Conspiracy Maybe??


Well-Known Member
You all should read "What Every American Should Know About the Rest of the World" by Melissa L. Rossi. A very informative read and the chapters are just the right lenghth to ready while you're sittin' on the crapper.

BTW I think there were a few reasons why the U.S. went after Iraq after 9/11. One, we (the military) had recently been there for a prior operation and we had troops deployed in the area already. Two, because we were just there, we had more intelligence on that region than any other there. Three, Saddam Hussein was quick to applaud those who claimed the attack, hopped on the band wagon and decided to help finance their cause. Four, we (the U.S.) needed a base of operation to go after the terrorists that was close enough that we wouldn't waste all our fuel getting to the mountainous terrain where they were hiding. Five, they (the Iraq citizens) were already on their way to having a revolt to become, once again, a democracy so it wouldn't be as difficult to win the hearts of the citizens.

There are a lot of naysayers out there though. Every heard of Ockham's Razor?

fried at 420

Well-Known Member
just watched a piece just now and exatcly wat i say there was no evidence there must have been something elese on that plane that must have vaporized every piece of evidence.The government must have weapons no one knows about


Well-Known Member
just watched a piece just now and exatcly wat i say there was no evidence there must have been something elese on that plane that must have vaporized every piece of evidence.The government must have weapons no one knows about
I certainly HOPE they do. Well, wait. . . I've had enough HOPE from the last six months. Now all I have is CHANGE (in my bank account and pockets.)


Well-Known Member
i do know wat clever means and all this finger pointing, and technical nonsense is starting to annoy, i mean this is a site for stoners do you honestly think were going to be correct with how we say something? i mean whats the BFD if it succeeds and people get the right idea you im hella baked so its hard to even keep my eyes open
I agree, this IS a pot forum. So chill out and go with the flow.


New Member
zeitgeist is a psych program out of Cornell University to test ppl's gullibility. Since they have already collected enough data over the web from their experiment I can tell you this.

Well've all proven their premise that despite technology increases, man basically is still a superstitious animal and is most easily misled by any story, no matter how outrageous, if it is constructed with points ppl wish to believe 'at the time". The folks at Cornell just simply tapped into the negative waves coming from the citizens about their govt. and spun a story up. They didn't even make it airtight, but left many many holes and outright fabrications in the movie, but that's what they were testing....gullibility.


Well-Known Member
zeitgeist is a psych program out of Cornell University to test ppl's gullibility. Since they have already collected enough data over the web from their experiment I can tell you this.

Well've all proven their premise that despite technology increases, man basically is still a superstitious animal and is most easily misled by any story, no matter how outrageous, if it is constructed with points ppl wish to believe 'at the time". The folks at Cornell just simply tapped into the negative waves coming from the citizens about their govt. and spun a story up. They didn't even make it airtight, but left many many holes and outright fabrications in the movie, but that's what they were testing....gullibility.
The exact reason I'm still amazed that people are falling for the Obama was born in Kenya, bit. Some people will believe any opportunistic Fox News story. :roll:


New Member
heh, you keep throwing that one on the wall don't you? :lol:

Except there is real traction on that story. There's a difference. Obama actions reveal there is traction.


Well-Known Member
heh, you keep throwing that one on the wall don't you? :lol:

Except there is real traction on that story. There's a difference. Obama actions reveal there is traction.
I do like that one a lot. ;)
One could also argue that there's "real traction" regarding September 11th being a cover-up and that the Government's "actions reveal there is traction" regarding this case.
You might not see it, but Sept. 11th being a cover-up, the moon landing being faked and Obama not being born in the US are all one in the same - nonsense.
FYI - I also heard the earth was flat. There's hundreds of years of "real traction" regarding that story:


New Member
I agree with it all except for Obama, who is covering up to the max. Are you aware that the press corps has been told that if they EVER want to get another question for their employers asked, they will NOT talk about the birth certificate. Hmmmm, gosh, why would that be? Cause its a fake? :lol:


Well-Known Member
I agree with it all except for Obama, who is covering up to the max. Are you aware that the press corps has been told that if they EVER want to get another question for their employers asked, they will NOT talk about the birth certificate. Hmmmm, gosh, why would that be? Cause its a fake? :lol:
Are you aware that the original moon landing videos have been "accidentally" erased by NASA, recently? Hmmmmm, gosh, why would that be? Cause they were fake? :lol:
You are suffering from the same gullibility that you lament everyone else is suffering from. :lol: :clap:


Well-Known Member
One is ancient history...the other is in real time, and has far more dire implications.....
If your only proof is "traction", then wouldn't the nearly 4 decades 4 decades of "traction" regarding the moon landing conspiracy sway your thinking? You're contradicting yourself.
One conspiracy is not more dire than the other. They're both just as laughable. :lol:


Well-Known Member
zeitgeist is a psych program out of Cornell University to test ppl's gullibility. Since they have already collected enough data over the web from their experiment I can tell you this.

Well've all proven their premise that despite technology increases, man basically is still a superstitious animal and is most easily misled by any story, no matter how outrageous, if it is constructed with points ppl wish to believe 'at the time". The folks at Cornell just simply tapped into the negative waves coming from the citizens about their govt. and spun a story up. They didn't even make it airtight, but left many many holes and outright fabrications in the movie, but that's what they were testing....gullibility.

I agree with it all except for Obama, who is covering up to the max. Are you aware that the press corps has been told that if they EVER want to get another question for their employers asked, they will NOT talk about the birth certificate. Hmmmm, gosh, why would that be? Cause its a fake? :lol:

One is ancient history...the other is in real time, and has far more dire implications.....
= contradiction.
You're funny. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Zeitgeist addendum was a fake? You said cornell came out and said that, do you have an article?

I'm by no means a religious man, but Obama sure fits the bill of the supposed "Anti christ" and he came along at just the right time for his second term to correspond with the Mayan calendar.

I could honestly care less where he was born though, did you know Kennedy wasn't born in america? (I think it was kennedy, if memory serves.)