Intelligent design


New Member
The problem with teaching religion is...there is nothing to teach. The specifics are made up and the big picture is common sense.

I think perhaps classes on "Common Sense" might be a better route to go. I suppose that would become the next enemy of the church instead of Darwin...those darn classes on Common Sense...

out. :blsmoke:


New Member
Now you're stereo typing. Not to different if I were to say most kids in your country couldn't identify a toothbrush or bar of soap in a store. :blsmoke:

Religion, which is born of fiction, has no place in school. Schools should only teach FACTS. There is not a single religion that can back up it's claims with FACTS.

Teaching kids a bunch of made up shit as though it's the truth will only make them DUMBER.

You don't need a class to know that all religions hate other religions. That is a given. All religions think that theirs is the only one that is right. Don't need a class to know that either.

I'm for this class on common sense, looks like someone ought to start teaching it on this thread.

I'm not suggesting that kids should be taugh religious ideoligy in school, but most kids in your country can't even point to Iraq or Afganistan on a map let alone understand its inhabitants beliefs and why they tick.


Well-Known Member
Now you're stereo typing. Not to different if I were to say most kids in your country couldn't identify a toothbrush or bar of soap in a store. :blsmoke:

Religion, which is born of fiction, has no place in school. Schools should only teach FACTS. There is not a single religion that can back up it's claims with FACTS.

Teaching kids a bunch of made up shit as though it's the truth will only make them DUMBER.

You don't need a class to know that all religions hate other religions. That is a given. All religions think that theirs is the only one that is right. Don't need a class to know that either.

I'm for this class on common sense, looks like someone ought to start teaching it on this thread.
Strange, I would expect that by exposing kids to fallacious theories one could actually teach them to question the psychotic ramblings of the left instead of accepting it as some sort of "holy" gospel.

I mean, from the way the left is carrying on it's easy to conclude that since students are forced to submit to their view points in school that they are being indoctrinated by beliefs that do not work in the real world.

Belief's like Socialism, Communism, and that Societal Parasites should be given money to survive, and that they have an inherent right to be lazy and not work.


New Member
Part of teaching science is it is the duty of all scienctists to question other scientists work. Which means all scientists know that if they come forward with a theory, they'd damn well better to be able to back it up.

They'll learn all about questioning in science class.

The problem with religion is it is based on "because I said so" no proof required, now that is what makes the sheeple of America what they are today.

Where do you think the expression "holy gospel" came from? The bible says so and you are NOT to question it. Bbbbbbaaaaaaaaaaaa


Well-Known Member
Part of teaching science is it is the duty of all scienctists to question other scientists work. Which means all scientists know that if they come forward with a theory, they'd damn well better to be able to back it up.

They'll learn all about questioning in science class.

The problem with religion is it is based on "because I said so" no proof required, now that is what makes the sheeple of America what they are today.

Where do you think the expression "holy gospel" came from? The bible says so and you are NOT to question it. Bbbbbbaaaaaaaaaaaa
Well strange, it seems to me that everyone behind evolution doesn't want to let intelligent design in to classrooms because children might not be able to recognize good science as opposed to bad science.

Hardly a case of trying to show children how to question something.


Well-Known Member
Will you please show me even one piece of science or evidence that is related to ID?
Will you show me one piece of scientific evidence that proves that life arose out of nothing, and thus prove evolution?

Or how about the eyeball? Do you have any proof that it could have evolved?

Or the brain? I mean, what benefit could a intelligent brain be. It takes massive amounts of oxygen, nutrients, must be kept at a stable temperature and protected from harm. Where's the evolutionary advantage in that?

Wouldn't a simple mindless creature be better off than one with a brain?
(Actually, don't Politicians prove that?)

Or what about the Cambrian Explosion.

Though what this has to do with teaching kids how to question and investigate theories is beyond me. Which is what you were saying should be done.

Of course, based on your response to my point about allowing ID in the classrooms to allow children to learn how to distinguish bad science from good science it's clear that you were full of BS in that statement.


New Member
Just as I thought, instead of proving the theory you believe in, when questioned you attack evolution.

Let's put evolution aside for a moment, you believe so much in ID, well here I am, show me the proof, the facts, the evidence........... convince me.


Well-Known Member
Now you're stereo typing. Not to different if I were to say most kids in your country couldn't identify a toothbrush or bar of soap in a store. :blsmoke:

Religion, which is born of fiction, has no place in school. Schools should only teach FACTS. There is not a single religion that can back up it's claims with FACTS.

Teaching kids a bunch of made up shit as though it's the truth will only make them DUMBER.

You don't need a class to know that all religions hate other religions. That is a given. All religions think that theirs is the only one that is right. Don't need a class to know that either.

