• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Obama addresses the LEGALIZE question today!!


Active Member
how many border patrol agents and other innocent people do you think would have been killed today if the president had said he was gonna legalize weed, during a drug war on the mexican border???
There isnt a drug war over chiba, its over smuggling narcs. Thats the point of legalizing mj. There shouldn't be a "Scarface" mentality associated with handling mj, as there is when you are dealing with coke or heroin. It should become an average joe hobby rather than an illegitimate business.


New Member
its a real touchy issue man, they would have to decide who would have to be let out of jail because it wouldnt be right to have people locked up and then the shit made legal,
not to mention, they just dont know how to make a profit on it, it doesnt HAVE to be refined and rolled like tobacco, they already know what we know, if it became legal, we would all grow forty different strains, trade it for goods and services with other smokers, and it would become a form of currency that uncle sam wouldnt never get a slice of, I know i wouldnt buy my weed from marlboro!!!


Active Member
He didn't answer it because he is already in a ton of hot water. He's not going to ladle more onto himself, his own party is already pissin all over him.
Besides that, his first two months has everyone thinking he's smoking mass quantities. That would just confirm it. :lol:
couldn't have said it better.....it will come in time though....;-)


New Member
There isnt a drug war over chiba, its over smuggling narcs. Thats the point of legalizing mj. There shouldn't be a "Scarface" mentality associated with handling mj, as there is when you are dealing with coke or heroin. It should become an average joe hobby rather than an illegitimate business.
do you really think the cartels grow all that weed for nothing, plenty of land in mexico, plenty of weed, cross the rio grand with it and its a bundle of cash, yes theres more money in cocaine but i promise, heads would roll if they legalized it!!! we have already admitted that our border patrol is out gunned by the drug cartels, you dont think they would be pissed over few million dollars a year in profits lossed?


New Member
I sure hope so. Kind of silly to have a weed sell for $100 a quarter. Growers and dealers must obviously be republicans... :mrgreen:

They can all go to work for AIG if it gets legalized I guess...:lol:

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Well, I say good. So many people out there growing and selling MJ. If you legalize it then the every day guy will lose a ton of money and the only people who will profit from it will be big corporations. Do we really need more of that?

thats just stupid. ud rather have forms of organized crime that allows harmful situations to unfold becuase they are dealling with marijuana illegally? corporations would be taxed and help out the economy with jobs and money. its not the cure but its a treatment. if u dont like these big corporations that are inevitably going to be bigger and more profitable bc of their good business know-how, then dont buy from them. go to the local weed dealer. if you dont have one of those. just do what we've been doing all along and grow your own. nothing wrong with corporations. i just dont like corporations with a lot of politcal influence.:leaf:


Active Member
do you really think the cartels grow all that weed for nothing, plenty of land in mexico, plenty of weed, cross the rio grand with it and its a bundle of cash, yes theres more money in cocaine but i promise, heads would roll if they legalized it!!! we have already admitted that our border patrol is out gunned by the drug cartels, you dont think they would be pissed over few million dollars a year in profits lossed?
so you're saying that as soon as we legalize weed, gun-toting mexicans will enter our borders enacting revenge on any American that buys American weed?
i think you're missing the big picture.


New Member
thats just stupid. ud rather have forms of organized crime that allows harmful situations to unfold becuase they are dealling with marijuana illegally? corporations would be taxed and help out the economy with jobs and money. its not the cure but its a treatment. if u dont like these big corporations that are inevitably going to be bigger and more profitable bc of their good business know-how, then dont buy from them. go to the local weed dealer. if you dont have one of those. just do what we've been doing all along and grow your own. nothing wrong with corporations. i just dont like corporations with a lot of politcal influence.:leaf:
I wish the question would have been worded like this ............

Mr President, having admitted that you smoked marijuana on more than one occassion, do you feel that YOU should have been prosecuted to the full extent of the law and taken out of the running for the office of which you currently hold?


New Member
so you're saying that as soon as we legalize weed, gun-toting mexicans will enter our borders enacting revenge on any American that buys American weed?
i think you're missing the big picture.

No you are missing the small picture, we have a border with a country that we have to protect, we are underfunded and out gunned, i am saying ASS, is if we put a bunch of mexican pot farmers and their families out of business along with the networks they supply, there will be a spike in OTHER more violent crimes against agents, MORE illegal immagrants, and yes MORE innocent people being killed in a drug war..
Am i saying that people in Ohio would be at war, NO but the war thats going on would escalate, but i could be wrong, i mean, we only burned down have of Los angeles over the Rodney King verdict!!!

