Maintmans tribute to the M Blaze monster indoor trees


Well-Known Member
ok so i spent about 5 hrs yesterday rearranging my room to allow more vertical growth of the big girls and to get some light to the tops of the sativas...i can now raise and lower the 12 12 light out of the containment box and put them to bed ith the other light on...which is how its been for a while but not in seperate areas...they were stacked on one another but the vertical space got limited and the longest budding plants didnt take so well with the introduction of so much light so close. i can also raise the other light as i see fit and elevated it about 1-1/12 ft over its old position to encourage the vertical growth im looging for...we will call this day one in the big grow

got pics



Well-Known Member
just cut down the plant that had the tops accidentilay took off...154 gms wet weight so im looking for right at 40 gms dry...not too bad considering the 3 buds that got knocked off where the largest at the time and the largest at this time weighed 26 gms wet so they woulda been that and say 20 more gms of dry weight already smoked too early...decent...for a total of what woulda been 2 oz for the plant


Well-Known Member
ok so im coming along nicely... just put 8 plants into bud and am going to pot up on my "big girls" this week and drop them down a foot i have 5 deff fem clones that are at the point that M's are when he starts (best i can tell from the pics) ive also got one mazar and one rhino that im hoping that there fem so i can run some new big girls..well new to me...but at least i have the 5 for sure....ive killed all but 3 of the unknown sativas 4 showed hermi characteristics and 2 were male and one fem had spindly fan leaves and wasnt budding/growing worth a crap except up.

im stoked if ive got it timed right i wont have to buy any more bud...ever i hope.

like i said in the last post i got a bit over an o drying(what itl end up) and i just cut down another of the three so i just have the one left...i really like this one and am letting it go another few days and i feal its the best of the three so ima get as much as i can
hopefully the 3 will yield right at 1/4 which should last me around 4-5 weeks and i have 2 other soil plants (clones of 2 of the 3) coming into there 5th week and they should yield a little over an o together (small clones, little veg) and the first 4 coco grown clones are in there 3rd week of bud so hopefully they will be done by the time its time to re-up...and then the 8 that i just moved into bud should have 4-5 fems and will be done 3 weeks after that...which should get me through till the big grow ends in oct.

on a side note im going to be taking a vacation to ny in august and am researching an auto feed system that will cover them for a this point i should be just growing the big girls and just have turned the lights back

well enough rambling ima try some of this bud...made a bud dryer to speed the process

o yeah one of my bulbs burnt out after less than a month...there replacing it...sure glad i had the extra 600 system arround for when the girls get big so i had a backup bulb...and ima buy an extra bulb just in case...i was pissed this am



Well-Known Member
Ok so I changed my mind I pulled 3 of the 4 white rhino that I threw into bud yesterday out and put them back into veg I'm not messin arround w these Ima grow all the fems of this strain monster and if I end up with 4 for 4 then il go with the 3 best. On a side note the one rhino that I stared in coco is miles ahead of it's siblings that were started in soil so lesson learned.
Anyways back to it, il go with my own dc1 which is my avatar pic for one and deff one of the variety that is still in bud( the one that I believe to be the best of the three unknown indicaish girls just finishing up) and either the mazar or my second choice of the unknown indica.

Still haven't recieved my Pyrex baking tubes for the diy cool tubes and I'm going to home depot on Monday to rent a concrete hole saw so I can run thevent through the wall and down the side of my house through a stealth corogated diffuser of sorts
the seller assured me that they were shipped yesterday and I did see a new email from ups n my mailbox.

I also just got my Hanna ph tester and it only came with the 7.01 ph buffer solution and no 10.01 or 4.01 so can I just calibrate it with the 7.01 or do I need to get one or the other?
I've been using the fish three drop test system with color cordinated values but it only goes to 6.0 so I've been getting close and then goin a bit past drop wise I know this isnt the most reliable way to do it but I try to be as consistant as i can.

bought a 30x magnifier so I can start picking bu trichrome color and not hair color

It's getting there and next time it won't be so cluttered I'll only have my big girls provided I do well with this run

M Blaze

Well-Known Member
Looks like you got it all goin on so well done for all the effort you have put in so far. The end result should make it all worthwhile. Sure is lots of reading in this journal so keep the pics comin aswell :mrgreen: :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Looks like you got it all goin on so well done for all the effort you have put in so far. The end result should make it all worthwhile. Sure is lots of reading in this journal so keep the pics comin aswell :mrgreen: :eyesmoke:
thanks M I feal like I have two jobs with getting everything setup and transitioning like I have been but like you mentioned ittl be worth it in the end and I can relax and enjor all the money I'll save by switching to geico lol I mean groing monster trees oops.

Pics are coming soon, possibly n the next post or at least by Monday eve here

got my glass tubes gonna work on getting it all setup this next week it's starting to get in the 90s outside here but I have switched my lights to 12am- 11 and 4'respectively I'm going to be moving it back a litle more to about 10-9 and 10- 4/3

my op is in the corner of my basement blocked by earth on the two outside walls and a floor and ceiling and roof above so I feal that night growing is not a concern for me where I live outside town of about 35000 pop 15 min outside.
Any one who strongly feals that this is not a good idea please speek up I'm doing this to reduce heat in the op of course


Well-Known Member
picture timeill try to put a name w the face

a white rhino
my fave of the lampost(personal strain) called lampost 1
second fave of the lampost...u guessed it #2
the rhino started in coco
DC1 my personal fave and my avatar pic
a rhino started in mg soil
mazars in 12 12 and lampost #1 finishing up..supercroped
lamposts #s 1 and 2 started from back in earlier posts
lampost#1 clone zero veg
#3 zero veg




Well-Known Member
ok so im going to pot up now pics of the my big girls to be will be up within a couple hours
o yeah pics above are left to right and line to line


Well-Known Member
Ok so I realize that more time has past than I stated originally for the pot up pics, I was only able to hydrate the coco I forgot I was pit of pearlite so I couldent transplant till the next day yesterday. I rearranged my shelf to accomidate lowering the plants.
I took plenty of pics of the hydrating process and will post tomarrow with description.


