Oh Goodie! ... More on 911 (inside job) :)

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Yeah, I think there's torsion of the frame evident in the video posted here. That alone would explain why the tower collapsed. Sudden buckling of the entire floor, and then the weight of the floors above it crashing on the floor below.

Not to mention in the previous video it is clear that there are debris spreading out in a parabolic trajectory around the building. I saw at least two fairly large pieces falling in parabolic curves.

9-11 CT - Bunch of bunk...

Yes... Great find ostlo. What about that guys? Please go back to thermite now and explain ctrled demo on that scale that doesn't burn in the explosion, or the hour long unfought fire. We have all seen thermite reactions.

Explain it like I am 6.

Then sing me another song. I am much more inclined to abandon reason if there are pithy lyrics and a guitar.
The nature of truth and truth seeking requires the honesty and competence required to find it.
Bwaa ha ha ha ... that's too funny since you lack all those requirements ...

Gage claiming that the WTC came down faster than gravity means that he is lacking one of those requirements.
Now right here folks ... we catch the bushwhacked minded dead in the act of making shit up ... Gage NEVER claim the WTC came down faster than gravity ... this is what he did say ...
Well we’re told that the planes hit the buildings, and there was an explosion and a fire, and about a hour and a half later, in the case of the north tower, the buildings collapsed due to structural weakening, due to the fires. The problem is that we don’t have large gradual deformations associated with collapses. And fires in high rises have never brought down a steel frame high rise building at all, ever. And what we have, unfortunately, is the evidence in the twin towers and the third skyscraper to collapse that day, ... We have the evidence of the ten key features of controlled demolition. In the case of building seven, it collapses straight down into its own footprint, at free fall speed, in the first hundred feet. It’s dropping, as you can see symmetrically, smoothly, at free fall speed, in the first hundred feet. Two and a half seconds. This is uncanny, there’s forty thousand tons of structural steel designed to resist this collapse.
Busted ... for your delusions ...

How many examples of this will you require before accepting discrediting him? I only require one.
How many examples of you pulling shit out your ass will we accept before discrediting him ... none. :spew:

I am, however comfortable in saying that the argument that wtc 1 or 2 fell faster than gravity
You're the only one that made that comment so you only discredited yourself. :neutral:

is counter-intuitive because of the free falling debris outpacing the building collapse. Debris with long flat surfaces for plenty of wind resistence... so also not at the rate of gravity in a vacuum, and certainly not faster... outpacing the collapse. I mean unless you think that debris was being pulled to the earth with invisible wire and some sort of fast reeling motor... I don't really need the rest... ya know?


Watch it as many times as you need to to find the big chunks of debris lapping the building collapse.
The video proves what we have been saying all along ... those buildings didn't come down due to fire ... and plane impact case close.

Yep ... you've been discredited again ... nothing new here.

I don't need to be an architect to say he is either stupid, which I don't believe he is,
We all know he's not stupid.

or disingenuous for whatever motivation. I don't really need to know.
Well as far as most of us are concerned you have yet to prove that. You really don't know ... you demonstrate that each time you post.

Yeah, I think there's torsion of the frame evident in the video posted here. That alone would explain why the tower collapsed. Sudden buckling of the entire floor, and then the weight of the floors above it crashing on the floor below.
... the weight of the floors ... :roll:Total and complete nonsense ... that video only demonstrates that the building came down with help ... fire and plane impact is not going to cause that to happen ... no way ...

Not to mention in the previous video it is clear that there are debris spreading out in a parabolic trajectory around the building. I saw at least two fairly large pieces falling in parabolic curves.

9-11 CT - Bunch of bunk...
911 government official story ... complete and total lie ... again folks isn't it amazing how many people fell for the bullshit? Is it because they are blind? ... afraid to face facts? Refuse to accept that some high position elite in this country don't give a damn about him and would have no problem what so ever killing as many "peons" as they deem necessary to push their agenda? ... Drinking far too much of the government kool-aid? ... what? All of the above? What makes them oblivious to the obvious? You have to admit ... the government propagandists are very good at brainwashing the general public.:sleep:

Yes... Great find ostlo. What about that guys?
Part of your delusion ... anyone in their right mind can see that building is doing the impossible ... if you buy the government bullshit ... which most of us don't.:lol:

Please go back to thermite now and explain ctrled demo on that scale that doesn't burn in the explosion, or the hour long unfought fire. We have all seen thermite reactions.

