Oh Goodie! ... More on 911 (inside job) :)

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I am sorry to both the construction worker and the welder...

The engineers disagree with you. Nothing personal, but I am going to defer to their judgment.

If you want to link me to a structural engineer who agrees with you I will be happy to look at it... but that is basically like me saying I have been smoking all my life, and if you burn one side of your seeds before you plant them, they will double your yield.

I would assume you would defer to the horticulturist.

More engineers.

The Federal Highway Administration agrees.

More engineers for the FHWA.
wow im getting in to this real late but Im an ironworker and have worked with steel my entire life.
Ah ... another member of our viewing audience ... welcome ... an iron worker ... I overcame my fear of heights thanks to the iron workers ... you guys are awesome ... ladies and gentlemen ... you should see these guys at work ... 47 stories up and if not for their safety harnesses you would think they behaved as thought they were working on the ground! Kudos to the iron workers!

Structural steel melts at roughly 2500F, and uncontrolled burn MAX temperatures reach about 1400F. Not nearly enough to melt steel. The temp of your material can only be as high as the temp of the burn applied. Steel does loose some strength at around 1000F but not enough for it to deform and collapse. If that were so, OSHA would not allow these materials to be used for high rise construction. Plus everything is covered in fire proofing. The "Official Report" said the fire proofing was "blown off" on impact, which is obviously a LIE. To reach temps high enough to melt steel you need a controlled burn aided by a compressed gas. Like your stove... Its made of steel yet it doesn't deform under the controlled "blue flame" burn of natural gas... Which is way hotter then a nasty uncontrolled burn.
Thanks for the input on this ...

No high rise in history has fallen due to fire..... On 9/11, three towers smoldered for 90 minutes....then fell... and everyone bought it.
That fact is jaw dropping to me ...

Does anyone know the sign of an unhealthy fire?... its smoke.

If anyone believes fire brought those towers down is a helpless puppet....
No argument here ... and those that are presented with the evidence that shows the obvious and still accept the bullshit story are :dunce:

Hell most of the jet fuel went up in flames immediately upon impact, hence the gigantic fireball....

Those buildings were designed to withstand several airplane impacts, its like a mesh of 3-4" thick steel tubes.
You think they would be able to comprehend that with pictures of all that massive steel ... :sleep:

Peace out, Educate yourselves, Dont get caught up in the media.
Thanks for posting ... you iron workers are okay by me ... :mrgreen::eyesmoke:

I am sorry to both the construction worker and the welder...
The engineers disagree with you. Nothing personal, but I am going to defer to their judgment.
The engineers disagree with you about the WTC ... but I don't see you "defer to their judgment" ... I wonder why?:roll:

If you want to link me to a structural engineer who agrees with you I will be happy to look at it...
Oh you mean like the structural engineer Richard Gage ... who you claim was lying ... even though you couldn't tell us why or how ... you mean like him?

but that is basically like me saying I have been smoking all my life, and if you burn one side of your seeds before you plant them, they will double your yield.

I would assume you would defer to the horticulturist.
I don't give a damn about this bridge ... it has nothing to do with 911 ... there were no inconsistencies to the event that occurred ... there is no evidence of foul play .... yet there is plenty of evidence of foul play on 911 ... The bridge was an accident no ifs ands or buts about it ... totally different than what happen on 911 ... :neutral:
Yeah im kinda tired of the bridge thing too, there isn't really any similarities to WTC buildings. Sure fire can melt steel, of course, how do you think they melt it in the first place, no one argues that point with you what...huh. The point we are trying to make is that its so not possible to happen to the towers, I linked you really good sources that showed the tower fires looking like girlscout weiner roasts compared to the fires some of these high rises suffered, and none fell down. So if all other high rises that have caught fire and not fallen down, then how is it that you are trying to state that these ones somehow did? Even the government itself and all the paid engineers and NIST can't explain it either in fact the commision even states that they can't figure it out, what do you say to that?

As far as engineers not agreeing with me, well I got at least 696 bona fide engineers and architects who agree that 911 was a sham. No not just a sham, but also a mockery, a Shamockery if you will. http://www.ae911truth.org/signpetition.php
Not to open another bag of worms. Something tells me that IF and by some crazy theory IF those core beams did get hot enough to melt and deform I have trouble seeing them all at once deform or melt into itself? I'm lost on how to describe? Umm? I don't know really what I'm trying to say but wouldn't the building have maybe doubled over? Bent over?

