Well-Known Member
Did you know it is poisonous?what's up with the platypus?
Did you know it is poisonous?what's up with the platypus?
Zealous supporters of the Theory of Evolution have done the same thing.I've noticed one thing whenever browse a creationism site. They always list times that evolution was "wrong". Like when they discovered a coelacanth in the 30's even though they were though to be extinct. The thing gathers all the evidence and tries to find an answer. And sometimes the evidence changes. Religion gives the answer, and then they have to find and sometimes make evidence to support it.
Not sure is anyone else still wants to get back to this, but without getting into all the physics:"We are all are made from stars!!!" Not that I disagree, but could you elaborate?
i think if everyone did lsd once a year everyone would believe in a god but you wouldn't see a single religion that exists todayYup, it's that "This changes everything" thing.
I don't believe we evolved from micro-organisms or monkeys or whatever (though I would not dismiss it either). Just pointing this out to everyone. It puts up red flags for me because I'm a believer in God. This missing link cannot disprove the existence of God, but it can disprove religious scriptures. Which, I might add, is exactly what a one world religion needs to take place. But that is just speculation of course.
Anyway, the press conference is in 5 days. Should be fairly interesting.
Makes sense, but still doesn't explain our conscious and intelligence compared to other organisms. There's a very large gap from us and everything else. Seems as if we are this way for a particular reason, like we have a role to play.i think if everyone did lsd once a year everyone would believe in a god but you wouldn't see a single religion that exists today
But im sorry to say that we did evolve from micro organisms. say the planet is formed out of particles of dust and a huge ass gas cloud (which it was) there wasnt a monkey or a human floating in space waiting for the atmosphere to form.
Im going to school for geology, and trust me that is not how they test how old rocks are.....And another thing about the fossilized record...It's all jacked up. Just because something is buried in the soil deeper then something else dosen't nessasarily make it older. They use marker species like ancient fish and such to date the rocks millions and millions of years old, then when they find an animal in that layer they say "We KNOW that this animal is X amount of years old because we found this fish in it.
im not an atheist but religious people are generally hopeless as far as considering anything other than what they think they know based on nothing but mental training that started when they were very young based on a book written by OTHER HUMANS THOUSANDS OF YEARS AGO. its like arguing with a brick. some of the posts just on this thread make my faith in mankind dwindle. its so sad people cant think on there own and make there own unbiased opinions based on all available info.^exactly, they use carbon dating. Because we know the half-life of certain substances, it's quite simple to determine how old a fossil is without relying on anything like what the previous poster mentioned.
To everyone who asked why this is being hyped as a major breakthrough: Because the US is the only advanced-industrialized state where a significant portion of the population refuse to accept evolution as the best available explanation of the origin of species.
man tell me about it, some of the conversations ive had with certain family members of mine...goshh it really is like talkin to a brick like you said, they simply dismiss fossils, dinosaurs, how old the earth is etc etc...its like they can be sooo logical and intelligent in any other way, but when it comes to evolution, their brains just block out all the things that obviously contradict their beliefs...they can just dismiss facts...its damn not an atheist but religious people are generally hopeless as far as considering anything other than what they think they know based on nothing but mental training that started when they were very young based on a book written by OTHER HUMANS THOUSANDS OF YEARS AGO. its like arguing with a brick. some of the posts just on this thread make my faith in mankind dwindle. its so sad people cant think on there own and make there own unbiased opinions based on all available info.![]()
What I find frustrating is the "Fact" that no-one really knows and they could both be factual. Life evolved and is still evolving, but maybe, 6,000 years ago, some entity, call it "God" if you will, came to earth and implanted a spirit into apes or whatever the evolutionary stage of primates was at that time and here we are. There are so many possibilities of when and why we "evolved" into the "human" subspecies we are today, that scientists, (God Bless em) really don't have all the tell me about it, some of the conversations ive had with certain family members of mine...goshh it really is like talkin to a brick like you said, they simply dismiss fossils, dinosaurs, how old the earth is etc etc...its like they can be sooo logical and intelligent in any other way, but when it comes to evolution, their brains just block out all the things that obviously contradict their beliefs...they can just dismiss facts...its damn frustrating...