Explain it like I am 6.
I could explain it like you were a two year old ... you would still disregard the facts as you have during this entire thread.

Then sing me another song. I am much more inclined to abandon reason if there are pithy lyrics and a guitar.
Here ya go ... only cause I like you.:bigjoint:
"9/11 Was An Inside Job" Official Music Video

NoDrama ... this is different shot of the construction picture I was looking for ... this one is further away and not as clear as the other ... it was on the thread ...

Check it out folks ... see all that steel? These building were design to withstand what happen to them ... no way are they going to come crashing down in a few seconds in it's own foot print ... it's just impossible for it to happen the way the government claims ... if wieght of the floors :roll: cause those towers to fall then why didn't the other skyscrapers I and No have presented in this thread do the same? They can't seem to get around that ... well there delusion gets them around it ... but for the rest of us ... it don't fly ... they are willing to accept the impossible and make ridiculous statements rather that accept the facts ... or at least demand an open investigation. They simply do not want to know the truth.:dunce:
Dude those building came down cuz planes hit them, and the fires. I got a bridge that proves it, but if you link a building built just like them and it doesn't fall, well thats because its different than the building that fell. Everyone knows that skyscrapers are just bridges laid on end, sheesh i thought everyone knew that.

I watched Gage video 3 times to try and pinpoint where he says it falls faster than gravity, he doesn't, so like growrebel just accused you of, you make shit up and you do it to try and hoodwink others. Once again youve proven you are unable to regurgitate even the most basic facts.

You wanna know why they did it? well heres some of the consequences of that day of deceit.

Invasions and occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan
Global "War On terror"...sounds like "war on Drugs" doomed to fail, we can't even find a guy in a cave who supoposedly did it and masterminded the greatest attack ever on american soil.
Creation of one of the largest subsectors of the Government...The Department of Homeland Security.
Civil Liberties legislation: Patriot act,military commisions act, Violent radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism prevention act.
Creation of torture policy
Executive orders creating unprecedent power of the executive branch
Continued oil Hegemony and the central banks that make slaves of the citizens

Condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance!.......Albert Einstein
Yes... Great find ostlo. What about that guys? Please go back to thermite now and explain ctrled demo on that scale that doesn't burn in the explosion, or the hour long unfought fire. We have all seen thermite reactions.

Explain it like I am 6.

Then sing me another song. I am much more inclined to abandon reason if there are pithy lyrics and a guitar.

Hey man I really cant help some people cant/refuse to believe anything other then what "they" say. But I dont give a damn what "they" say or any other person who is not educated or has experience in high rise structures like I do! No offence but, you can look at all the videos you want, but if you dont know what your looking at it makes it difficult to see whats actually happening.

When I look at the video I see the top 10 or so floors tilt to one side and then all of a sudden everything comes down in one perfect, straight, vertical line....everything pulverized in one big heap of rubble..... right?

Okay, well there are a few things with this. One being, the top 10 floors that initially tilted upon collapse should have kept falling in the direction it was moving (inertia) NOT suddenly change directions unless it was acted upon by another force. I think I recall you stating earlier "there's no way the building could support the force of that falling top section" or something along those lines... That statement made me chuckle that's why I remember it LOL! Dude the amount of iron and concrete involved in these buildings is almost unfathomable! Its completely over kill!! COMPLETELY capable of holding up its top 10%..... Trust me I have built many of steel structures. These were a tubular frame design fixed around a central core of elevator shafts and stairs (The most structurally sound part of the building). Each floor includes a grid of 3 and 4 inch thick tubes and I-beams, this all gets bolted together using structure bolts (typically A325 but i dont expect you to know that). This then gets steel decking laid on top and welded to every support beam/tube. Then completely covered in concrete 5-6 inches thick. Probably built in sections instead of one long structure. Meanwhile the outside being completely encased in more concrete.