What about Building 7? That one is the one to focus on. Maybe the pentagon and the other"plane" Sorry for the insensitivity but there are soooo many things that I cannot ignor. I don't even bother arguing much really I'm happy!!!
Yeah im kinda tired of the bridge thing too, there isn't really any similarities to WTC buildings.

You are bored? It took me 10 pages of insisting you answer my single question... and YOU are bored of the bridge? Cry me a phucking river. I am so sick of this bridge you couldn't imagine. You force this to be laborious.

I seem to remember before I entered this thread the position you have just accepted (though you do not yet understand the relevance) was heralded as "defying the laws of physics". "Lies". "Stupidity". I have fought tooth and nail for what? My agenda? My plot to become closer endeared to GWB? For accuracy. That is all. You are bored. With all due respect go phuck yourself with your boredom. You FORCE me to dredge the lake of this fairytale... and you are bored... I am bored. I am bored of you, and those like you telling me our friends didn't die. That my family is involved in a treasonous conspiracy to betray their country and engage in active murder of her people... and you are bored? lol.

I am bored of dragging you people by your hair across the jagged edge of truth. I have been here 2 weeks and I have undone this bit of rhetoric which you ALL have been espousing for the last 8 years as science. You think you are bored? Get used to disappointment. I will continue to bore you by God... this is just the beginning. I am not done by damn sight.

So if all other high rises that have caught fire and not fallen down, then how is it that you are trying to state that these ones somehow did? Even the government itself and all the paid engineers and NIST can't explain it either in fact the commision even states that they can't figure it out, what do you say to that?

I say I told you I will address any concern of yours. Give me a schematic of the building in asia. Did it have a cement core? There could be a hundred reasons. I will try and find one that appeases. Maybe it's fireproofing was better than the 60s aspestos spray which seems to be coming apart all over the country creating health hazards etc... or maybe... just maybe... for all your research and presumed understanding, you really just don't grasp the concept of specific energy, and why a fire that works its way into a flame is not the same as one ignited with the explosive energy of hydrocarbons. Maybe because a 200000 pound jet didn't slam into the fucking thing before releasing 43 megajoules per kg of fucking energy from 20,000 GALLONS of fuel... ya know... for starters. Maybe you are just a jackass on a computer playing forensic scientist. Maybe I am too.

Maybe that building and the WTCs just don't have enough in common.

Ask more interesting questions if you are mired in the tedium of truth and some unanswerable questions. Wah... reversing my belief structure is boring.

As far as engineers not agreeing with me, well I got at least 696 bona fide engineers and architects who agree that 911 was a sham. No not just a sham, but also a mockery, a Shamockery if you will. http://www.ae911truth.org/signpetition.php

LOL. Funny that the weak position finds strength in some minds for sake of being the minority. I like to root for the underdog as much as the next guy... but the scientific and engineering community at large rejects these notions resoundly. Either there is safety in numbers or there is not. You cannot have it both ways.

Einstine couldn't bring together the principals of general relativity and quantum physics. Does that mean there was no answer or was he wrong? Was he an idiot? There are simply things that are unknowable at this point about 9/11 given the chaotic nature of the situation and the wholesale destruction of that which we are attempting to comprehend. This was not a science experiment. It was an event.

I am going to try and inspire just a wee bit of understanding here with a rhetorical question.

What if the maze fire had never happened? What possible evidence could I have demonstrated which would have made you come to the understanding you now have of the temperament of steel?


You think you are bored.
Not to open another bag of worms. Something tells me that IF and by some crazy theory IF those core beams did get hot enough to melt and deform I have trouble seeing them all at once deform or melt into itself? I'm lost on how to describe? Umm? I don't know really what I'm trying to say but wouldn't the building have maybe doubled over? Bent over?

Like this?


Tip due to structural weakness then fall on itself with the downward force of 20 stories, an acre of sq. footage per story, falling from the sky onto a building of equal footprint? Yeah... that is about what I might expect too.

Ever wonder why 1 took twice as long to fall as 2?