I'm for this class on common sense, looks like someone ought to start teaching it on this thread.

I'm not suggesting any religious beliefs should be taught as FACT.

It is a FACT that Muslims believe what they believe.
It is a FACT that Christians Believe what they believe.
It is a FACT that Hindus Believe what they believe.
ETC etc etc.

Just like it is a FACT that most teenagers in your country don't know where the middle east is or anything about their culture.... (or at least there is EVIDENCE to support it survey's etc).

What part of this do you not get?

It's good of you to screen what FACTS your children are exposed to eh.

No one is suggesting anyone teach ID as a theory, that is YOU inserting a subtext that isn't there.


Well-Known Member
Just as I thought, instead of proving the theory you believe in, when questioned you attack evolution.

Let's put evolution aside for a moment, you believe so much in ID, well here I am, show me the proof, the facts, the evidence........... convince me.
:: looks for where he said anything about believing in ID ::

What's next Miss, misinterpreting my comments as saying something like, "Obama is a savior?"


Well-Known Member
Will you please show me even one piece of science or evidence that is related to ID?
Many people take it very fact that life is so complex, beautiful and unimaginably unlikely as evidence.

YOU don't get to decide what evidence is valid, everyone gets to make their own decision as to what is valid to themselves....

That doesn't mean I think it should be taught in schools.


New Member
Didn't I already say that all religions believe only theirs to be true? We really don't need an entire class for that to be said.

I can't say what most teenagers in my country can or can't do, because I haven't met them all, I'm sure you haven't either. Can you show me the proof of that? Can we get some facts over here?

Since you claim most teens in my country can't find Iraq on a map, then wasting time on religion would just make the issue worse, now wouldn't it?

I'm not suggesting any religious beliefs should be taught as FACT.

It is a FACT that Muslims believe what they believe.
It is a FACT that Christians Believe what they believe.
It is a FACT that Hindus Believe what they believe.
ETC etc etc.

Just like it is a FACT that most teenagers in your country don't know where the middle east is or anything about their culture.... (or at least there is EVIDENCE to support it survey's etc).

What part of this do you not get?

It's good of you to screen what FACTS you children as exposed to eh.

No one is suggesting anyone teach ID as a theory, that is YOU inserting a subtext that isn't there.


New Member
So then, not one piece of factual evidence pointing to ID?

SNAP..... evolution wins.........

Many people take it very fact that life is so complex, beautiful and unimaginable unlikely as evidence.

YOU don't get to decide what evidence is valid, everyone gets to make their own decision as to what is valid to themselves....

That doesn't mean I think it should be taught in schools.


Well-Known Member
So then, not one piece of factual evidence pointing to ID?

SNAP..... evolution wins.........
Really, you finally explained where life originated from originally, and why there's an absence of fossil records prior to the Cambrian Explosion.

Disproving one theory is not the same as proving your own.


New Member
See here's the thing with ID, people can't prove anything about it. The ID people think the world is only 6000 years old, I already posted an article yesterday about 13000 year old tools that were cached.

Do the 13000 year old tools help prove the 6000 year old planet and ID, or do they point to evolution?


Well-Known Member
See here's the thing with ID, people can't prove anything about it. The ID people think the world is only 6000 years old, I already posted an article yesterday about 13000 year old tools that were cached.

Do the 13000 year old tools help prove the 6000 year old planet and ID, or do they point to evolution?
Is anyone in this discussion taking the Bible Litterally?

You are more narrow minded than most religious people I know.


New Member
TBT...let me simplify it for you

One idea is very probable....evolution

The other is not as probable

If you insist on complete pictures of the FACTS from the BEGINNING of it all, we might as well not even get started examining our world in the first place. Just because a STRONG THEORY is unfinished....does not suggest it is invalid...merely incomplete...but the path is correct...until PROVEN otherwise. You have your work cut out for you. Actually you have been using the very same techniques of ID advocates...irony is funny stuff...:lol:

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
TBT...let me simplify it for you

One idea is very probable....evolution

The other is not as probable

If you insist on complete pictures of the FACTS from the BEGINNING of it all, we might as well not even get started examining our world in the first place. Just because a STRONG THEORY is unfinished....does not suggest it is invalid...merely incomplete...but the path is correct...until PROVEN otherwise. You have your work cut out for you. Actually you have been using the very same techniques of ID advocates...irony is funny stuff...:lol:

out. :blsmoke:
Why is it you narrow minded people can't seem to understand that people can believe in BOTH Evolution and intellegent design.

String theory estimates there to be 11 dimensions.

Currently we experience only four of these, and the 4th (time) we can only experience by measuring the other three, which means that most of 'creation' (the universe) we can't even comprehend let alone sense.

There is a logic and Balance to the universe that I for one consider to be a form of 'intellegence'.