Stoney McFried
Well-Known Member
As I teenager, I would starve myself and go on crash diets,all in pursuit of the perfect "size 7 or below." What I did was fuck my metabolism up good.

It was beautiful..and it does make a difference!Ye gods!
Iam horrified by this thread.
No wonder young girls are swallowing the whole pro-anna idea (probably the only thing they are swallowing)
Does the OP think that people are pu......... no fuck it. Iam not even going to bother writing what I was originally going to post. The OP is a silly sod and I dont think my post, no matter how beautifully written will change anything.
Large ladies can be awfuly pretty, slim ladies can be unattractive. Females of any size can be unpleasant, or they can be wonderful.
When the OP has lived a little Iam sure he will discover that there are more important criteria for love than the size of a ladies garments.
Very eloquentNo fat chicks!!!!!!!!!!
Probably...I was probably a little high...I thought it was Dom Delouise?
Damn dude, sorry. I am 38 and a friend of mine died of cancer last year. I also glance at obituaries when I read the paper, and notice the many people who cancer and heart attacks kill near our age. Bummer dude.I just recieved a phone call telling me that one of my mates has died. He was the same age as me (35), and he was perfectly healthy until 5 years ago. 5 years ago he started drinking, special brew for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. 6 hours ago he died from massive organ failure. He went round a mates house and said ' I feel a bit poorly', then he dropped dead.
HeHeHeWe hijacked it and made it eat fried chicken.
HeHeAt gunpoint.
stoney is on a roll!Then I fucked it and told it it was a skinny little bitch and made it say my pussy tastes like apple pie!Uh...I mean...(backs away slowly)
Sarcasm!!!!!!!!!!im sry but you did say this....
hhahaha okok im just kiddin i wanted to say i meant no disrespect to you i just get worked up
Exactly.shit like this is the reason women become anorexic and bolemic
in the 1800's men wanted bigeer women. they thought that biger women were better for making babies. our out look at women changed after ww2.Go beyond that, go as far back as 100,000 years ago. You will find depictions such as the Ice Age Venuses. (Not all depictions are necessarily Ice Age, but it goes that far back EASILY.)
There is another term for it, too, Yiddish I think it is--Zaftig (or zoftig, zahftig). Voluptuous woman.
Yeah, cuz everybody whose fat is fat because they eat a lot, not cuz they have health problems or anything. And everyone was put on this earth to fit your idea of pretty or they are useless.Who needs a head, as long as you have a body?In case you can't tell, this is sarcasm.
And then I, for the record, put this statement in the context I believe it was meant, and said "Sarcasm".im sry but you did say this....
hhahaha okok im just kiddin i wanted to say i meant no disrespect to you i just get worked up
not quite but nice jab.
actually it was sincere.
i need a trainer for my crazy head i think its a lost cause thoughI just had a vision of a mitochondria trainer...with a chair in one hand and a bull whip in the other....Or watch, my mitochondria can do a trick...TaDa! Phosphorylation!
Sorry...I don't get out much...
I think everything's cool now.We had a misunderstanding,we smoked a joint.stoney is on a roll!
The former is what you quoted when you posted the following:
And then I, for the record, put this statement in the context I believe it was meant, and said "Sarcasm".
Now I meant no jab, Stoney please correct me if I am wrong, and if so i apologize...for "jabbing" you.
Runs the gambit, really. I know girls who obsess over calorie count... even counting cough drops ... and they'll limit themselves to 500 or so calories a day. If they break that limit, they freak out. I know girls who binge and purge, I know girls who don't eat at all but take large amounts of vitamin supplements. These girls hang out on 'pro-ana' forums and call their disease a 'lifestyle choice'. FUCKED UP to say the least.what kind of eating disorder do they have?
I think that the body has a great deal of significance: its health and genes determine a great deal of our perspective. Also, as humans are beings with the gift of sight, and not the gift of mind-reading, it seems logical to value the body, esp. in this country (if you are in the US) where shallowness is next to godlyness. Rebelling against these shallow forces is all good, but never forget how amazing our brain's transportation is. I don't find 'fat' unattractive necessarily, but a lack of health and hygiene is certaintly undesired.If you looked past the body and saw the person you would recognize how shallow you are being. One day, maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, your going to realize the body has no real value. Its a crown of thorns even to those you consider "hot chicks" because they will face the disillusionment of their body too and feel like no body will love them anymore. Treat everyone with respect and love and don't place a crown of thorns upon their heads.
OMG I'm so offended, that smelly person could be a real nice person but you want to judge them and belittle them because of there scent. How shallow are you? you don't know if that person doesn't have a disease and has no control over their natural scent.Well... yeah. A smelly, sickly gross person is disgusting whether they're fat or not!
why is it offensive to base our opinions partly on our senses, aka why should I ignore my nose tellin' me you stink? Humans are built to use our senses, doesn't seem like a good idea to look past them for the sake of communication. Whether or not someone can control their odor, it doesn't change my nose's reaction to them, therefore my senses don't like that person innately.OMG I'm so offended, that smelly person could be a real nice person but you want to judge them and belittle them because of there scent. How shallow are you? you don't know if that person doesn't have a disease and has no control over their natural scent.