Kids and Marijuana

northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
So I'm sure quite a few of you also have kids too. I have 2 and one in the oven. :hump:

Curious to see opinions about growing w/ kids and if anyone has had to explain it to their kids yet.

First time my father caught me was 12. He told me to wait till I was 14. he also made it very clear that there is nothing wrong with it. Not like he wanted me smoking but I was stealing his. Now he calls me when he's out.
Though he didn't condone me doing it, there are lots of "worse" things I could have been doing.
My neighbors kid just got caught and is also 12, that's what made me think of this.
I'm definatley not for kids using or abusing anything they shouldn't but It did make me chuckle just thinking of myself as a kid.

The sim's Bob Newbie

Well-Known Member
Well, they DO say kids under 15 have a higher chance of getting scitzophrenia so I say 16 or 18 before you try it - I didn't try it till I was about 18 and it hit me SO hard...that was 7 years ago now and having just 6 months ago taken up doing it more often its STILL pretty damn powerful stuff so I reckon kids shouldn't mess with it (ok, trying it once under guidance I suppose but not at 12, at least 14 if you ask me...)

northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
Well, they DO say kids under 15 have a higher chance of getting scitzophrenia so I say 16 or 18 before you try it - I didn't try it till I was about 18 and it hit me SO hard...that was 7 years ago now and having just 6 months ago taken up doing it more often its STILL pretty damn powerful stuff so I reckon kids shouldn't mess with it (ok, trying it once under guidance I suppose but not at 12, at least 14 if you ask me...)

I could live with 16 myself. Doubt it causes anything but laziness in kids. Maybe some munchies and a little paranoia.


ive got two boys... both are too young to understand anything about drugs, but my oldest does make a distinction between flowers, weeds, plants, trees, and 'dads plants'.... i dont really plan on hiding anything from my children, they will be sat down and talked to about me and what i do... i grew up like this, and i wanted nothing to do with pot; mainly because i saw that it really didnt change my parents that much, so why the hell waste money on it? alcohol obviously made you loaded, seemed more appealing...

i've also heard of way too many kids that freak out because the found out their parents smoked on their own... they feel lied to and betrayed, and also look at you as a hypocrite for telling them not to do drugs... i think the better course of action is to explain to them the truth of drugs and the reasons why it is best to wait until you are a bit older before choosing to experiment with any of them.


New Member
if yer growing then there bound to get in it, just tell em' thats mommies secret, lol.
and to leave it alone, when there sixteen call them to yer room and light up a doobie with em' better then them on the streets havin to do wit the dangers of some dealers, but until then keep em' away.


Well-Known Member
I also started when I was 12 lol
I dont find nothing wrong with that... I would let my kid smoke weed if he wanted too.

northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
ive got two boys... both are too young to understand anything about drugs, but my oldest does make a distinction between flowers, weeds, plants, trees, and 'dads plants'.... i dont really plan on hiding anything from my children, they will be sat down and talked to about me and what i do... i grew up like this, and i wanted nothing to do with pot; mainly because i saw that it really didnt change my parents that much, so why the hell waste money on it? alcohol obviously made you loaded, seemed more appealing...

i've also heard of way too many kids that freak out because the found out their parents smoked on their own... they feel lied to and betrayed, and also look at you as a hypocrite for telling them not to do drugs... i think the better course of action is to explain to them the truth of drugs and the reasons why it is best to wait until you are a bit older before choosing to experiment with any of them.

Wow thats so funny. I felt the same way. it seemed like a big surprised, and was pissed cause i was lied to also. Well until he asked me where i got it, lol. I was the only kid who couldn't drink a beer without puking. Pot always seemed "normal" to me. Kids actually thought my father was cool just cause he smoked. Not that he ever hinted that he did, besides the smell and red eyes. Now a days they have DARE, Dare to rat your folks out.


I also started when I was 12 lol
I dont find nothing wrong with that... I would let my kid smoke weed if he wanted too.

i started smoking around 11... you cant tell me that you dont think bombarding your brain with a psychoactive compound everyday during your brains most crucial formative years is a negative thing?? dont you think that it may have SOME kind of lasting effect??:confused:

northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
i started smoking around 11... you cant tell me that you dont think bombarding your brain with a psychoactive compound everyday during your brains most crucial formative years is a negative thing?? dont you think that it may have SOME kind of lasting effect??:confused:

I dont know what it would do or HAS DONE but I'm definitely not going to fire one up and pass it to my son. Anyone have an age they might be able to let it slide.

