Obama is the anti-Christ!!!

Is Obama the anti-Christ?

  • For sure!

    Votes: 12 27.9%
  • Hell no!

    Votes: 17 39.5%
  • DontDoDrugs is maybe smoking something other than bud!!

    Votes: 14 32.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Well-Known Member
Now, we can put the same question to you.WHere did god come from?Who created god?Who created the person who created god?Why did this god abandon us?Why didn't he leaqve a note, a clue as to his existence?Surely, he's existed for more than the 6000 years the bible spans, so why did it take people so long to write about him?Why didn't he let us know basic things like, the earth is round, the sun is the center of the solar system?
I will answer all of this when I get back.

I've spent hours answering these very same easy questions already because everything thinks they can stump the faithful with this stuff.


Well-Known Member
atheist and agnostic are words made by man to describe ppl by those who think they know better.


every piece of language was created by man to describe or communicate something

and both of those words have VERY different meanings

learn them


Well-Known Member
Your making my point for me.
One line double neg answers and a foolish man to boot:clap:

Hey man. Are you still talking to me?

I finished with you awhile ago.

I'm not reading your posts because frankly, you don't belong in this conversation.


Well-Known Member

every piece of language was created by man to describe or communicate something

and both of those words have VERY different meanings

learn them
Your just an arrogant fool that cannot listen,simple as that.
All of you answers are not answers just double negatives:joint:


Well-Known Member
Hey man. Are you still talking to me?

I finished with you awhile ago.

I'm not reading your posts because frankly, you don't belong in this conversation.
You still making my point for me,saying that i should just shut up and go away.
Your a complete fool simple as that:joint:


Well-Known Member

every piece of language was created by man to describe or communicate something

and both of those words have VERY different meanings

learn them
those words have no meaning to me. in the same way your religion has no meaning to me.


Well-Known Member
those words have no meaning to me. in the same way your religion has no meaning to me.

ok, well the words "the" "life" "death" "penis" and "vagina" have no meaning to me, just like you're lack of education has no meaning to me.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Nooo.....I'm just wondering what your answers are.Because unless god came down and told you personally his reasons, you don't know.You cannot comprehend an infinite being with a finite mind.If he exists, and he is what the faithful claim him to be, then it is blasphemy,by the definition of the very faithful who profess to worship him,to speak for him.Because limited beings cannot truely comprehend a limitless one.
I will answer all of this when I get back.

I've spent hours answering these very same easy questions already because everything thinks they can stump the faithful with this stuff.

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
zig, what do you think happens to you when you die? do you believe in a soul or a concious beyond what you know now?
i dont know. its as simple as that....so i guess the word athiest can be in a way vague, i dont chase the answers, and i dont care ...i just look at science and what we kno, and use those things to form my opinions, plus and athiest fam to influence my personal enlightenment lol and i just live my life, when we die, we all shall see, but based on what i kno, i dont think anything happenes, i think we cease to exist, because when you think about it its very arrogant to only believe that humans are special, does a lilttle fucking goldfish go to heaven or have an afterlife???i bet a lot of religious ppl have never even pondered that


Well-Known Member
This is the first and probably the last thread I will post in about religion because I feel there are few things that unless proven..... and NO ONE has hard evidence on either side. Faith is what allows people who are spiritual stand their ground, faith is what allows people who are agnostic to have confusion, and faith (or lack of it) is what allows people who are atheists to stand their ground.

Standing your ground and having the intelligence to "agree to disagree" after a discussion is one thing...... but so many times on hot topics (politics, religion etc)..... it doesn't work that way.

We get into name calling.....what is that all about. My friend has a son who is downs syndrome and autistic..... do you thing he made a choice to be mentally "retarded?" You throwing that word around shows you are ignorant and callus... and since mentally challenged people do not happen to be as smart as many of you..... doesn't mean you should use that word as you are. :cry:

I am not the PC police.... by no means.... just try to be kind in your debate.

My point to posting is.... regardless of what you believe.... be adult and non-judging... state your piece and debate. Then agree to disagree.... part... and go on with your life.:hug:

I really can't stand people who get internet muscles..... this is a friendly site.... let's keep it that way.

Now, I do believe in God.... and I will not debate that fact. I have faith.... and I will listen but I do not feel the need to prove anything to anyone. I just try to live my life according to my beliefs..... and I really try to treat everyone the way I would like to be treated. Just let me say, may my God of my choice bless everyone here..... I send happy vibes and positive thoughts to everyone.....and if you are a non- believer..... please send happy thoughts and positive vibes my way. (no God included)

Gentle hugs to everyone..... calm these waters. Continue the debate... but please... no more name calling and personal attacks.:hug::hug::hug::hug::hug:


Well-Known Member
I am going to practice Spanish romance on my keyboard this guys just a wind up fool or a total gimp or both,lol:weed:

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
IM IGNORANT CUZ I USE THE WORD RETARDED??...WOW like a mentally challenged person really crossed my mind when i use that word, go fuck yourself, and you can say im ignorant for saying that too. and dont say im being tough either, you are being the forum police when you say dont use the word retarded.