It is impossible for 100 floors of iron and concrete to pancake on top of each one at a time that fast!!! KERPLUNCK, KERPLUNCK, KERPLUNCK.... Thousands of bolts and welds on each floor giveaway simultaneously, concrete turns to dust all in 10 seconds.....

GET REAL!! Have you ever seen a pancaked building??? Look at the LARGE sections of each floor, still intact!


This is NOT a pancaked building...

Everything has been reduced to rubble and dust, from the 1st floor to the 110th. If those towers fell at all (with out the help of demolition) there would be SOMETHING still intact. Especially the elevator shafts on the lower floors!!

As for thermite....


Thats a pretty good 45 degree miter on that 4inch thick tube in the background there. Hmmm... I wonder why that massive pile of rumble smoldered and had a river or molten steel run like rivers through it for months after?? Remember that? Peoples boots melting despite the amount of time passed... How so? Every one saw that "so-called" fire? How does it stay hot for so long? It cant.....

Thermite is highly explosive, An uncontrolled burn can NOT cause this because it is impossible (Laws of Physics) for a dirty burn to reach temperatures this high to make molten steel and iron

Plus I highly doubt a 5 day crash coarse flight trained stone thrower would be capable of navigating a commercial airliner across many states, identify the Hudson River (from many miles high), and be capable for navigating across many more states and into NYC. Maybe you should start researching commercial airplanes and their safety features. Looked like one of those jets makes some hard embankments as impact occurs. Probably pulling 3 or 4 G's. Im pretty sure commercial airliners cant make such maneuvers even with autopilot disabled, to protect its crew and passengers. But I have no hands on experience in that field unlike I do with steel buildings.

No worries Im not trying to make you believe....just trying to open your eyes a little so you can see your being misled by false information. Apply the laws of physics and most of everything your told about 9/11 turns to a false statement.
Dude those building came down cuz planes hit them, and the fires. I got a bridge that proves it, but if you link a building built just like them and it doesn't fall, well thats because its different than the building that fell. Everyone knows that skyscrapers are just bridges laid on end, sheesh i thought everyone knew that.

This is honestly the dumbest thing ive ever heard, cant wait to tell people at work LOL

we can't even find a guy in a cave who supoposedly did it and masterminded the greatest attack ever on american soil.

NOPE but we sure can fly his entire family out of the US even though all flights had been grounded :roll: Hmmm, sure did have a good chance to get some info on his where abouts....Why didnt we? Cause he didnt do it. He even said that he had nothing to do with 9/11 in a video. Yet here people are, still blinded by hate.
HEHE i hear that steel foundries are no longer using blast furnaces to melt their steel they now just burn desks and paperwork doused with a bit of JET A. its proven to melt steel up to 1000 feet away, the gubbermint crack spin team said so.
Here is the "OFFICIAL" terrorist list as put forth by the good ole US Gubbermint.

While the pilots trained in the United States, Bin Ladin and al Qaeda leaders in Afghanistan started selecting the muscle hijackers—those operatives who would storm the cockpit and control the passengers on the four hijacked planes. (The term “muscle” hijacker appears in the interrogation reports of 9/11 conspirators KSM and Binalshibh, and has been widely used to refer to the non-pilot hijackers.) The so-called muscle hijackers actually were not physically imposing, as the majority of them were between 5’5” and 5’7” in height and slender in build. In addition to Hazmi and Mihdhar, the first pair to enter the United States, there were 13 other muscle hijackers, all but one from Saudi Arabia. They were Satam al Suqami, Wail and Waleed al Shehri (two brothers), Abdul Aziz al Omari, Fayez Banihammad (from the UAE), Ahmed al Ghamdi, Hamza al Ghamdi, Mohand al Shehri, Saeed al Ghamdi, Ahmad al Haznawi, Ahmed al Nami, Majed Moqed, and Salem al Hazmi (the brother of Nawaf al Hazmi).

