Kids and Marijuana


Active Member
I've got 3 boys. I'm sure it will be different for each of them when the subject of marijuana comes up. I plan to handle it like I always said I would. All questions will be answered. If I don't have an answer we will find it together, and if interest is shown in trying it and I feel they are mature enough mentally, then I'll fire up and let them try. I know the age thing and maturity MOSTLY go hand in hand, but There are plenty of kids with a maturity level far beyond their years. I'm still young enough to remember what being a teenager was like, and old enough now to know that I didn't know a quarter of what I thought I did. It's different for every kid, but when the time comes you will know it.


Pickle Queen
well said Kobalt! I tried it when i was 11 peer pressure lol
At 13 when i visited family my uncle , he saw that i was having a shitty day (my father had recently passsed)
After talking to me a while he asked if i had tried weed,( i think he realized i was quite mature for my age) i said yes, well kinda, he then proceded to pull out a bag and explain to me why he liked it and that it's something that can be enjoyed and he can still be a productive member of society. Thanks to this man i always respected weed and never thought of it as a "drug" more of a social activity not to be taken advantage of. Kids need to understand weed is to be smoked to enjoy, not to be cool and brag