Well-Known Member
ok so heres some pics of the coco and the hdrating process i put 30 gals through 1 brick and got back about 15 each pic is in succession and the first few are after 1 gal of water to show how it expands and the first pic of the res under the coco shows the first water to come out...after like 8 10 gals a little dribble of water and also some pics of the potted up plants.



Well-Known Member
Interesting to see...

Thanks for sharing that...:clap:

I am really not that familiar with coco... and you just helped me understand it a little better...



Well-Known Member
Interesting to see...

Thanks for sharing that...:clap:

I am really not that familiar with coco... and you just helped me understand it a little better...

no prob gypsy, id be happy to lend any knowledge that i have on the subject.

there actually is about 20 other pics between the last brick pic and the slurry pic before the one fluffed with pearlite, it takes alot of water to initially hydrate the coco
but as you can see for the size of the original brick and the final fluffed hydrated product that it retains massive amounts of o2 and h2o plus nutes and room for beneficials if you choose

thats one and a half bags of pearlite at 8 dry quarts a bag so 12 quarts..i did this because the coco that i could get semi locally had mostly fine and medium coco so i needed that extra drain.

its easier to think of coco as having a saturation point to which it needs to be hydrated to in order for it to give up any water/ solution, if its dry and you water it will take as much as it needs until its "full" then it floods/rains the excess out...hence its excellent oxygenation properties bc when it "lets loose" and drains the excess it pulls air (and o2) into the "soil".

also after i transplanted the girls to the new pots i watered each of them with 4 gals of 5.6 phed water..i checked them today and there already branching out, so i did a bit of tying and some small supercropping on a couple plants

i can confirm that 2 of the 3 mazars that i put into 12 12 a week or so ago are fem one was male, discovered yesterday and killed, tying of these girls will occur tomar and pics after.


Well-Known Member
Super nice bro...

I'm currently trying my hand at a big girl too...MBlaze style, of course...:clap:

But I am a hydro grower and decided to stick to what I know...

I chose to do a single plant ebb/flow, with a 19 gallon pot of hydroton and a 50 gallon res... under a 600 HPS...

Best of luck mate!:clap:


Well-Known Member
Cool I like that you're showing the whole coco process, I was curious about it myself.
I'm also growing big ladies but just in dirt for now, and on the cheap.
I'll get fancier later when I can afford it.
How big are you aiming for? Here's a pic of where mine are at, still in veg.

I'm going for crazy big...

Side note: I think it's funny the tags on this thread include copycat imposter. Did you do that?



Well-Known Member
Super nice bro...

I'm currently trying my hand at a big girl too...MBlaze style, of course...:clap:

But I am a hydro grower and decided to stick to what I know...

I chose to do a single plant ebb/flow, with a 19 gallon pot of hydroton and a 50 gallon res... under a 600 HPS...

Best of luck mate!:clap:
ya i have been looking in your semi private journal and the size root space you are aiming for is quite actually envious...i may go w 30 gal tubs next time...well on the last pot up..maybe not quite full but a brick per plant...a brick seems to be about 25 gal fluffed ands w the pearlite i use. i guess ill start going a little more in depth w my posts as far as my use and practices with the coco


Well-Known Member
Cool I like that you're showing the whole coco process, I was curious about it myself.
I'm also growing big ladies but just in dirt for now, and on the cheap.
I'll get fancier later when I can afford it.
How big are you aiming for? Here's a pic of where mine are at, still in veg.

I'm going for crazy big...

Side note: I think it's funny the tags on this thread include copycat imposter. Did you do that?
ya ill be posting a bit more on the coco process and pics and trials and tribulations.

im not sure what you mean by copycat imposter? please explain as i am not familiar with the term or the portion of the thread/site you rare refering to.

i like your big girls, how long you veged for? i have untill what i have in bud now gets done before i have to go 12 12 but i can go earlier if i want, want to get the watering issue under control though. got many diff stage plants and no direct water to the op so i have been lugging in 20+ gal for watering and its getting old.

i cant wait till the only thing i grow is the big uns but i cant bring myself to kill any of the girls i have and im testing 2 new strains


Well-Known Member
ok i see what you mean i think under the keywords for this thread it lists imposter as a link of sorts


Well-Known Member
ok so i am interested in hearing from you guys that are reading along what you would like to see/hear about in this endeavor. i am getting ready to set up my inline fan and am getting my cool tubes fabbed up and ill takes pics, on a side note i really wish i had more room to devote to my op and its supplies bc im cramped overworked and usually in a fair hurry( though i take my time when mixing and ph ing,) i really need to get up my cooling/exhaust so i can work on auto feeding my plants.

id like any input on how to feed multiple stage plants from minimal hardware and h2o tanks, i plan on running water into the room REAL SOON, im getting tired of lugging this h20 around