Now you would think that all 11 would be dead, after all they flew those planes into buildings that later were incinerated. Guess how many are alive? If you guessed " 7" then you are a fookin genius, cuz thats how many are alive today, the buildings blew up, the planes were destroyed, thousands of innocents were killed but 65% of the hijackers lived. Probably went into Building # 7 to find a safe spot and while there were roasting hot dogs and smores waiting for Osama to come pick them up in his Hummer Truck with spinners. http://whatreallyhappened.com/WRHARTICLES/hijackers.html
Hey huffy, wanna know why the building doesn't look like a pancaked building? cuz the jet was going so fast that it actually caused the entire building to melt from the intense friction from the impact. I know its true cuz the same thing happens when comets and asteroids that go 25,000 mph hit stuff, its the same thing. Boeing makes FAST airliners.

Well its either that or perhaps it got blown the fuck up?

Oh and lets not forget that the impact friction also caused molecular rearrangement of aluminum, iron oxide to make thermite, that thermite then instantaneously cut hundreds of thousands of steel beams in both buildings into nice 10 foot long pieces. While were at it it also caused the image of the Baby Jesus to appear on my morning toast.

It has nothing to do with the application, it has to do with the material.

I will take your non objection of my introduction of evidence from various sources that steel looses half its rigidity at 1000 degrees... then I really only have to deal with 3 things.

1. Can I demonstrate that this fire would very easily be well over 1000 degrees?

2. Can I somehow convince the conspirators that this...

...might have had some minor effect on the structural integrity of some parts of the buildings?

3. Can I get an answer to my next single question before I waste more time disproving things only to have them be deemed irrelevant... though somehow before they were... particularly, if memory serves... ah well, on to the rest?

As the resident demo expert, can you please explain to me two things?

1. Can you explain why thermite would not ignite in that minor damage to the facade up there? Or for that matter while on fire for 102 minutes?
2. Can you show me, written or otherwise, when thermite has been used to demolish something of any scale you find significant?
And if you want to toy with other questions...
3. What sort of quantities would we need, and my next real question will be concerning the effort in placing these precision noncombustible thermite bombs.
D. Or whatever we are on. I just realized I write like Ricky now.
and 6. Don't use this as a reason to distract from my current question about a completely unprovable answer that you get to make up... how hard is this?
Hey huffy, wanna know why the building doesn't look like a pancaked building? cuz the jet was going so fast that it actually caused the entire building to melt from the intense friction from the impact. I know its true cuz the same thing happens when comets and asteroids that go 25,000 mph hit stuff, its the same thing. Boeing makes FAST airliners.

Well its either that or perhaps it got blown the fuck up?

Oh and lets not forget that the impact friction also caused molecular rearrangement of aluminum, iron oxide to make thermite, that thermite then instantaneously cut hundreds of thousands of steel beams in both buildings into nice 10 foot long pieces. While were at it it also caused the image of the Baby Jesus to appear on my morning toast.

The stuff that happens with comets and such is much much hotter.. This only needed to impart about 700 degrees of temp to completey render the steel useless at a strustural component. That is in addition to the 1000 degrees plus that gas fire provided.

I am glad tho that you have finally come around to admitting that the impact of the jet and the fire caused the collapse of the building.

Hey we got two exapmles of building that will topple when hit by a jet.

Got any building collisions where a similar size jet at that similarly sized building and did not cause a building collapse?

I got two examples that say it topples after an hour or two after the collision..
Ahh I turned on my vape yestereday. My friend asked what temp does that run at. I looked and it was set at 220C that's almost 450F I said. Then I thought WOW! I should be carefull my house is Almost half to melting and maybe weaken and fall over.
Ahh I turned on my vape yestereday. My friend asked what temp does that run at. I looked and it was set at 220C that's almost 450F I said. Then I thought WOW! I should be carefull my house is Almost half to melting and maybe weaken and fall over.

I think I just lost some brain cells trying to make sense of your post..

