Conspiracy Maybe??


Well-Known Member
do exactly what the government does and blame drugs for everything
then say people need ANOTHER drug to make it go away haha


Well-Known Member
A.A assholes anyonmiss or some shit like that i dont know iv been bongsmiliebongsmilie i dont know what im sayin sometimes...hehe....:peace:


Well-Known Member

Don't worry he's crackin' down on the CIA and the government conspiracies! Nothing will happen now!

... except for terrorists.

Why don't we ever see foreign video from Iraq explaining that there is no Osama and that the USA made it up?

The only thing that IS weird is the fact that with the Pentagon "incident" there was no remaining plane, and where in the fuck did the 10,000 gallons of Jet-A fuel go and spill? Even if they were on empty they would still have at LEAST 500 gallons. Have you ever seen 30 gallons of water spill? Yeah, huge. Think of 500 gallons of oily, non evaporating, refined diesel spilling all over after the wings and tanks burst open. Fire won't burn it up that quickly either.

Best part was that the ONLY security camera that had the best angle of what happened "never was released nor recovered". Was on the top of some decently high office building. Lol they got VCR jacked by the government.
Im guessing the jet fuel went up in flames during the huge explosion that took place?


Well-Known Member
I believe it.

But the media makes it seem that
people who believe it are crazy, so others

won't be interested in it.

And Why wouldn't the government sacrifice a few
thousand lives for unlimited oil and billions in profits?

Exactly. They would. and they did.

And the newest update on this situation is Mr. Bill Clinton
saying "9/11 Leaders are in Pakistan"

(This was just released today btw ^^^)

hmm...yet another middle eastern country....

Just another reason to invade Pakistan if you ask me.

fried at 420

Well-Known Member
I believe it.

But the media makes it seem that
people who believe it are crazy, so others

won't be interested in it.

And Why wouldn't the government sacrifice a few
thousand lives for unlimited oil and billions in profits?

Exactly. They would. and they did.

And the newest update on this situation is Mr. Bill Clinton
saying "9/11 Leaders are in Pakistan"

(This was just released today btw ^^^)

hmm...yet another middle eastern country....

Just another reason to invade Pakistan if you ask me.
Yea and we dont have real beef with pakastan we basically just left each other alone but the way this country is headed there will be a WW3 this time since now that we arent the only ones with nukes im actually very scared for myself and all americans:neutral:


Well-Known Member
I Blame Aliens.
I'm with this guy... the Aliens did it all, JFK assassination, WTC, OKC bombing, they're contracted out by the Intergalactic Waste Commission to do our chemtrailing... and they did the moon landings (Hey at least they were real!) :peace:

fried at 420

Well-Known Member
Yull never get me DEAD!

Someone check out my thread under hallucinatory substances labeled "Need expert help as to not die"


Well-Known Member
9/11 didnt happen... i mean it did but not because of terrorists....but there are all these facts about 9/11 and they dont match up, i mean if they didnt know that a plane was going to crash into the towers then why did they move all the gold out of the WTC vaults and then had the trucks in the tunnel driving out as the towers were hit. how do you explain that.... and then how do you also explain how a big jumbo plane crashing into the WTC can cuaese it to fall but when it crashes into the pentagon it only destroys a tiny bit of it...i mean yeah i think the government did it and with Iraq thats a whole new story becuase guess waht...America likes oil like a black man likes crack...They are both going to do out of the oridnary things to keep that "Fix"


Well-Known Member
9/11 didnt happen... i mean it did but not because of terrorists....but there are all these facts about 9/11 and they dont match up, i mean if they didnt know that a plane was going to crash into the towers then why did they move all the gold out of the WTC vaults and then had the trucks in the tunnel driving out as the towers were hit. how do you explain that.... and then how do you also explain how a big jumbo plane crashing into the WTC can cuaese it to fall but when it crashes into the pentagon it only destroys a tiny bit of it...i mean yeah i think the government did it and with Iraq thats a whole new story becuase guess waht...America likes oil like a black man likes crack...They are both going to do out of the oridnary things to keep that "Fix"
The racist remark at the end of you post really gives your argument credence.

fried at 420

Well-Known Member
9/11 didnt happen... i mean it did but not because of terrorists....but there are all these facts about 9/11 and they dont match up, i mean if they didnt know that a plane was going to crash into the towers then why did they move all the gold out of the WTC vaults and then had the trucks in the tunnel driving out as the towers were hit. how do you explain that.... and then how do you also explain how a big jumbo plane crashing into the WTC can cuaese it to fall but when it crashes into the pentagon it only destroys a tiny bit of it...i mean yeah i think the government did it and with Iraq thats a whole new story becuase guess waht...America likes oil like a black man likes crack...They are both going to do out of the oridnary things to keep that "Fix"
yea thats fucked up there are alot of Blacks on this site and they are mad cool but saying a stereo type like blacks smoke crack is just wrong hopefully your just stoned


Well-Known Member
9/11 didnt happen... i mean it did but not because of terrorists....but there are all these facts about 9/11 and they dont match up, i mean if they didnt know that a plane was going to crash into the towers then why did they move all the gold out of the WTC vaults and then had the trucks in the tunnel driving out as the towers were hit. how do you explain that.... and then how do you also explain how a big jumbo plane crashing into the WTC can cuaese it to fall but when it crashes into the pentagon it only destroys a tiny bit of it...i mean yeah i think the government did it and with Iraq thats a whole new story becuase guess waht...America likes oil like a black man likes crack...They are both going to do out of the oridnary things to keep that "Fix"
I was reading your post thinking to myself "Wow; this guy must be mentally deficient to a certain degree.". Then I read the quip about black guys liking crack and the degree I was imagining grew exponentially.
All blatant racism aside, this thread is hilarious! Thanks to the op for the laugh. :clap:

fried at 420

Well-Known Member
idk i just despise rascism ever since my childhood friend Jamal was always teased by white kids at our school finally we got mad people to jump thier asses