Well-Known Member
Hey Capn dude...I read the first couple of posts you made...being a dick to two chicks...who were not complaining or bitching....and you were an unprovoked ass.
Then on top of that you show up here (by the way welcome...but be nice...especially to the girls!) and say this thread is about fat people complaining about being fat and not doing anything about it...(sorry I would usually quote, I am sure it is not exact...but I just could not take it)...The thread was started by some guy complaining that he had to eat lunch within view of girls he thought were overweight, and if they were just thinner he would want to fuck them....Narcisist23 I think was his name though again...I am very sure I am wrong.
Be nice or keep your thought(s) to yourself please.

Then on top of that you show up here (by the way welcome...but be nice...especially to the girls!) and say this thread is about fat people complaining about being fat and not doing anything about it...(sorry I would usually quote, I am sure it is not exact...but I just could not take it)...The thread was started by some guy complaining that he had to eat lunch within view of girls he thought were overweight, and if they were just thinner he would want to fuck them....Narcisist23 I think was his name though again...I am very sure I am wrong.
Be nice or keep your thought(s) to yourself please.