Media Smearing of Truth Movement Reaching a Crescendo
Despite recent breakthroughs, media continues to paint 9/11 truthers, others as dangerous terrorists

Recent months have seen numerous breakthroughs for the truth movement in the corporate media, from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oO2yT0uBQbMFox 26's interview with Richard Gage of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth to 9/11 Press For Truth being aired on local television in Colorado to coverage of this year's Bilderberg conference in http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/series/charlie-skeltons-bilderberg-filesmajor British newspapers. Despite these positive developments, however, primetime TV dramas are continuing to portray those skeptical of the official 9/11 story (a clear majority of the American public according to http://www.infowars.com/articles/sept11/poll_only_16_percent_believe_gov_on_911.htmpoll after poll) as deranged terrorists who are likely to commit acts of violence.
Like I said the corporate propaganda tool is very good at brainwashing people ... the bushwhacked on this forum serve as excellent examples to that fact.:neutral:
2. Can I somehow convince the conspirators that this...

...might have had some minor effect on the structural integrity of some parts of the buildings?

1. Can you explain why thermite would not ignite in that minor damage to the facade up there? Or for that matter while on fire for 102 minutes?

Simple, No need for thermite on the top 25% of the building... It just took a jet impact lol! Thermite used in the basement on the vertical columns (see pic in above post) and prolly at the buildings main joints (towers made in 3 sections). From the words of a demo expert, "You blow its base, and put it in its footprint".

See that big ass fire ball???? THERE IS ALL YOUR JET FUEL!! How hard is this to see people?

Yes I agree its probably really hot 1000F easy.... but that fire ball isnt going to stay that intense that long. Its going to burn up real fuckin fast. Its just like striking an oxy-acetylene torch full blast and holding to steel for a brief moment then backing it off to a small dirty burn (aka office fire), but just on a smaller scale.... To effectively weaken steel you need intense heat for a LONGER period of time the a matter of seconds, also dont forget the steel is coated in fireproofing!!! For me to cut 1 inch steel (towers had 3 and 4 inch steel) with a torch at work you have to preheat the steel for atleast 30-45 seconds!! Think of what it takes to heat up 4 inch steel. This torch burns as high as 3400C. WAY hotter then a jet fuel fire ball for a few seconds then simmers down to a smolder in 30 min. Im sorry I have way too much knowledge in this field. Its impossible for me to believe FIRE (a weiner cookin fire at that) brought those towers down.

2. Can you show me, written or otherwise, when thermite has been used to demolish something of any scale you find significant?

Thermite is soley used by the military. So, being that the miltary doesnt demo buildings its going to be hard to find your written docs.

3. What sort of quantities would we need, and my next real question will be concerning the effort in placing these precision noncombustible thermite bombs.
D. Or whatever we are on. I just realized I write like Ricky now.
and 6. Don't use this as a reason to distract from my current question about a completely unprovable answer that you get to make up... how hard is this?

There are witness accounts of suspicious activity on vacant floors within the towers a week or two before "the attacks". Loud bangs, equipment rolling across floor, other kinds of construction sounds, ect.. a few days before the attacks people were complaining of "a light grey dust that covered all the desks and window ledges". (Sounds like concrete dust to me) There are also accounts of people reporting a power outage in both towers, I dont remember how long power was down though. But it was all going on during the weeks before. Now, both towers had been contracted for a "security upgrade". Supposedly, a crew from this company (Securacom serch it) had been contracted to install a new security system. Did I mention that the owner of Securacom is none other the Ex-Pres Bush's little brother Marvin Bush. :twisted:

Sounds like a fine time to rig a building to me. Especially when the powers down.... No door locks, no security cameras. Hell, any one of those "security engineers" had access to whatever part of the building he wanted to!