Think it might have had to do with the weight/number of in tact floors above and that magic elasticity point of steel weakening? Makes a little more sense. If it were demo'd... way to think ahead... and aim those planes... just to give me a logical argument 8 years later.


What about Building 7? That one is the one to focus on. Maybe the pentagon and the other"plane" Sorry for the insensitivity but there are soooo many things that I cannot ignor. I don't even bother arguing much really I'm happy!!!

No problem at all. Most agree that 7 is the tricky one.

Doesn't seem that tricky to me. They say there were 3 diesel generators with upwards of 43000 gallons of fuel in them.. but I have not found anything corroborating any kind of explosion. It is noteworthy that it was there. Don't know how that would work into it really. I had decided not to "do" 7 till I was done with 1 and 2. You might notice I like to move one thing at a time. Much harder to avoid reality that way.

There were three main web trusses which supported the entire weight of the building. As the main truss began to fail, the weight of the building shifted backwards, creating the bulge between floors 10 and 13. Less than an hour later, after having been burning for 7 hours unbattled... it failed. They all knew it was going to fail. They had bigger problems. They just cleared the area and did their jobs.

That is another problem with conspiracists.

You have to assume the firemen, who lost more than 300 fellow brethren, were complicit in all of this.

NYFD is a pretty tight group. I have issues with that on principal.

"They were going up as we were coming down. I kept thinking, 'how are they going to put those fires out?'. They all looked as they passed. They all had blue eyes. They were all beautiful."

-WTC occupant wandering the street on 9/11

It's offensive.

And that is why I continue to engage... and will continue to engage. It is offensive to the thousands of fire and rescue, cops, building maintenance crews, security, ground crews, passengers, flight crews, reporters, camera crews, drivers, politicians, commercial enterprises, secretaries, demolition experts, servants, engineers, air traffic controllers, airport administrators, scientists, lab technicians you accuse of complicity, required for your beliefs to be possible.

How many would it require? How would you coordinate such an enterprise? I guess you would need programmers and modelers too... I will add some more to this list every time I post.

There is no single goal which all of these people could possibly have to gain from this treason, this horror.

Do I have to rule out mind control too?

Every one of the people required in these groups can not possibly keep this a secret. It is ridiculous to even have to argue this... and yet... here I am.

We must question our government. We must also be just in judgment... even if you think it "sounds like something they would do." If for no other reason because it would require TOO MANY AMERICANS COOPERATION to be feasible.

I cannot prove a negative, but I can demonstrate it's implausibility.

It is implausible. It is impossible. It is offensive.
I wonder if in the distant future, if there will be those who deny it even happened... like the moon landing. A hollywood stage... the wool pulled over the worlds eyes. I wonder how I would argue that.

"my great grandma lost an uncle"

"Bullshit. Was she there? What is his name? ... Yeah... He retired to the Cayman Islands with a masseuse. There is his picture... the fat guy on the left."

The futility of arguing a subject with people who ignore truth if it interferes with their dogma is frustrating... but maybe someone on the fence goes "oh... yeah... how bout that?"

Cleaning crews.
Hey buddy, you could take 1 girder and poke it in the ground, take 1 trillion billion gazillion TONS of jet a and light her up and let it burn around the girder, come back in 20 minutes when the fuel is all burnt out and I will take wagers that the girder is still there intact.

The diesel fuel in WTC #7 is a non issue, its already been proven that the diesel never ignited. Nope they made these buildings out of sticks and cardboard that's why they fell. Hey if the fires were so fucking hot, howe come the windows didn't all blow out like they should have?

See this?

The most recent example of a spectacular skyscraper fire was the burning of the Hotel Mandarin Oriental starting on February 9, 2009. The nearly completed 520-foot-tall skyscraper in Beijing caught fire around 8:00 pm, was engulfed within 20 minutes, and burned for at least 3 hours until midnight. Despite the fact that the fire extended across all of the floors for a period of time and burned out of control for hours, no large portion of the structure collapsed. That fire makes any of the WTC fires look like a fucking weeny roast! You sure as fuck can't deny that is one mutha fucka of a fire, probably has temps in the thousands of degrees.

but your trying to convice all of us that this (10 seconds before its collapse)

Was somehow worse? You sir, have to be blind!

