Well-Known Member
Well I got up today at 6 am. Why you ask?? Well I wanted to ask my President a question. As did numerous other people. My question was... Why can't we legalize marijuana? And put some what of a end to the problems on the US/Mexico border. And give the economy a boost along with numerous jobs, and help in the area of medicinal concerns. Now Obama spent anywhere from 10 to 15 minutes on all previous questions concerning education, health care, etc. Now he stopped and said and I quote. " We need to address a question that has been asked numerous times. Are we going to legalize marijuana? And do you think it will help the economy?" Now at this point people that were at the town hall meeting were laughing as he was talking about this. His reply was very short. He said. " No I am not going to legalize marijuana and I think it will do no good for the economy !" And that was that! He didn't go on and on like he did with all the other subjects. He didn't explain why it wouldn't help the economy. It was just "NO!" and he moved on. Why the hell did he even answer if that's the response we were gonna get. He was all for the legalization of marijuana when he was a U.S. Senator for Illinois, and I believe he was the one who got the ball rolling for the medicinal legalization in Illinois that is about to pass the house. Now why as the President of the United States is he so against it. I ask you Mr. President can you not put YOUR VIEWS aside and listen to us the American people. 
Let me know what you think!! All responses will be met with + REP.

Let me know what you think!! All responses will be met with + REP.