Maintmans tribute to the M Blaze monster indoor trees


Well-Known Member
Hi all,
Welcome to my first "BIG" grow.
First off let me inform you that the majority of this thread will be typed and updated from my phone since my mac blew up and I'm in lingo. So please bear with the grammer and punctuation and also you may see an "a" where it doesn't belong it should be a "w" for with so I appologise in advance my smart text changes them alot.

There's a lot to go over so I'll be adding to it and updating reguarly.

The idea: to try to duplicate the awsomeness that is/are M Blazes Big Girls

The setup (just the stuff to come)..
3x 600 watt digi balasted mh/hps compatible units
An array of nutes that closely match if not are the same
6 bricks coco coir
6 12 gal containers
2 bags pearlite
All the goodies to make a gravity fed watering/feeding resivoir
1 4ft+wide 7 1/2 ft tall 14 ft long grow room a dropceiling for intake and exhaust venting
Some knowhow
And help from the man himself ( digitaly of course)
Stay tuned for the next installment which will outay my grow plans and strain choices

And as a side note I have a current grow going on and am going to be documenting the transition from the plants I have now to the ones that will be the monster trees so you see where the clones/females come from.
Kinda pre big grow interlude to keep ya satisfied and I promise I'll get pics up as soon as I can.

Enough for now be back n an he or so gona make rounds


Well-Known Member
By the way this is an open journal so post away with comments suggestions and questions I'm going to try to be as thourough as I can and try to document as much as I can and thanks M Blaze for the inspiration I only hope I can do ya proud from the other side of the world


Well-Known Member
Ok so that sucked... Almost everything seemed to wanna stop working all at once...
I have just switched 4 afgan mazar from their homes in clear plastic cups to their intermediate sexing pots.
These plants were started from seed and are about a week old. They were germinated using the sock in a cup a some warm water. Placed in mirical grow organic to sprout and now there in coco/ pearlite mix.

Before I left for work this evening I started germinating 5 white rhino seeds and expect them to be cracked within 48 hrs

I plan on sexing these and the mazar and keeping the 6 strongest females. I germinated 5 mazars and one didn't crack. Hopefully I'll get the same from the 5 rhino I started or all. I hope for3 female of each but do realize that may be asking too much.

So I have backups... The grow that I have going currently consists of 4 plants of unknown genetics all fem from a buddy who was dissapointed to find a seed in his 140 a quarter stuff... 4 diff types well 3 are surley diff 2 may be same.

I started these mothers budding 3 weeks ago an there awsome... Decent-good genetics. I have multiple clones already rooted from them so if all else fails I'll be rockin those Babys to andree' the giant size.

Man I can't wait to get started... Well I am but I'm not to the begining yet

M blaze uses clones that are much bigger than I have rooted before so he does have that time advantage on me but I figure 2-3 more veg weeks and prob 2 fims vs his one bc again his clones are larger and start with a decent number of large branches so in an effort to catch my canopy up I will lst and hst a little more.

I may super crop 1-2 plants too depending on how the ones( the 4 fems) produce.... It's llooking good.., lotsa colas and big side buds


Well-Known Member
I know that M only likes to do 3-4 plants but since I'm putting slot of eggs in this basket I figure ima make doubly sure I maximize my canopy and cola numbers and with the space I have I dontbthink I'll need the extra 600 watter but we will see I have 1050 watts of magnetic balasted light I can throw in there if I need but I think I'll be fine and I plan on getting a min of 3 elbows from the 5-6 plants


Well-Known Member
Well that's another good night at work in the books now I'm off to the house to water my afgans in the coir and get my budding plants situated for the day hope to have pics ip soon got lots just no way to upload


Well-Known Member
Well that's another good night at work in the books now I'm off to the house to water my afgans in the coir and get my budding plants situated for the day hope to have pics ip soon got lots just no way to upload


Well-Known Member
Quick update the room has been recommisioned and I've been allowed to move my"wall" out 2 ft so now ittl be 6 x 7 x 14

M Blaze

Well-Known Member
Well obviously im goin to be watching this one :mrgreen:. Best of luck with it all and I hope to see some monster trees in this thread in the future. Looks like your gettin serious now ey :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Well obviously im goin to be watching this one :mrgreen:. Best of luck with it all and I hope to see some monster trees in this thread in the future. Looks like your gettin serious now ey :bigjoint:
LOL, if u must and yeah I'm going to the mattress on this one


Well-Known Member
Alright, so I've been sitting here reading over K1Ng...'s 148 page journal and I must say it's amazing how things grow. Mad props to him and his love for this hobby I know I should comment in his thread but I wanted to wait till I got done reading it.