It is tempting to draw parallels between this spectacle and the destruction of WTC 1, 2, and 7 because of the stark opposites: on 9/11/01, three skyscrapers were transformed into piles of rubble primarily as a consequence, supposedly, of fires -- fires spanning small fractions of each building; and on 2/09/09, a skyscraper remained intact after burning like a torch for hours. However such parallels may be limited by major structural differences between the buildings in the two cases -- one being that the Hotel Mandarin Oriental, designed by the famous Dutch architect Rem Koolhaas, had a full-height interior atrium, and thus had the hollowness that the 911 Commision deceptively attempted to attribute to the Twin Towers.

Column failure theory proponents usually invoke some combination of structural damage and fire stress to explain total collapse. Structural damage is used to explain the insufficiency of fire stress and vice versa, in a kind of circular argument.

You just can't rationally explain it can you? And it is eating away at you like it has for all of us the last 8 years. Something in the back of your mind wants to believe the truth, but the conscious mind retches at the thought of accepting such.
Hey I just noticed something from your pics that supposedly show the tipping you are trying to explain to mexi, I think he was actually wonder why something like this didn't happen.

But now that I look at your time lapse set of 4 pics

I see that in [SIZE=-1]examining the middle edge of the falling portion of the tower shows that its angle of tilt from vertical remains about the same between the second and third frames, and therefore the top has stopped rotating. But unless the top had already been shattered, it should have continued to rotate in accordance with the law of conservation of angular momentum. [/SIZE]A gravity-driven collapse cannot account for that disintegration, nor for how a cloud of rubble could crush the intact structure below the impact zone.

Consider getting ankle straps to keep your socks on!
Hey I just noticed something from your pics that supposedly show the tipping you are trying to explain to mexi, I think he was actually wonder why something like this didn't happen.

Because that one had a structural problem at the base... the WTCs structural problems all happened at mid point, so you have the full weight of ten times that collapsing into a hole, and gathering weight... and so on. You will notice the top of the building DID do that. I assume you have seen the rest of the clip where the building caves and collapses.


Notice the sharp corners of that building as it hits the other one? See the damage to the other building is not squared... but as the two structures collided (lateral force, so not as good an example as dropping it crooked on another building) they destroyed each other only enough to equalize the collision and resistance?

That is what the top of the wtc was doing... only it was crashing into floors beneath, each not capable of baring the load of 10 more stories, 11, 12, 13, 14, on down to the ground. You do realize that is WHY there is so much steel work in the building... to balance the load... because if one piece of the foundation could do it, it would be designed like the space needle.

We are dealing with MASSIVE pulverizng forces on earth. Do you have the slightest guess of the weight of 15 stories with a square footage of an acre each, full of crap... wiring... people... elevators... AC units... would weigh? How SHOULD it behave when falling effectively on top of another building?

But now that I look at your time lapse set of 4 pics

I see that in [SIZE=-1]examining the middle edge of the falling portion of the tower shows that its angle of tilt from vertical remains about the same between the second and third frames, and therefore the top has stopped rotating. But unless the top had already been shattered, it should have continued to rotate in accordance with the law of conservation of angular momentum. [/SIZE]A gravity-driven collapse cannot account for that disintegration, nor for how a cloud of rubble could crush the intact structure below the impact zone.

sigh... for you this is all just an article of faith. Your entire line of reasoning is still the same.

"I didn't expect them to fall that way."

"It sounds like something the government would do."

You just keep throwing darts, hoping something will stick to your theory... and you think that is method.

The upper floors are collapsing some during this immense collision of floors trying to making an accordian. The sharp corners of the building are pulverized against the massive resistance of the floors beneath as they are crushed.

It equalizes against the other side until it is a mass of debris being impacted between the flattened floors from above still in tact but slightly reshaped top of the building builds momentum as the buffer dibris is equal to the top portion which grinds them both down to the ground.

Massive forces at work.

Consider getting ankle straps to keep your socks on!

Bring it, lest it be brougten.

I have answered several questions now, or at least addressed them, to my one question. I have asked a second and would like an answer before I continue to engage new questions.

Your entire argument is based only in two beliefs, and you will continue to search for anything that signifies evidence to support your beliefs. Nothing will convince you otherwise. Your faith is unshakable. I do not expect to ever win this... so you know.

Sound famliar?

