If you only had 2-5 minutes before the cops came.....

Are you scared that cops will come and raid ur place?

  • fudge no, im OG

    Votes: 67 32.7%
  • no, i didnt tell anyone

    Votes: 59 28.8%
  • OF COURSE, i told 6 ppl and i regret 2 of them

    Votes: 35 17.1%
  • i think about getting busted everyday.

    Votes: 59 28.8%

  • Total voters
Get in my truck and get the fuk out of dodge. On to my next setup. Catch me boys in blue! actually, i would say the hell wit it and just go down very, very high.
I would eat has much has possible i'm not kidding about this.but if you have growing equipment in your home your done bang to rights mate there is nothing you can do apart from say there not mine there the wifes and thats the first time you have ever seen them and how long has this been going on.lol no you done the crime do the time that is why i'm saying grow less plants but bigger.the less plants that you have you have more chance of getting away with a personal charge even though they would most definitley do you for intent to supply.sea of green is out of the window now it's a class b.class b fu@king madness it's a herb i'm not forceing my habbit of smokeing cannabis on anyone i smoke in my own home so i see no reason why this should be illegal they say it causes all kinds of problems so does DRINK that is legal.the british goverment is ful of power striken dicks that love throwing there weight around and gordon brown has alot to throw
Just Kill them and then you proli hav at least an hr til the back-up units come, then u have plenty of time to move the plants, bodies and the squad cars out the front - then claim u never saw them :-)
Is it possible to also have tomatoes growing and label my pot plants as tomatoes, when cops come just dump in garbage disposal. OR i could have a metal trash can with some kind of plant acid and when cops come i can just dump everything in that. But then what kind of chemical do i use?
Is it possible to also have tomatoes growing and label my pot plants as tomatoes, when cops come just dump in garbage disposal. OR i could have a metal trash can with some kind of plant acid and when cops come i can just dump everything in that. But then what kind of chemical do i use?
labeling as tomatoes wont help. and anything is possible i guess.
Im not sure why anyone hasnt mentioned this, but if you own a house. why not build a DIY incinerator and connect it to your chimney? You could use an oil/gas based fired and just take all the plant matter and put it in there.
does anyone know how to delete my own thread?

This is good, and now everyone is getting all paranoid. I am laughing right now just to give this statement a mood. Yesterday was 420 and I was hella stoned last night. So I started to get a little paranoid about everything, but I guess that is the nature of the beast. “There is nothing to fear, but fear itself.” This is a token quote that you should live by as a grower. My balls are not any bigger than the next guys, but I choose to live by my terms, and not by the peoples that I help put into office ( ie. Obama and his laughing smirk about the legalization question). This is the problem with society; We all are scared about what is going to happen to us, when instead you should view yourself as a soldier of the “War on drugs” you’re on the opposing side of the team, and that should be an honor! This is why I served for my country and fought in a war for my country. So when I swore to protect and uphold the Constitution of the United States (well god damn it I meant it!), and all of you should take the Constitution literal. Our four fathers intended for this to be taken literal, not just a pretty piece of paper for people to go look at. Many men have died believing in the Constitution, and what it stands for. Somehow along the way boys stopped becoming MEN, and fighting for what they believe in. Fuck them, believe in yourself, and believe in this Cause because the one that believes…. Go down in history

In the words of Patten “Don’t be a fucking coward!” (all you young one Google him, he was a great person)
If I had 2 - 5 minutes before the popo came. Well damn man I would probably be really really happy that I made my grow room completely hidden. Those cops wouldnt find it, they would find some weed scattered around to keep the dogs busy. But they wouldnt find my grow room. TRUST ME