Intelligent design

Sure, they can believe...if they "Choose" to.Believing in facts and scientific evidence presented is a given.If you can see it, it is.Faith is based on the intangible,and by allowing ID in schools, we would be saying that we recognize the intangible and the unprovable.That is solely a decision for an individual to make, on their OWN, when they are of an age to.
Why is it you narrow minded people can't seem to understand that people can believe in BOTH Evolution and intellegent design.

String theory estimates there to be approximately 21 dimension.

Currently we experience only four of these, and the 4th (time) we can only experience by measuring the other three, which means that most of 'creation' (the universe) we can't even comprehend let alone sense.

There is a logic and Balance to the universe that I for one consider to be a form of 'intellegence'.
Exactly can do whatever you wish with your beliefs. However evolution is beyond belief, so only ID fits that description.

out. :blsmoke:
Why is it you narrow minded people can't seem to understand that people can believe in BOTH Evolution and intellegent design.

String theory estimates there to be 11 dimensions.

Currently we experience only four of these, and the 4th (time) we can only experience by measuring the other three, which means that most of 'creation' (the universe) we can't even comprehend let alone sense.

There is a logic and Balance to the universe that I for one consider to be a form of 'intellegence'.


put down the pipe.... the brain drain :lol:

out. :blsmoke:
I think both sides of the argument can take solace in the fact that these schools haven't proven themselves capable of teaching much of anything, let alone heavy shit like the origin of the universe. I was lucky to skip kindergarten and stay in daycare an extra year with my little brother, since I was already reading, and went to high school when they didn't care if you left for the day, as long as you check in.
I don't just mean the functional illiterates, even the genius kids should know way more in 13 years. Despite my bad feelings about standing armies, there is something to be said for the way that they can teach various specialized skill sets to people of varying intelligence and backgrounds in a relatively short period of time.
Sure, they can believe...if they "Choose" to.Believing in facts and scientific evidence presented is a given.If you can see it, it is.Faith is based on the intangible,and by allowing ID in schools, we would be saying that we recognize the intangible and the unprovable.That is solely a decision for an individual to make, on their OWN, when they are of an age to.

I agree, as I have already concurred, there is no valid 'theory of intellegent design'. And I agree School needs to keep to the facts.

That this is even an issue in your school system shows how fucked your society is at the moment.

This debate wouldn't really happen in the UK because mis-representing facts in this way would be pick up on.

Our schools are heavily monitored, and have thorough inspections AT LEAST every 4 years (by OFSTED) where EVERY TEACHER has lessons attended by inspectors to ensure consistancy.
awesome post under this thread. i loved it all. i am glad we can talk about it. that is very important....

now dammit. here's my two cents.


start with the Earth Grid system.

I have read dozens of books on this subject alone... i beleive alot of your questions and answers can be found in the electrical nature of our existence.

dont stop there though....

there was a awesome documentary on PBS Nature about dogs and how we have inbred the hell out of them.... in this documentary they explain how we have so many different breeds all stemming from the wolf.

unless your concieted, i am sure you can figure out why this is important.

Step out on the Finger prints of the Gods by Graham Hancock.

I used to beleive in all UFO's.... then i discovered gravitational fluctualations on grid points like at the bermuda triangle. I later discovered ball lightning...


i think there is enough evidence to say that ancient civilizations had vast knowledge which allowed them to use simple sound resonance to move large objects. Infact, sound is probably more than likely the root of all motion in the universe.

did you know that birds singing in the morning have been proven to be mimicking the sounds of stellar objects moving thru space?

How many times has Genecide happened in the last two thousand years? i can think of several. dont forget the lost ones.

more than likely the Nephilim are real.

i am gonna end this post for now... but i am full of discussion in my head. i could go on for days....
Really, you finally explained where life originated from originally, and why there's an absence of fossil records prior to the Cambrian Explosion.

Disproving one theory is not the same as proving your own.
TBT, I like you. We agree on many issues as I've seen here in this forum. However, why do you keep up with the straw man argument that we need to have a complete understanding of the origin of life to for ET to hold a as a solid theory?

