Conspiracy Maybe??

fried at 420

Well-Known Member
it seems we have plenty of resources that are better for the enviornment recently we have found that used french fry oil can be used as a great alternative for diesle it was even demonstrated on mythbusters.
Even hemp oil could if studied be used as a future resoure of energy


Well-Known Member
when people call me racist i take offense because i hate everybody jkjkjk im not reallly racist but it was a clever way to get my point across


Well-Known Member
i do know wat clever means and all this finger pointing, and technical nonsense is starting to annoy, i mean this is a site for stoners do you honestly think were going to be correct with how we say something? i mean whats the BFD if it succeeds and people get the right idea you im hella baked so its hard to even keep my eyes open


Well-Known Member
Yea and we dont have real beef with pakastan we basically just left each other alone but the way this country is headed there will be a WW3 this time since now that we arent the only ones with nukes im actually very scared for myself and all americans:neutral:
I'm kinda scared too.

America bullies everyone, and I know sometime in the near
future, many countries will get sick of being bullied by

us and nuke our asses.

Thus, the start of WW3.

fried at 420

Well-Known Member
i do know wat clever means and all this finger pointing, and technical nonsense is starting to annoy, i mean this is a site for stoners do you honestly think were going to be correct with how we say something? i mean whats the BFD if it succeeds and people get the right idea you im hella baked so its hard to even keep my eyes open
Exactly we may be smart but on top of that we are fuckin potheads that are just ramblin on about our ideals and agree and disagree we are all baked so you shouldent bash us cuz we high off our minds

fried at 420

Well-Known Member
I'm kinda scared too.

America bullies everyone, and I know sometime in the near
future, many countries will get sick of being bullied by

us and nuke our asses.

Thus, the start of WW3.
i just dont wana die before i get to be the most successful pothead on the planet hahakiss-ass

fried at 420

Well-Known Member
Well thats my dream to prove (if not decriminalized) that even the most stoned up person can be successful and put to rest all these rumors that pot fucks up your future


Active Member
So i was thinking alot about WTC latly and was at ground zero not 2 long ago and the conspiracists that hand out booklets about 9/11 possibly be a conspiracy and after days of reading up ive come to a conclusion that terrorists didnt cause 9/11 but rather government spies that were disquised as terriorists were hired by the government for a suicide mission.Which would give false reason to continue the war for oil.
Anyone else have thoughts on this dont bash me.But i would like to see everyones opinions!:confused:
Have you ever seen zeitgeist the movie? It is a must if you haven't. Here's the link: It talks about how fucked up things really are with the world, including all the discrepancies with 911 and some secret interviews. Highly recommended.:peace::peace::peace:


Well-Known Member
I've seen zeitgiest...Its really really informative..

And you should also watch

Aaron Russo's "America: From Freedom to Fascism" .

Its on google.

Talks about how how income tax is illegal,
and the real purpose of the federal reserve.

Sadly, Aaron died of cancer. (Like I believe that, someone
working for the gov't probably poisoned him)

fried at 420

Well-Known Member
I've seen zeitgiest...Its really really informative..

And you should also watch

Aaron Russo's "America: From Freedom to Fascism" .

Its on google.

Talks about how how income tax is illegal,
and the real purpose of the federal reserve.

Sadly, Aaron died of cancer. (Like I believe that, someone
working for the gov't probably poisoned him)
im glad that we all share the same ideas

fried at 420

Well-Known Member
I've seen zeitgiest...Its really really informative..

And you should also watch

Aaron Russo's "America: From Freedom to Fascism" .

Its on google.

Talks about how how income tax is illegal,
and the real purpose of the federal reserve.

Sadly, Aaron died of cancer. (Like I believe that, someone
working for the gov't probably poisoned him)
it was the aliens we were talkin about earlier in this thread they got pissed and did some thng i dont know where im goin with this im sooo:eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke:rite now