237 that have been killed in iraq in FIVE years it shows if you want to be safe join the army!
2. america has the highest suicide rates in the world. fact. this even includes switzerland where it is legal for assisted suicide. (for this reason many people from over europe go there for a dignified end.)
3. if people have access to guns they shoot if they dont they cant!
4. only 0.8 percent of fatal shootings in america are in self defenc. this makes a mockery of the claim that fire arms are essential for personal safety.

any way this is all my opinion. if anyone else has any reasons feel free to post!

suicide is not the result of guns

if people want to off themselves they will find another way to do it

the bill of rights gives me the unalienable right to bear arms

i will own a gun because

A) i will attempt kill anyone who is endangering my own life

B) will attempt to kill anyone who is coming to take me to a camp

C) will attempt to kill anyone coming to give me a forced vaccination

and finally D) will attempt to kill anyone who i find in my house without my permission who will not instantly, upon sight of my weapon, explain themselves and get the hell out

is that so bad?

when you outlaw guns only outlaws have guns

andrew jackson quote : " The strongest defense of the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves from tyranny in government "

if we lived in a republic like founding fathers wanted, people with your opinion could not take away the rights of people with my opinion


Well-Known Member
lets bann salts and sugars and food with high cholesteral those are the leading problems with deaths of people with bad health


Well-Known Member
Get your facts straight if you want to post something like this.

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-1]In 2006, there were 30,896 gun deaths in the U.S: 12,791 homicides (41% of total deaths), 16,883 suicides (55% of total deaths)[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-1]Would you rather have the suicides drive head-on into your family car?, [/SIZE][/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-1]642 unintentional shootings (2% of total deaths), 360 from legal intervention (1.2% of total deaths) and 220 from undetermined intent (.8% of total deaths).[/SIZE][/FONT]

Principal among the facts that Wolfgang was disappointed to learn, is that Guns are used for self-defense between 2.1 Million and 2.5 Million times every year. The following facts from the Kleck/Gertz study, relate directly to this fact.

  • [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]In the vast majority of those self-defense cases, the citizen will only brandish the gun or fire a warning shot. [/FONT]​
  • [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]In less than 8% of those self-defense cases will the citizen will even wound his attacker. [/FONT]​
  • [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Over 1.9 million of those self-defense cases involve handguns. [/FONT]​
  • [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]As many as 500,000 of those self-defense cases occur away from home. [/FONT]​
  • [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Almost 10% of those self-defense cases are women defending themselves against sexual assault or abuse. [/FONT]​
  • [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]This means that guns are used 60 times more often to protect the lives of law-abiding citizens than to take a life. [/FONT]​
  • [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]At an estimated 263 million US population, in 1995, when the study was released, it also means that an average of 1 out of every 105 to 125 people that you know will use a gun for self-defense every year.[/FONT]​

Guns are used roughly 60 times more often to protect an innocent life, than to take a life (innocent or otherwise). Another fact that it exposes is that you are more likely to die from falling (20,823), than from a gun homicide (12,791) or an accidental gun-shot wound (642).


Well-Known Member
people have their opinion. guns dont kill people people kill people. just like it was mentioned if a suicidal person cant find a gun he will pick up a steak knife or poison under the sink or pills. and steve1978 if your house was bombarded by a bunch of guys waiving guns and said give them your money and anything worth value you would do what they say then you would go get a gun for your families protection. but i do agree most people who are committing crimes with guns shouldnt be allowed access to firearms


Well-Known Member
Well even aside from the fact that a gun can be used to defend your family what about hunting? I dont personally hunt but my entire family does. Guns feed people to ya know.


suicide is not the result of guns

if people want to off themselves they will find another way to do it

the bill of rights gives me the unalienable right to bear arms

i will own a gun because

A) i will attempt kill anyone who is endangering my own life

B) will attempt to kill anyone who is coming to take me to a camp

C) will attempt to kill anyone coming to give me a forced vaccination

and finally D) will attempt to kill anyone who i find in my house without my permission who will not instantly, upon sight of my weapon, explain themselves and get the hell out

is that so bad?

when you outlaw guns only outlaws have guns

andrew jackson quote : " The strongest defense of the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves from tyranny in government "

if we lived in a republic like founding fathers wanted, people with your opinion could not take away the rights of people with my opinion
this is exactly how i feel.... i grew up around guns down here in the south, where guns were and still are important possessions. I think the gun is the symbol of a free man; it symbolizes "as long as im breathing and have weapons, no one may take my freedom".... it is the last defense tool with which you protect the things closest to you, and yourself.