On another note, as I mentioned I have a grow going on right now and will be transitioning into an M blaze monster tree grow..
With my current grow I have a 400 hps magnetic ballasted light and a 250 mh running in my flower room. I supercroped theplants farthest in the budding cycle and there coming allong nicely but I'm wondering if my lights aren't too close to promote the stretching to make large colas. Right now there aprox a foot from the tallest colas and so not show any signs of heat stress. I keep a box fan and a tower fan running cross ways to create a cyclone. I'm just worried I may be promoting tiny dense buds when I want big dense buds I can drop the plants down a foot and the lights can go up some what is the optimal range for size/ lenght and thickness


Well-Known Member
Alright I'm still looking for an answer on the lighting distance thing in the previous reply.

Aside from that lots has been going on round here, germinated those white rhino 5/5 germination sucess!! Hope the female ratio is high too. Started 4 in the sold cups with mg organic took 2-3 days to sprout. Put 1 in a cup with coco and it sprouted in 1 day... Rock on!

The 4 mazar are coming along nice I've been watering 1x daily and eow I feed with botanicare pureblend proveg a silica blast and I'm getting ready to throw some benificial bacteria and enzymes in the mix.

I had 8 clones of the 3 plants I started budding 4 weeks ago like 2 3 3 ratio and ive been taking pics and labled from moms...thankfully cause 2 look similar. But anyways they were in soil and I'm tired of waiting days to water so I gently removed the soil from the roots and filled with my coco pearlite mix. I expect a couple days of stress but after that it's smooth sailing. And I picked up two low lying rubermaid containers to place the comtsihers in so now I don't have to take the plants down when I water bc they gave a common catch. Don't worry I elevated the bottoms of the containers to avoid roots in standing water.

I also picked up 8. 30 gal rubermaids from wally world at 4 bucks each couldent pass it up hope to use one as a res for the gravity feeder the others idk. Maybe I'll put one plant in a 30 gal and do a yeild comparison. Or when it becomes legal here I'll do my outsiders in them maybe with the same techniques as I'm going for in this indoor monster tree grow I can adapt it for a super monster outdoor tree( indoor in a glass greenhouse avtually a auxiliary lighting. But I'm still waiting on my state to catch up a the times.

I may be able to post some pics tomarrow but I can't promise. I can promise that once I get the new iPhone update they've made it to where u can upload pics from your phone directly to the net like a computer and you will be able to capture video and copy and paste txt from anywhere... So pics are comming and I got lots.

Well peace please stop in and comment


Well-Known Member
Horray!!! Internet lives at my house again... Though it's just a windows ( no offense, just a big apple/mac fan) but it works so I should be able to send my pic to my email and tomarrow when I get off work I can start posting them I'll try to labor as best I can. Hopefully this will spark some interest bc I do have 1 about to coke down and 3 well on their way so yes .... Bud porn!

I expect to get my new lights tomar and ima switch em out and start rearanging and expanding soon so keep your eyes out for the transition


Well-Known Member
ok a little bud porn, sry for the quality im getting a better phone that i can take lights on pics with

the pic in my avatar is a bad ass strain i call DC it popped outa my last run and was many trichromes...finally got a cutting to show roots so into veg and off to the monster factory we go litle girl.

the other pic is one i took tonight right after lights off the blob in the back is a 12 cola bushy mofo and the nub in the right lower corner is a supercroped pland that ended up one massive cola there are two other plants w many colas forming both supercroped...gotta go mow the lawn more up later



Well-Known Member
not sure which ones these are i think theres a pic of the vegging clones and the afgan seedlings also a early pic of the 3 that are getting there more to come its taking a while to transfer them to the email and many of the better ones are on my dead computer


Well-Known Member
Looks like you got a few plants there. This should be an interesting thread.
yeah M i do...10 unknowns that i started to fill the void till my white rhino and mazar and northern lights got here, 4 mazar afgans(the ones that are small but in the 2 gals. the 5 other red cups have white rhino(4 in mg 1 in coco) one red cup has a clone from the "big cola supercropped plant". I also have 12 clones from the 3 othe girls that are budding now...4 in bud 8 in veg...hope to chose 1 or too of these for the big grow. Cheers

o ya i did get a cutting from the avatar plant to show roots so im putting it in the coco today..
o btw ive been watering in the coco 1x daily in these early days to promote root growth then ill step upo to 2 in bout 5 days on the longest rooted coco plants...15 days or so


Well-Known Member
gota new to me mac coming on monday yippie happy days are near...o yea the super-cola plant is getting ready to come down....lights say they are coming today so if so i should have some pics of the stageing for the big grow


Well-Known Member
heres a pic of some of the flowering plants, the one leaf there with nute burn is actually where i spilled on the leaf while watering...oops and the other couple leaves on the large cola plant is where they got too close to the light...oops sitting here typing this and all the sudden its christmas...i got my lights..3 x 600 digital ballasted hps lights with "upgraded" agro max upgrade...came in the box w a note saying they were outa the regular bulbs and i got hooked up soon o that

