Ron Paul Revolution


New Member
they know where to find me and that's what i'll do.

as far as the private sector being incapable of handling social programs, just look at what they already do. they consistently out perform government on everything from disaster relief (red cross, southern baptist) to medical charity (shriners/masons, countless Christian hospitals) to regulation of industry standards (UL, IEEE, ARIN) to monitoring the environment (FERN, earth policy institute) and everything in between! the government cronies and bureaucrats actually impede progress most of the time.

you've talked about butt kissers before, don't you see that's what the government is? they take the credit for anything they can steal from the private sector and act like they did their job, BS!

why didn't they notice lead painted toys? we pay them to inspect imports.

why didn't they catch tainted vegetables? we pay them to inspect food.

no one but me notices this stuff? lol, we're in bad shape!

imagine what we could do if we didn't have half our pay thrown into the vast abyss of government spending! and you say the private sector is too greedy and selfish... garbage.

another key concept that you're ignoring here is that mega-corporations wouldn't last long without government props holding them up. the natural order is for business to grow to a certain size and either divide or fail, just like the government, it can only get so big before it caves in on itself. revamping the government would set a new economy in motion and it would certainly not be a plutocracy.

Look, I don't know how long you've been watching the government at work, but untill this fucked Bush regime came to power, it functioned a whole lot better, It was the bush regime that fucked Katrina and N.O. L.A.. when clinton was in, he had federal aid to the disaster sites pronto. It is the Bush regime that is cutting all social programs to make them look innefficient so he can eventually get rid of them. Vote any way you want, but I hope you make enough to save for retirement and catastrophic medical, as these Bozos in power now will make sure the stock market takes all your dough while they are invested in huge hedge funds,~LOL,. You just don't get it. There needs to be social programs to to keep us in the 1st world, otherwise, does the ghettos of India come to mind?


New Member
"the day that one cent of my tax dollars go into a socialized medicine plan i'll stop paying taxes immediately just like i did when they were funding abortions under Clinton. it wasn't much but they've never seen that tax money and they never will."

7x ...

I was with you on the abortion issue and I'll be there with you on the socialized medicine issue too. There were far more of us than they will ever realize who held back money from the federal government on the abortion issue.




New Member
"the day that one cent of my tax dollars go into a socialized medicine plan i'll stop paying taxes immediately just like i did when they were funding abortions under Clinton. it wasn't much but they've never seen that tax money and they never will."

7x ...

I was with you on the abortion issue and I'll be there with you on the socialized medicine issue too. There were far more of us than they will ever realize who held back money from the federal government on the abortion issue.


I'm callin my local IRS agent and turnining you two guys in, the shame, the shame.


New Member
"I'm callin my local IRS agent and turnining you two guys in, the shame, the shame."

Don't bother Med ... I've already been turned in. There are "Hitler Youth" everywhere.



Well-Known Member
clekstro, it really is amazing to me how much the left and right can find in common when we get honest. thank you for that!

the idea of forcing people to buy a product is very disturbing to me. some people might want to roll the dice and skip the protection of insurance because they don't see a need for it. the right to decide should be left to them. doctors don't go into medicine thinking that every single patient will be able to pay their medical bills, they roll the dice in that regard.

any time that you have the government advocating an industry, telling people that they must buy something, you are creating a false market and that's very dangerous - even when it "feels" like the right thing to do. the market can and should pave it's own way. if people can't afford something they need the market will adapt and the offerings of the market place will fill that void. in this sensitive process, government meddling has vast long term consequences; it's like bumping a telescope that is focused on a distant object - you can wind up billions of miles (dollars) off target.

what i am saying about competition being forbidden is regarding the system in the US. in one of those government "bumps" the regulators legislated state markets for health insurance and stamped out nationwide competition. we are paying for that with higher prices in certain states today and people in every state would benefit from being able to shop around.

health care is not a right. med hit me with that in another thread but i'll briefly sum this up here. anytime that you force people to work at a certain wage, which socialized medicine would do to nurses and doctors, and any time that you force people to pay for a service, you are doing the opposite of fulfilling a "right". this is theft. i have a right to worship God and speak my mind, who is paying for me to have that right? no one, that's what makes it a right. theft is not a right in a civil society.

you would have to ask Ron Paul if he would "allow" companies to sell their goods to other people or countries. in my opinion they should have the right to sell their goods. if they sell to certain countries our government does have the right to not buy from them any longer. they will also open themselves to quite a bit of backlash from the largest consumer market on the planet. do they want to get a quick sale of a few million units of advanced night vision scopes to the chinese or have a solid reputation with a much more valuable market while also being loyal to their home country? government shouldn't answer that question for them.