Theories do not prove anything. Science doesn't attempt to prove anything. Proofs are for mathematics and alcohol. Theories are explanations of the facts and evidence we find. Theories put pieces of a puzzle together. We haven't 'proved' germ theory, atomic theory, genetics, etc. but guess what, we have used these unproven theories to advance medicine, technology, etc.
(BTW, we don't need to know where atoms came from for us to utilize the theories of chemistry and physics. Newton didn't need to know how and where the planets or gravity originated from to create a theory explaining the attractive force of gravity. The origin of life has multiple naturalistic hypotheses. Sure, we don't know how and where the spark of life began but that doesn't make a bit of difference as to theorizing how life evolved after it was already present).

Show me a link where there were no fossils prior to the Cambrian era? We have found plenty.
arguing over some unknowable unknown is droll.
maybe neither or both is right.
nothing you see is what you realy see anyway because
your brain lies to you to keep you comfortable.
Why is it you narrow minded people can't seem to understand that people can believe in BOTH Evolution and intellegent design.

String theory estimates there to be 11 dimensions.

Currently we experience only four of these, and the 4th (time) we can only experience by measuring the other three, which means that most of 'creation' (the universe) we can't even comprehend let alone sense.

There is a logic and Balance to the universe that I for one consider to be a form of 'intellegence'.

Because "Intelligent Design" was manufactured by "Christian scientists" AKA the Catholic Church Inc. You can believe in Intelligent Design AND Evolution that would be even more irrational than believing ONLY in ID.

I have my own personal spiritual beliefs AND I also believe that evolution is or best explanation for the origin of species.

I think this often gets misconstrued, Darwin was not trying to explain the origin of life but rather the natural forces that cause species diversity and change over time.

The inquisition is dead no thanks to "God". :roll: But rather the dawn of rational thought over faith.

I will say it again there is NO faith involved in the THEORY of evolution. The people that believe evolution do not believe on faith but rather rational examination of facts placed before them. If facts at a later date dis-prove evolution scientists will formulate a new theory. So far the facts are stacked on the side of evolution.:peace:
Good point NG...since the inventors of ID want to discredit Evolution...believing in both means you haven't thought things through...

out. :blsmoke:
I agree about the no religion in public school.I also feel VERY strongly about the bullshit farse of manmade global warming.Our kids are being fed a line of bullshit.Something that has no proof at all. :fire:Global warming replaces religion for left wingers.Tis pathetic.I dont want my kids brainwashed with bull shit.
I think the earth was already warming on it's own, we might have sped it up some, but it would have gotten there on it's own anyway.

Convincing people to pollute less is never a bad thing.
I think the earth was already warming on it's own, we might have sped it up some, but it would have gotten there on it's own anyway.

Convincing people to pollute less is never a bad thing.

Unless you start believing your idiotic lies.

The world has been cooling since 1998. From 1970 - 1998 Solar Activity was climbing, peaking around 1998. It has since fallen back. Strange how the solar activity seems to have a direct correlation with temperatures isn't it?

As far as polluting less. It's a good thing, but like all things it has a point where it no longer makes further investments worth the expense. That is, additional benefits are marginal compared to the expense of getting them.

Besides, there are certain things, like carbon caps, and taxes that are just plain stupid. The last thing we need is additional taxes in place to further entrench the corporations. All these carbon caps are doing is creating more stagnation by ensuring that new companies have a difficult time growing, because they can not purchase the exemptions and credits they need.
I agree about the no religion in public school.I also feel VERY strongly about the bullshit farse of manmade global warming.Our kids are being fed a line of bullshit.Something that has no proof at all. :fire:Global warming replaces religion for left wingers.Tis pathetic.I dont want my kids brainwashed with bull shit.

Did you see where Hillary clinton is going to make global warming part of her duties as Secretary of State? :lol: WTF??

She goes to China and human rights are not mentioned...but Columbia is being held in the fire for global warming there?

out. :blsmoke:
Did you see where Hillary clinton is going to make global warming part of her duties as Secretary of State? :lol: WTF??

She goes to China and human rights are not mentioned...but Columbia is being held in the fire for global warming there?

out. :blsmoke:
Hopefully Hillary C. can send some global warming my way, because I'm sick of this winter.

China has its own attack helicopters to use for union busting activities. The Colombian State would still be using obsidian swords at Drummond's behest.
$419 million of almost $700 million (which seems like couch change these days) of hemispheric welfare will likely be given to their internal and external security forces. They've even cracked down on WHINSEC grads, which has to be considered a victory in "The War on 'Terror'".