Fat Chicks WTF

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Well-Known Member
OMG I'm so offended, that smelly person could be a real nice person but you want to judge them and belittle them because of there scent. How shallow are you? you don't know if that person doesn't have a disease and has no control over their natural scent.
S'called deodorant, brah. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Well I am sure most of you will find this amusing...

We are animals. Animals have odors. They (the odors) often often have meaning. They infer health, sickness, female heat and fecundity, anger, fear (IF you are afraid of dogs...they know cuz you stink) etc. Modern 1st world humans have lost the innate understanding in these odors, the natural world has not.

Humans also have several specific symbiotic bacteria that live on and within. The ones that grow particularly fast in a stressed environment smell like typical human B.O.. I suspect others that do not reach effective numbers in a day or two, keep the smellier in check, whether through competition or active exclusion. The neurotic daily shower is a relatively new mania. Yes people in "the old days" may have been smellier, but not within a couple hours of the weekly bath...otherwise why bother.

I lived in my VW bus (as some of you know, yes... sometimes, down by the river) for a spell following the Grateful Dead tour making mad grilled cheese sandwiches; and in between camping various distances from running water.
After your body makes a transition (no idea how long, days, weeks?) you no longer stink like all the shit we eat, breath, worry about etc. in the industrial stressed culture, and a weekly bathing is not a big deal. Now mind you you are ready for a shower, but try going 2 days now and...you stink!

I am not saying that everyone should stop showering, though reducing their length and breadth would help alleviate the shortage of clean water brought on by our irresponsible reproduction. I am merely trying to give a tilted perspective. Much like a persons physical appearance, specifically their weight, should not be the basis of their worth, neither should their odor...though this is understandably easier said than done (I used to pick up hitchhikers religiously...till one...in 2 miles...stunk up my new car for weeks). That being said, I find Ax, and various other men's stink suppressors as offensive as BO. And don't forget...women wear make-up cuz they are ugly...and perfume cuz they stink...I am kidding, a little, here.

I would much rather hang out with smelly hippies than a bunch of tight assed, insecure sheeple stinking of expensive organic molecules...worrying about other peoples "Hygene" cuz they are terrified someone will find out that their shit stinks too. People need to worry about themselves...most of us are at least a little f'd up, and those that think they are not...scare the hell out of me.



Well-Known Member
Do you know how many good looking chicks there would be if they stopped eating like fucking slobs..........................I see these fat chicks at clubs and shit and you can tell they spent time on make up, hair ect............and think to myself wow if you spent that much time at the gym than dudes would want you....they spend hours on there hair and clothes and it dosent mean a damm thing you are still fat and disgusting and thats why guys don't want you. I'm at work the other day eating lunch and this fat chick (about 230lbs) tells another female coworker "I don't know how you are so skinny" You must not eat anything" and by no means is this girl skinny prob 130ish maybe more....and this fat chick eats her lunch and then goes to the vending machine and gets some powdered donuts and a mountain dew......WTF................think about all those fat chicks with pretty faces.........think how many pretty woman would be out there if half of them wernt fat bodies, were not asking for much just a normal human female (not boney model types)
Different strokes for different folks... believe it or not... some people like BBWs ;)

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
i agrea with goat comments. i myself dont where deoderant(besides its quite toxic) as i eat well am physically active and drink much water i dont really have bo very mild anyways. the only time i do is when i drink too much alcohol eat poorly or dont use my body physically on a daily basis. i do think it is partly genetics as well as some people just smell period. but most healthy people on a good diet at a healthy weight who are properly hydrated and are physically active tend not to have OFFENSIVE body odor. odor is like a fingerprint every human smell is different depending on the bacterial profile present on there skin. some studies show who your attracted to is partly based on scent because of differences in immunity to sickness and disease. your attracted to someone whos immune system has something yours does not.


Well-Known Member
i agree, and natural (aka unclean) human odors contain a shit ton of pheremones...
but what I was saying earlier has nothing to do with scent or bad BO per se, I was more just saying that any distractingly unhealthy behavior that negatively and consistently impacts my environment/ comfort zone is one to look out for. That's not to say a little stank, some acne, etc etc is not acceptable, and we shouldn't strive for perfection; but when it gets into nasty habits or really gross unmentionable stuff, thats where it ends. just to clarify... ps some stank = turn on for girls, sometimes.

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
pheremones are odd things sometimes but they do seem to have an effect sometimes i have noticed. there are studies on attraction and scent that are rather interesting.


Well-Known Member
yeah, I definetly buy it. I have been told that I smell really awesome when I thought I stunk... then I got laid! I'm pretty sure it doesn't work for all of us as some have better receptors than others, and ironically, I have read that the healthier you are, the more potent the pheremones.

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
i remember one time where i was all sweaty after racing and i would think gross to the opposite sex. but this one girl a friend of a friend walked up to me and said bluntly you smell real good go figure good times that day.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Rule of thumb is:fresh sweat=nice.Stale sweat=not nice.
i remember one time where i was all sweaty after racing and i would think gross to the opposite sex. but this one girl a friend of a friend walked up to me and said bluntly you smell real good go figure good times that day.

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
fever sweat thats when your body is very displeased. leo sweat sucks to but if you sweat to much in that situation your done they look for sings of nervousness pure mind over matter in those situations.


Well-Known Member
Anger. Hot summer day + 13 year old son = unusually smelly pits.

Sometimes when I have been smoking a lot I have smelled a little skunky:?



Well-Known Member
Anger. Hot summer day + 13 year old son = unusually smelly pits.

Sometimes when I have been smoking a lot I have smelled a little skunky:?

yep. thats happened to me too...haha just like when you drink a lot your sweat smells alcoholic...
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