Well-Known Member
so does my fist....The Truth hurts sometimes

so does my fist....The Truth hurts sometimes
i would rather have a happy overweight girl than a pissed off skinny oneI'd rather be fat and happy than skinny and paranoid.![]()
and fat girls tend to be happier because we're comfortable with who we are enough to eat!!! hahaha maybe thats why the skinny chicks are pissy...maybe they're just really hungry! haha i know that i can get a little irritable when i get hungry...loli would rather have a happy overweight girl than a pissed off skinny one
why thank younice avatar sarah i would love to eat a nice meal you prepared.
Yeah its pretty embarassing.I am European and when I came to America I was also shocked at all the fat people
well saidMan if everybody smoked weed all day everyday as mandatory like taxes, then no body would give a flying fuck who is eating what and how they look. everybody would be thankful for the naturally diversified bodies that human nature produced. and would proceed on with satifying their munchies. =D
Lol! I used to be a size 12 no where near skinny but not fat either no cheese if you know what I mean ,still got laid still got hit on im only 5ft so I was a roamy little bitch.Now im a size 2 still get hit on, still get laid but now I have the type of men who like their women "little" and "cute" to deal with.My point is fat or skinny you can't win in this fucking world because there is always going to be some dick that has something derogative or just down right skeezy to say.
yea ok so let me ask you something, is health important? because if you have someone you love, you'd wanna be there with them as looong as you can, so in that sense alone health is important, stop the bitching and fuckin recognise that the thread is about people who COMPLAIN about bein fat but have no interest in keeping themselves alive, healthy, and like to dodge responsibility.No, I'm implying that you seem to think that the only women worth fucking are the ones with good bodies. Yeah, a lot of folks are fat because of what they eat.But your initial post came off as one of intolerance to said fat people. Just because someone is fat doesnt mean they don't deserve to have a dude like them. We all have our problems and noone is perfect.
yea ok so let me ask you something, is health important? because if you have someone you love, you'd wanna be there with them as looong as you can, so in that sense alone health is important, stop the bitching and fuckin recognise that the thread is about people who COMPLAIN about bein fat but have no interest in keeping themselves alive, healthy, and like to dodge responsibility.
hmm, where to start, guess i'll start by sayin i only quoted you for part of my post and the stop bitching was to ALL the people who were making excuses for the lazy,Uh,'scuse me?How about you drop the fucking attitude?Maybe read more than one post before you start ragging people out.I accept people for who they are on the INSIDE.You can be fat ansd still be healthy, if you believe only skinny people are healthy, you're DEAD WRONG.The OP made a generalization about ALL overweight people, implying they are lazy and unworthy of love simply because they don't look the way they "ought" to.So yeah, I'm gonna put my two cents in.SO don't start YOUR bitching at me about what people should be responsible for...I say they should be responsible for THEMSELVES and let other people LIVE THEIR OWN LIVES.
hmm, where to start, guess i'll start by sayin i only quoted you for part of my post and the stop bitching was to ALL the people who were making excuses for the lazy,
and i think most people posting (the majority) aren't talkin about the ones that are a little overweight, yet those who are REALLY overweight and in that respect i STILL stan by what i said, cuz its THOSE that ARENT healthy, and you show me a physician that's gonna say oh yea being fat is healthy, then i'll tell BOTH of you you're fuckin nuts. there is no healthy fat people, its an oxymoron, just like saying smoking is GOOD for you, oh oh and how about speeding and swearvin in and out of traffic is a safe way to drive, good common sense.
I didn't say ALL were, I said that NOT ALL OF THEM WERE UNHEALTHY.OH MY GOD are you FUCKIN SERIOUS!?
i cant STAND people like you, you take an article that says "fat people can be healthy too" CAN be, and its a SINGLE fuckin study, really? honestly? hmm lets see how many studies have there been in other topics that said one thing, and then a FLOOD of other studies completely send that ONE into upheaval, and ever heard the term "Genetic Predisposition"? or "Hereditary"? because Diabetes is GENERALLY more times than not a PREDISPOSITION, how much you wanna bet that you can trace it back in bloodline to its origin, and that person probably ate unhealthy, and were probably in some way obese, look im not gonna tit for tat here ok? the point is, your article is actually full of holes to be argued, use common sense, you're REALLY gonna tell me, that ONE study disproves decades of research? if this is true, then i would've heard MUCH more on the matter, just like france supposedly FINALLY cloned the first human, (and fyi that would be a FORM of a study) yet couldnt replicate the same outcome, nor could anyone else, does it make it untrue? no, does it make it true? no, it makes it fallible and skeptical.
So thanks for repeating everything the insurance companies are dying to put out there,for making people into scapegoats based on the way they look.And please don't try to give me any advice on how to be realistic,I'm sure I'm probably older by a decade at least based on your responses.Not everyone judges people on appearance alone.But assholes certainly do.Just because a person is fat doesn't mean they have to lose weight and fit into the mold you've constructed in your small mind in order to be accepted.and if you wanna sit there and tell me that fat ppl are healthy, then you're STILL fuckin nuts, lets have a race, me and a fat dude/chick, see who keels over and almost has a heat attack.
hell lets walk briskly and see who has to stop for breath and almost throws up
so thanks for throwing an article up that doesnt mean shit, and sendin it down another road. simply put, if you're overweight and dont like how ppl think about it, move on, dont talk to em or accept reponsiblity for your poor habits and do somethin about it, instead of wondering why ppl are so mean, REALITY CHECK the world is cruel FUCKIN brutal, ppl are ASSHOLES, human nature is human nature, and no matter what EVERY one judges EVERONE. ESPECIALLY within the first 10 min. of meeting them,
be realistic not blind, and make excuses for those that dont have any room to complain.