That is another thing... I do not need to provide and prove an alternative theory to disprove one. I do not have to be at the ready in order to contrive a scenario in a scope above both of our pay grades to DISPROVE yours. If you were to say "there is no chocolate in m&m's" and I, through some painstaking method demonstrate to you that there is indeed chocolate... and you say "Then why does it taste funny?"... I don't have to know that answer. I am not proposing theories. You are. I am happy to demonstrate a rational answer if I think I have one... but I am not required to have one... I am not positing a theory. I believe what happened was what we all witnessed.

Thousands of volunteers who flooded in to help.
- They hid and destroyed evidence.
The nature of truth and truth seeking requires the honesty and competence required to find it.

Gage claiming that the WTC came down faster than gravity means that he is lacking one of those requirements.
How many examples of this will you require before accepting discrediting him? I only require one.

For instance, I am not a munitions expert. I have demonstrated that. I will never do anything but ask questions on the subject if I am confused. I would not present evidence contrary to ND's assertions as facts. I would ask for clarification.

I am, however comfortable in saying that the argument that wtc 1 or 2 fell faster than gravity is counter-intuitive because of the free falling debris outpacing the building collapse. Debris with long flat surfaces for plenty of wind resistence... so also not at the rate of gravity in a vacuum, and certainly not faster... outpacing the collapse. I mean unless you think that debris was being pulled to the earth with invisible wire and some sort of fast reeling motor... I don't really need the rest... ya know?


Watch it as many times as you need to to find the big chunks of debris lapping the building collapse.


I don't need to be an architect to say he is either stupid, which I don't believe he is, or disingenuous for whatever motivation. I don't really need to know.
the only thing your videos prove is that the steel girders chopped themselves into little pieces and then were forcefully ejected from the building.
You must think that every person involved with the operations/rescues/survival was concerned about getting "Evidence" you must be joking right? The firemen have a job to do, it does not include looking for explosives or anything else. They have procedures they must follow, they are not autonomous. I seriously doubt anyone at thwe time was in the mindset to start collecting evidence, especially since no one could get anywhere close to the site.

Explain this to me, im sure you won't since almost all questions I ask are totally ignored. Why did all the steel get removed from the site, melted down and recycled before the 911 commission was even finished with its investigation? Are we under some serious steel shortage and needed that right away? any idea why they would do that so quickly for just this one site, but not others? Perhaps its because the steel would likely show evidence of wrongdoing?

Hey your floor impact theory does not make sense. If the building could not support the weight of 10 floors, how was it even able to stand in the first place, I mean the bottom floor has all that weight of the previous 110 floors above it, according to your logic it should have all come tumbling down when they got the 10th floor built, cuz obviously they are using wood to build with, and cardboard. BNot HUGE steel girders or anything. and how about answering all those questions you said you would get back to? You can't just skirt thwe issue and only discuss what you wwant while ignoring every other piece of damnable evidence.

I don't need to be an architect to say he is either stupid, which I don't believe he is, or disingenuous for whatever motivation. I don't really need to know.[/quote]

What is the motivaton for perpetuating these conspiracy theories? I think it is similar to someone who believes in magic or witchcraft. Below average intelligence with a need to feel important. Why does someone feel he can see the truth that thousands of experts have missed? What motivates people to pretend they know something that has been so discredited.

That is what I take from this thread. Why do you think what you think? The answer is not pretty.
Why do I think what I think? Because I can fucking count.


How is that less than 10 seconds as Gage claims? It isn't. If you can't accept that... what is YOUR motivation?

What is Gages? Dunno. To sell books? To be famous? I don't claim to know the mind of Richard Gage.

I claim to be able to count.

What motivation does ATC have in ramming planes into buildings?

If you took ten floors and dropped them on top of the wtc from five floors up, what do you think would happen? Think it would "support that weight"?

Here is the thing you just really fail to understand about the fundamental differences between these buildings and every other you have mentioned.

They were really fucking big.

The tensile strength of steel does not change.

The effect of gravity on objects does not change.

What changes is the weight. Dramatically.

The amount of beams required to support the weight and structure which dispersed those loads is precisely that... a requirement because of the massive loads. The explosions did a tremendous amount of damage to the frames of those buildings. Then they burned, hot and instantly, for different times. The building was not designed to take such an impact alone.