I think the mexican mafia might have a little something to say if the USA
decided to


Active Member
there will be a spike in OTHER more violent crimes against agents, MORE illegal immagrants, and yes MORE innocent people being killed in a drug war..
mean, we only burned down have of Los angeles over the Rodney King verdict!!!
Rodney King got the shit kicked out of him by the LAPD after he got caught racing away from the cops. The protest and riot was because all the cops were acquitted. That had nothing AT ALL to do with weed.
so again, NO

I think the mexican mafia might have a little something to say if the USA
decided to
who the fuck cares what mexico thinks if we legalize weed. They will have an equal chance to become legitimate and sell their mj on the market like everyone else.


Active Member
I think he knows he would face tooooo much criticism being the first black pres, and oh! what do you know, he legalized pot... as many people as there are that want it legal, theres not enough for him to do it without losing alot of votes imo. and that would be a bad thing. hes and awesome prez, dont fuck it up by pushing weed to hard


Well-Known Member
Typical political convenience, and precisely what to expect from most politicians, but even more so from a Dem. He's so far left already, IMO that kind of stance wouldn't be a surprise at all. I'm of the belief that for every vote of support he would lose if he were to come out and support it, he'd gain it right back from others. His unwillingness in not standing up for his beliefs (assuming that's what his are- lol) speaks volumes about his lack of integrity. Comes as no surprise whatsoever.


Well-Known Member
The government is fucking us everyday and look its driving us into a whole. Any all stuff is either made in china or japan so why not start a new indrustry in the US and get us out of this buy out. It would create millions of jobs and he's all about creating jobs....


Well-Known Member
Honestly, I just think it is because of the problems it proposes upon the economy (negative possibilites). Think of it this way. A VERY large population of the United States smokes marijuana (obviously behind closed doors). These people pay a large amount of money for marijuana because it is "scarce" so to speak; not in the sense that it is hard to find (even though in a lot of places it is) but in the sense that not everyone is growing it because they are scared of consequences. You take away those consequences and marijuana becomes as cheap as cigarettes due to the fact that every mom and pop are growing it. Aside from the fact that no money would be put into the economy in the long run due to home-growers, the economy goes through a change due to this.

This change is: Marijuana becomes legalized and every home-grower begins to sell at their normal rate to everyone they can. The economy is now stable due to this new cash flow. Now that there is new cash flow and a better economy, there is more money to be put into the pockets of each american. These americans, even grocery store baggers, have an increased wage. Lets say minimum wage goes up from $5 to $6 or even $7. These americans now have more money to spend on, amongst other things, marijuana (which is now taking part in fueling the economy). Again, stability. However, as everyone tries growing their own weed, and previous home-growers are able to better fund their setups and can grow in whole rooms as opposed to stealth boxes: more marijuana is being provided to the community. Therefore, due to supply and legalization, we have more smokers arise, realizing they can put their "oh my gosh MJ is bad" ideals to bed. Still, the economy is stable. Everyone is happy, the economy is doing great, and quite possibly the minimum wage, amongst other forms of payment to the american population, are increased.

You're probably saying, "This guy is nuts. He's just contradicting himself!" However, time changes all things. Production soon outweighs consumption and/or the readily available MJ is now lowered in value due to "Well, I can get the same amount for half the price at Bob's house. Why would I buy from Jim?" "Well, Jim is now selling at 1/2 price also, but if you buy 10% more, he'll sell it for a little less, still."

And now begins the problems of legalizing marijuana. Like I previously said, marijuana becomes near the price of cigarettes (of course it could still be twice as much, but that's a lot less than what we pay.) Market giants begin creating marijuana factories and hell, even Wally world sells an abundance of it. So, you now have the entire nation getting this minimum wage of $8 or $9 an hour, along with the other forms of payments, but marijuana is drastically cheaper. Now the government expenditures slowly begin to outweigh their gains due to the loss of marijuana funding. The US economy begins borrowing more than ever before and our population in all aspects (medical, military, housing, etc.) begins to dwindle as we drop from a "world power" to a "world power supporter."

Just a thought of a stoner.


Well-Known Member
If Obama intends to legalize Marijuana it won't happen in these 4 years. Over 60% of the actions of a newly elected president are done completely for the purposes of 'solidifying' their base to guarantee re-election.

So for has has put forward an economic plan the middle class liberals generally like, defunded Guantanamo Bay, attacked pork spending, and taken action against the corrupt CEO establishment in this economy. That alone is enough to REALLY piss off the right wing and 'unsettle' his chances for a second term.

I think that CrackerJax is right and that there will be a mass sweep of republicans in the House and Senate at Mid-term elections. I also think that this will do good things for the country. Right now we have a legislative body no different than Bush's first term. There's no checks and balances. The far left is just as moronic and insane as the far right and without a body to oppose the left some good things will happen some bad things will happen. With a rep house and/or senate many of the bad things will simply not happen. The down side is that some good things will also not happen. It's kind of crazy but that's the nature of checks and balanaces and the two party system.