It must be wierd breaking that boundry. Some of my friends are currently going threw this now. Though their kids are old enough to buy cigarettes.


Well-Known Member
i started smoking around 11... you cant tell me that you dont think bombarding your brain with a psychoactive compound everyday during your brains most crucial formative years is a negative thing?? dont you think that it may have SOME kind of lasting effect??:confused:
I never noticed any negative effect... what have you noticed?


Active Member
my 13 year old came home from school on 4/20 asking me if I knew what 4/20 was... He knew that I had smoked it but not that i am a daily smoker... So we had the talk that my parents NEVER had with me.. I told him that I enjoyed pot and that I did do it... He was surprised when I told him i thought it should be legal and would vote for it to be.. I also told him it wouldn't be wise for him to try it until he was at least 17. Why 17? i have no good reason.. he seemed cool with it and asked some more questions.. anyways we had a good talk about it.

oh yeah I also made sure that he understood what could happen if he told anyone that I did it.


Well-Known Member
def an issue, specially round growing around kids, because for 1 there noisy, and for two regardless of ur MMJ validity, I fear the police or fed could use the kids in the house thing against me. So i do everything to conceal my legal grow. Its funny my 3 year old is not old enough to no better when it comes to MJ, but he is aware of "daddys plants" in the garage, even tho i have never allowed him in the stealth room inside of the garage. children are so canny to their parents behavior. yes its true, i will never hide it from him, but discrestion is a must. I would like to seem some more info in this thread on ways to legally "child proof" our grows.
any wuts every1 think as far as concealing smoking from young children. we started blazing only in the Mst bath w/ fan going. but he'll still come tearn in2 the room tryn to squat the smoke in the air, little kids man!

northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
i always go for a "ride" or wait till their sleeping. Usaully go in the basement. I have a 3 story place. Bedrooms are all on the 3rd floor. I have paneling that comes off the wall in my basement to reveal a "secret" door. And there's a huge tool box infront of that. Just makes me para niod that the legal system could and would use it against us. Legal or not probably. If I want to come home and get cocked it's perfectly legal. If I want to smoke a joint and relax or whatever I'm a terriable person who should have his kids removed at once. WTF?


Well-Known Member
I was also 12 the first time enjoyed the sweet sweet herb!!:joint:
I don't feel their are any side effects from starting that early. I haven't made all the best decisions but I can't blame that on anything except bad luck most of the time. I grew up around it, not right in my face but always new what the adults were doing. Now I'm 31 with 3 kids a good job and a house to grow my own smoke in.

My kids are 5-15 with the oldest smoking already. The day the youngest asks me about it we will sit down and talk about it. Only the youngest lives with me.


Well-Known Member
i started smoking around 11... you cant tell me that you dont think bombarding your brain with a psychoactive compound everyday during your brains most crucial formative years is a negative thing?? dont you think that it may have SOME kind of lasting effect??:confused:
I don't think weed even falls into a category of negative psychoactive compound.

even for developing brains, I can't see a neuroprotective antioxidant that stimulates brain growth somehow being BAD for a developing brain. sorry man, I know so many smart people that started so early it really doesn't matter.

what does matter is teaching your kids that weed is not like all the other drugs, and that other drugs including alcohol will fuck up your brain if abused.

northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
I don't think weed even falls into a category of negative psychoactive compound.

even for developing brains, I can't see a neuroprotective antioxidant that stimulates brain growth somehow being BAD for a developing brain. sorry man, I know so many smart people that started so early it really doesn't matter.

what does matter is teaching your kids that weed is not like all the other drugs, and that other drugs including alcohol will fuck up your brain if abused.
And your liver. Plus boose is PHYSICALY addictive. I've never woke up shaking cause I needed a joint.


I don't think weed even falls into a category of negative psychoactive compound.

even for developing brains, I can't see a neuroprotective antioxidant that stimulates brain growth somehow being BAD for a developing brain. sorry man, I know so many smart people that started so early it really doesn't matter.

what does matter is teaching your kids that weed is not like all the other drugs, and that other drugs including alcohol will fuck up your brain if abused.

so you are saying that it stimulates brain growth and has no negative effects?? so by this token, we should be encouraging kids to smoke as soon as they are big enough to learn how?? i mean, to make them smarter and all:-?