@my video... one of gazillions...

Ok... so it is your contention, that this piece of debris both exploded outward, and straight down? That the huge column of debris to the right of the collapsing, evidently... these charges were blowing everything out and downward? Is that right? Here... I made you a picture.


  • fbf.jpg
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Explain this to me, im sure you won't since almost all questions I ask are totally ignored.

I have answered several questions now, or at least addressed them, to my one question. I have asked a second and would like an answer before I continue to engage new questions.

Why did all the steel get removed from the site, melted down and recycled before the 911 commission was even finished with its investigation?

That is another thing... I do not need to provide and prove an alternative theory to disprove one.

How many people were involved in this coverup. Rough guess.

The planes hit New York City
And thousands now are dead
"It was Arab terrorists"
This is what you said
Well if that is the truth
Then what have you got to hide
And what were you doing
On the day all those people died
Where the fuck were the fighter jets
Ordered by the FAA
And what is your explanation
For what you were heard to say
When you told the Air Force to stand down
Not to intercept
Did you plan to let it happen
Or are you just inept

I am left to wonder
As the flames are reaching higher
Was this our latest Lusitannia
Or another Reichstag Fire

There's some distressing information, sir
Which I think should be explained
Just which things have been lost
And just what has been gained
Like the thousands of put options
Bought days before the crash
If the money were collected
It would make quite a pretty stash
And the only stocks they bought
Were American and United
Deutsche Bank knows the answer
But the names have not been sighted
And is it just coincidence
That this firm in the private sector
Was once run by "Buzzy" Krongard
Ex-CIA Director


There's something fishy in Virginia
And I want an explanation
Why did they get the contract
What is Britannia Aviation
A one-man operation
Corporation with no history
He said he worked in Florida
But there he was a mystery
So is there a connection
I think it bears investigation
When the FAA found boxcutters
Does this cause you consternation
Hidden behind the seats
In these Delta planes
That had been fixed in Lynchburg
With Brittania at the reigns


You said Bin Laden was your friend
But he isn't anymore
Now that he's not fighting Russia
In your proxy war
Who called the FBI
Off the Bin Laden family trail
When so many times you had the chance
To re-write this sordid tale
Sudan in '96
The Taleban in 2001
Offered to turn him over
And right then you coulda won
But perhaps it is the case
That you're avoiding victory
That to justify your exploits
You must have an enemy


If you were not hiding from the truth
Then you'd have a truth commission
And not some masquerade
Kangaroo investigation
Hiring Henry Kissinger
The ancient master of deceit
To make sure all stones are left unturned
And the ruse is kept complete
And now you carry out your plans
Which you have had for decades
Conquering the world
With your troops and bombing raids
I see an evil regime
Led by an evil man
On Pennsylvania Avenue
Where this evil war began

Awesome post dankdude. Sums up kinda how I fell on the issue. I don't know what happened. Our own gov is messed enough I can't imagine what it's like in the U.S.A.

I didn't know what CNN msn etc all these news stations were before 911. well I knew they were news stations but I didn't give a crap to pay attn. Then 911 I was consumed, My mom asked me in the weeks following if there was war would I go? I said hell yeah I was pissed. Then there was one incedent in the shock and awe that kinda blew me away. It was when heraldo was in two places within half an hour that were imposible to travel to in such a time as they did.

Not really that significant of an issue but It was to a guy like me who bought the whole shtick. Then I learned about propaganda and the media owned by the gov and all that jazz, then reporting #7 20 mins early. everything led me to questions, all the ones in this thread plus. I'm content that this will go on forever. I honestly don't know how a "conspiracy" this huge could be pulled off? But I do know that I can't believe the official story. And if it is a huge conspiracy... we are all here still talking and debating it so did it really work? If it was a false flag op... it worked too. Now lets go get bin-laden!! lol.

Yeah, I think there's torsion of the frame evident in the video posted here. That alone would explain why the tower collapsed. Sudden buckling of the entire floor, and then the weight of the floors above it crashing on the floor below.

Not to mention in the previous video it is clear that there are debris spreading out in a parabolic trajectory around the building. I saw at least two fairly large pieces falling in parabolic curves.

9-11 CT - Bunch of bunk...
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