Don't ever dilute yourself into thinking that ANY president will do what the people want. The office is a position of power and once attained they don't want to lose that power. Ladies and gentlemen what your seeing out of Obama right now is the beginning of the campaign for his second term. He will do nothing that will unsettle 'too much' of either side.

Legalizing marijuana will not happen this term, it MIGHT next term, but that's just as unlikely as the second term is 'campaign for democrats' instead of 'campaign for me.'

This is the inherent flaw in politics and it always will be. I've said MANY times to MANY people that if we want change in this country we the people have to stand up against the government as a whole and say, 'We've had it!' It might be able to be done peacefully but I doubt it, I think we'll need a civil war to remove our governemnt from power and extinguish all these draconian laws.



Well-Known Member
yep couldnt agree more.

If Obama intends to legalize Marijuana it won't happen in these 4 years. Over 60% of the actions of a newly elected president are done completely for the purposes of 'solidifying' their base to guarantee re-election.

So for has has put forward an economic plan the middle class liberals generally like, defunded Guantanamo Bay, attacked pork spending, and taken action against the corrupt CEO establishment in this economy. That alone is enough to REALLY piss off the right wing and 'unsettle' his chances for a second term.

I think that CrackerJax is right and that there will be a mass sweep of republicans in the House and Senate at Mid-term elections. I also think that this will do good things for the country. Right now we have a legislative body no different than Bush's first term. There's no checks and balances. The far left is just as moronic and insane as the far right and without a body to oppose the left some good things will happen some bad things will happen. With a rep house and/or senate many of the bad things will simply not happen. The down side is that some good things will also not happen. It's kind of crazy but that's the nature of checks and balanaces and the two party system.

Don't ever dilute yourself into thinking that ANY president will do what the people want. The office is a position of power and once attained they don't want to lose that power. Ladies and gentlemen what your seeing out of Obama right now is the beginning of the campaign for his second term. He will do nothing that will unsettle 'too much' of either side.

Legalizing marijuana will not happen this term, it MIGHT next term, but that's just as unlikely as the second term is 'campaign for democrats' instead of 'campaign for me.'

This is the inherent flaw in politics and it always will be. I've said MANY times to MANY people that if we want change in this country we the people have to stand up against the government as a whole and say, 'We've had it!' It might be able to be done peacefully but I doubt it, I think we'll need a civil war to remove our governemnt from power and extinguish all these draconian laws.


Kine Sensi

Well-Known Member
Yep, and everyone was so excited about Mr. Obama and how he was going to "change our country." I knew he would be nothing new. "HOPE, CHANGE"... B.S.


Well-Known Member
Well I got up today at 6 am. Why you ask?? Well I wanted to ask my President a question. As did numerous other people. My question was... Why can't we legalize marijuana? And put some what of a end to the problems on the US/Mexico border. And give the economy a boost along with numerous jobs, and help in the area of medicinal concerns. Now Obama spent anywhere from 10 to 15 minutes on all previous questions concerning education, health care, etc. Now he stopped and said and I quote. " We need to address a question that has been asked numerous times. Are we going to legalize marijuana? And do you think it will help the economy?" Now at this point people that were at the town hall meeting were laughing as he was talking about this. His reply was very short. He said. " No I am not going to legalize marijuana and I think it will do no good for the economy !" And that was that! He didn't go on and on like he did with all the other subjects. He didn't explain why it wouldn't help the economy. It was just "NO!" and he moved on. Why the hell did he even answer if that's the response we were gonna get. He was all for the legalization of marijuana when he was a U.S. Senator for Illinois, and I believe he was the one who got the ball rolling for the medicinal legalization in Illinois that is about to pass the house. Now why as the President of the United States is he so against it. I ask you Mr. President can you not put YOUR VIEWS aside and listen to us the American people. :wall:

Let me know what you think!! All responses will be met with + REP. :bigjoint:

he was asked the wrong questions, he was never for legalization.
but he did state that the "war on drugs" is not working and needs to be addressed.

a better question to ask would be something like "You stated that the Governments war on drugs is NOT working, Will you end the Federal invention of State marijuana laws, and make this life saving plant FEDERALLY legal for medical use ?"


Active Member
i think its too soon to lose faith in Obama changing our drug laws. What we need is more time to educate. Change doesn't happen overnight, all we need is just to keep up the momentum. FDR brought great change to this country and turned it out of the rut it was stuck in, and it took him 12 years. Obama just needs that momentum to last before we see significant change,