Well-Known Member
Look, I don't know how long you've been watching the government at work, but untill this fucked Bush regime came to power, it functioned a whole lot better, It was the bush regime that fucked Katrina and N.O. L.A.. when clinton was in, he had federal aid to the disaster sites pronto. It is the Bush regime that is cutting all social programs to make them look innefficient so he can eventually get rid of them. Vote any way you want, but I hope you make enough to save for retirement and catastrophic medical, as these Bozos in power now will make sure the stock market takes all your dough while they are invested in huge hedge funds,~LOL,. You just don't get it. There needs to be social programs to to keep us in the 1st world, otherwise, does the ghettos of India come to mind?

The president urged anyone in the storm's path "to put their own safety and the safety of their families first by moving to safe ground."

Nagin said. "If we galvanize and gather around each other, I'm sure we will get through this."

Louisiana Gov. Kathleen Blanco said..."We know we're going to have property damage," she told CNN's "Larry King Live." "We know we're going to have high wind damage. We're hoping we're not going to lose a lot of lives."

still want to blame Bush, med?

if so, i hope you realize that the federal government is the "safety net" for state and local failures... that means quite a few people already screwed up before he was even involved...

 - New Orleans braces for monster hurricane - Aug 28, 2005



Well-Known Member
"the day that one cent of my tax dollars go into a socialized medicine plan i'll stop paying taxes immediately just like i did when they were funding abortions under Clinton. it wasn't much but they've never seen that tax money and they never will."

7x ...

I was with you on the abortion issue and I'll be there with you on the socialized medicine issue too. There were far more of us than they will ever realize who held back money from the federal government on the abortion issue.


yes sir, they will have quite a problem on their hands.



New Member
yes sir, they will have quite a problem on their hands.

Yeah how to build enough prison cells to hold all of you,~LOL~. Do you really think the individual can win against the government,~LOL~, it would be no more than swatting a couple of flies, Divide and conquer Baby.


Well-Known Member
Yeah how to build enough prison cells to hold all of you,~LOL~. Do you really think the individual can win against the government,~LOL~, it would be no more than swatting a couple of flies, Divide and conquer Baby.

yeah, nevermind the possibility that enough citizens might wake up to make the system change. i guess it's hopeless so we should all just shut up and do what we're told...

great outlook, med!



New Member
yeah, nevermind the possibility that enough citizens might wake up to make the system change. i guess it's hopeless so we should all just shut up and do what we're told...

great outlook, med!

Hey, man, go ahead and start the tax revolution without me. I'll be waiting for the freedom revolution. If I'm going to prison it wont be for the measly 250.00 I pay yearly in income tax, it will have to be bigger than that for me, and I certainly won't go to help the likes of that wastrel VI and his rich cohorts. Show me a real revolution and I'll be there, otherwise quit blowing smoke, divide and conquer is the governments main weapon. take a few individuals and give them stiff sentences for some action and the rest go back into their little lives and shut the fuck up, just like you and VI would. So don't bullshit a bullshitter, you'd cave as soon as the first fifty guys got 40 years. In fact, you might want to worry about that little protest you did about abortion money, say, what is the IRS' #? LOL!


New Member
Like I said ... the Hitler Youth Movement is alive and well.

Oh and by the way ... wasn't there a place that used to be called the Soviet Union?



Well-Known Member
hey med, why not just roll the freedom and tax revolution into one big event? we can get a pinata, some water guns, confetti, play some loud music and make a big deal out of it! lol



Well-Known Member
ron paul is a dueshe bag, he said we should leave the arabian penicila because hairy osama told us to:-P

fuck that yo, i'z be bring the pain!!!! to those mofos nigga!! ron paul wants to legalize pot good for him. but im afriad we will too busy bleeding out of our forheads to enjoy it:shock:

who else here thinks cindy sheehan is hot?

this is the Democratic party poster child, booo hoooo waaa me so sad:bigjoint:


New Member
Med blowing the horn of the Hitler Youth Movement in triumph at the base of the Treasury Department's eagle ... the symbol of the IRS.




Well-Known Member
ron paul is a dueshe bag, he said we should leave the arabian penicila because hairy osama told us to
if we don't want to get stung let's stop poking the bees nest. on the other hand, if we enjoy massive tragedies and the loss of thousands of innocent American lives lets just keep on doing what we're doing over there! :peace:

Ron Paul 2008 &mdash; Hope for America

go donate some $$, trying to get 1787 donors by Friday in honor of the 220th anniversary of the Constitution.



Well-Known Member
ron paul is a dueshe bag, he said we should leave the arabian penicila because hairy osama told us to:-P

fuck that yo, i'z be bring the pain!!!! to those mofos nigga!! ron paul wants to legalize pot good for him. but im afriad we will too busy bleeding out of our forheads to enjoy it:shock:

who else here thinks cindy sheehan is hot?

this is the Democratic party poster child, booo hoooo waaa me so sad:bigjoint:

This bitch disgraces the memory of her dead son, at least her husband had the sense to dump her stupid ass.


New Member
This bitch disgraces the memory of her dead son, at least her husband had the sense to dump her stupid ass. You are an insuferable duechebag. If you were in Iraq , it's a damn shame they missed your sorry ass. Go on back, I'll tell my good friend Osama to look for you.