I could NEVER support a gun ban... im rather upset by the extent it has been taken already. Our right to keep/bear arms/militia should mean that we, as citizens, can own damn near any weapon we would like to keep on the same level as any possible threat/attacker (in GWB voice "terrorist").... meaning we should be able to be stocked up with heavy artillery on par with the military. We are already under a gun ban; just not a total one yet. :-|


Well-Known Member
if your house was bombarded by a bunch of guys waiving guns and said give them your money and anything worth value you would do what they say then you would go get a gun
i dunno bout that if its more than 2 guys, you'll probally end off in a standstill and risk them killing you during the botched robbery. unless u see them b4 they see you, a warning shot(for the rest of them,) into the 1rst guy they should probally get the picture of what will happen to them if they proceed. and now that i think of it . the more than 2 guys part wouldnt be a big of a problem as i thought. if u see em 1rst just get behind some cover and shoot the first motherfucker coming into your house. i always used to keep a loaded .44 smith and wesson in my nightstand.


Well-Known Member
wow. lol. i started this thread as i didnt want to intrude in the gun love-in. it seems i may have started another one! lol. im sorry if my stats appear to be wrong but im sure your aware that stats can be maniuplated to look pretty much how we want them. it was not a deliberate attept to mislead you. still stats aside i saw a 4 year old boy shot his 2 year old sister in the back yeasterday in nevada. last week a 5 year old boy blew his own face off. where are your statistics on this? you seem pretty good at finding them. how many pre teens were shot/killed in 2006 by legally owned fire arms? no matter how you twist it those two deaths are not nice. im sure when the founders declared the right to bear arms they didnt envisage a future where armerica would, quite literally be killing itself.


the only argument i can give towards you post here is that im an avid hunter. i cant wait to get back out into the woods to bag some big game....or small ether or. So yes i would deffenstly upset me if they would ban guns not only to me but most of my community. As most of the people in this area hunt.


Well-Known Member
yup, same here. first shotgun and first hunting season is sacred in my family almost. lol
my grandpa bought my dad this fucking super sweet reminton 12ga 870 wingmaster w/ kit(multiple barrels, one for shot, 1 for slugs unrifled, and 1 for slugs w/rifling and and scope and my dad will pass it down to me


wow. lol. i started this thread as i didnt want to intrude in the gun love-in. it seems i may have started another one! lol. im sorry if my stats appear to be wrong but im sure your aware that stats can be maniuplated to look pretty much how we want them. it was not a deliberate attept to mislead you. still stats aside i saw a 4 year old boy shot his 2 year old sister in the back yeasterday in nevada. last week a 5 year old boy blew his own face off. where are your statistics on this? you seem pretty good at finding them. how many pre teens were shot/killed in 2006 by legally owned fire arms? no matter how you twist it those two deaths are not nice. im sure when the founders declared the right to bear arms they didnt envisage a future where armerica would, quite literally be killing itself.

they didnt future an america filled with wussies either.... when children are raised with and TAUGHT about guns, there are few issues. As i stated before, maybe its more of a southern thing, but i and most of the kids in my town were taught how to use guns at an early age; recieved my first shotgun at the ripe age of seven, and by nine, a friend and i would strap guns to our back and ride bikes to go hunt squirrel.

we were taught how to use and respect guns. most children today grow up in homes where if there is a gun, it is probably for "home protection", and never gets pulled out of dad's drawer or closet.... thus they dont know shit about guns except what they think they know from television and their own young, naiive minds..... and they blow thier faces off:shock:


Well-Known Member
i dont mind the hardcore military shit ban personally, what i hate is that u cant have a loaded gun in public w/o a concealed carry permit. we should all be able to have a loaded pistol on us in a holster anywhere and at any time. i also think if u got a felony they should give u back your gun priviledges after 10yrs instead of never(non-violent offenders should never get it taken away in the first place imo by the way).


Well-Known Member
i appear to have misled you guys. i dont think hunting should be banned. i would love to go hunting. but im sure theres a diffarence between a good hunting rifle and a uzi. i think some people should be allowed a liscence. people who can prove they want it for the right reasons. i dont know much about guns (although i can strip and fire competantly a sa80) but im sure there is a big differance between a hand gun kept at home locked up and a pimp with a assault rifle. as to the what would i do scenario. i would give them anything they wanted let them leave then call the police. then claim insurance. i'm not fucking rambo lol! imo all a shoot out in my house, where my children are would achieve is a mess on the carpet.


Well-Known Member
If the goal is to reduce deaths, why start at the middle of the list and single out firearms? Let's ban everything related to untimely deaths:

Fast Food.
Illicit Drugs. Except that illegal drugs are banned already. It's easy to see how well that's working out.
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