Seems awfully fishy to me.... Construction noises, power outages, "grey dust", then a few days later we watched the rest.
Excellent post Huffy, what poor Olosto and What ...huh don't understand is that the fire never burned long enough to weaken shit, actually it could have raged for 8 hours and the building would have been fine, because once again here is a video of that same fire in Beijing, but I found out there was a fireworks factory in it, it blows up over and over. Now this building has a hollow atrium up the center and is built MUCH less sturdy than the superior core method used in the WTC buildings. Now fireworks in a contained area can reach 1400C http://www.springerlink.com/content/n73v1155452t7vn6/ YET THIS BUILDING DID NOT FALL!!!!!!!!! How is that possible if Olosto and What.....Duh or the US Gubbermint say is anywhere near correct?

Burning building , explosions video, you can hear the explosions. All 50 floors of the building were completely burned.


now here is the same building the day after.


Don't gimme any of this "Chaos theory" bullshit, or well it was built different, cuz this is only one of MANY fires in highrises I can link that never fell.

You can't explain shit, anyone that watches this has to be asking themselves what really happened. ITS OBVIOUS the fires didn't take down the buildings, nor did the impact, nor did the combination of both. AND ALL OF YOUR THEORIES EXPLAIN NOTHING ABOUT BUILDING 7, you side step and obfuscate that building and avoid any discussion whatsoever on it, because those 2 little fires could not have done jack shit to the salomon bros building. No matter how much drivel comes out of your mouth to try and convince anyone otherwise is pointless, no one believes you. Its an inside job whether you want to admit to it or not, your own government killed those people and they got off scott free and will probably never have to face up to it. They did it with impunity to push their agenda, the same agenda since the first Bush. The New World Order. Global Governance.
Very well put NoDrama! Bush has even talked about wanting to invade Iraq BEFORE he even ran for office. But he needed an new "Pearl Harbor" to gain the support of the sheep.... er uh im mean masses.

You know even United Flight 93, the one crashed in Pennsylvania... The "Official Report" claimed Mark Bingham (i think that was his name) made a phone call to his mother from his cell phone. The recording they played went something like this.....

"Mark: Hello? Mom?! This is Mark Bingham"

Who the hell addresses themself by full name when talking their mom?

Even more strange that in 2001 cell phone technology wasnt advanced enough to make a call from a moving aircraft, because the plane changes from cell to cell to quickly. Check it out http://physics911.net/cellphoneflight93

Funny how the "Gubberment" (lol thanks drama) wont release any of the transripts for any of the "calls" made that day. Only play a pre-made recording, they claim were passengers aboard, were released. Anyone can make a recording.
But it was all going on during the weeks before. Now, both towers had been contracted for a "security upgrade". Supposedly, a crew from this company (Securacom serch it) had been contracted to install a new security system. Did I mention that the owner of Securacom is none other the Ex-Pres Bush's little brother Marvin Bush. :twisted:

Sounds like a fine time to rig a building to me. Especially when the powers down.... No door locks, no security cameras. Hell, any one of those "security engineers" had access to whatever part of the building he wanted to!

Seems awfully fishy to me.... Construction noises, power outages, "grey dust", then a few days later we watched the rest.[/quote]

from the elevator shafts and the internal core structure of the building, every major joint in the building could be reached and rigged with explosives without any of the working public in the offices ever seeing anything going on,.. with or without the power being off,..
I think I just lost some brain cells trying to make sense of your post..


I had no difficulty seeing where he was going with this, hes making the statement that his vaporizer gets half as hot as you say steel loses 100% of its rigidity, hell maybe 2 vaporizers set to max temp brought those buildings down?
I had no difficulty seeing where he was going with this, hes making the statement that his vaporizer gets half as hot as you say steel loses 100% of its rigidity, hell maybe 2 vaporizers set to max temp brought those buildings down?

Wait, did someone say it lost 100% of its rigidity at 1000f or are you just making shit up again. There was a chart posted that showed the loss of stregnth at 1000f. I believe it was about 50%..

Stop making shit up or using half truths.. You will be much more creditable..

And huffy.. That was the initial impact. The fires raged untill the building came down, yes avgas burning for more than 5 min buddy, nice try tho.. :peace:

That post still makes no sense and draws no paraells that are useable in this arguement. A totally useless post..
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