Well-Known Member
Nooo.....I'm just wondering what your answers are.Because unless god came down and told you personally his reasons, you don't know.You cannot comprehend an infinite being with a finite mind.If he exists, and he is what the faithful claim him to be, then it is blasphemy,by the definition of the very faithful who profess to worship him,to speak for him.Because limited beings cannot truely comprehend a limitless one.

never said i spoke for him and never said i represented anything

where are you going with this?


Well-Known Member
This guys a total codpiece,lol:clap:
touche. not sure what planet freak boy is living on. btw my god spoke to when i was signing off before and he said

'no you dumbass, get back on that chat and tell tronica he's a friggin idiot. if he thinks i'm wasting my time listening to him, he is very much mistaken. doesn't he think i've got better things to do than listen to his bullshit prayers. fuck i don't even care about the millions starving in africa.'


Well-Known Member
i dont know. its as simple as that....so i guess the word athiest can be in a way vague, i dont chase the answers, and i dont care ...i just look at science and what we kno, and use those things to form my opinions, plus and athiest fam to influence my personal enlightenment lol and i just live my life, when we die, we all shall see, but based on what i kno, i dont think anything happenes, i think we cease to exist, because when you think about it its very arrogant to only believe that humans are special, does a lilttle fucking goldfish go to heaven or have an afterlife???i bet a lot of religious ppl have never even pondered that

i think humans are the arrogant ones for a reason.

we were created in the image of god himself. we were given characteristics not unlike his. we carry his similarities with us becasue we are his "children"

we were given free will and an evolving thought process. things that god himself has infinitately since he possesses everything in perfection.

and while i do not think that other creatures simply cease to exist, i do not think of them as equa to us either. we are special. and everything we know, was created for us.

i do not think we are his only children. the vastness of space is there for a reason, as far as im concerned, and a few others that i have discussed this with.

the big bang and the current contruction of our universe took a millenia to bring about. god is timeless. to him, that millenia had no toll. he created the earth, and the oceans, and the rest in what the bible calls "days". a day to god is not something we can understand, if god is not limited by time, he is not bound by "a day"

the big bang was gods creation, the big bang was god creating. the evolution of the planet was gods creating. god made the earth "and a day later" made the oceans. this is evolution, and im seriously simplfying the shit out of this becasue my thesis on this is actually 7 pages long. evolution and the big bang was god. science is god. does anyone follow?

im gonna drudge my report up from last years theology class. its on my laptop somewhere and i go into much better detail on all of this and tie in evolution and science directly to god in ways even a 6 year old can understand.

Brick Top

New Member
Its said that the anti christ will come to us as a charming, charismatic, handsome man and people will love him.

the end of his 1st term as president ends in 2012.. which has ben prophesysed to be the end of the world.

Obama could be the anti-christ.. the only way to know is to search his body for the mark of the beast.. but damn.. only his wife could do that to the president of the motha fucken US... hes pretty much untouchable.. so i guess we wont know until its all over.

What do you people think? was i a bit too high.. or does this make sense.. :o

If you read the Bible it says that the Old Roman Empire will be reformed, not as under the same control, but the same nations having come together. Some Bible experts claim that is what is happening with the E.U.

It also says that there will be reports that one of the leaders of one of those nations has been assassinated, and technically he will have been, but that then the Devil will enter his body and he will live again and he will then bring about the major war where the Armies of the North, believed to be Russia and Russian Allies, will then head South and will be defeated.

If that is true then no American leader could ever be the Anti-Christ since he/she would not be a leader of one of the nations making up the group of nations that once was the old Roman Empire.

Personally I believe that President Obama is a dangerous inexperienced political neophyte that will do far more harm than good but if the Bible is correct, and if you are talking about the Anti-Christ then you must believe in the Bible, it is impossible that President Obama could be the Anti-Christ.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
never said i spoke for him and never said i represented anything

where are you going with this?
Well, actually, you kinda did...you told natmoon:

and you don't sound very christian to me.
dont mock the same god you claim you believe in the same page.
So to me, that implies you think yourself an authority on what a Christian should sound like,and that god would take offense at his words.And since you said that you would answer my previous questions as to where god came from,and I said that unless he personally came and told you,you wouldn't know.....I'm wondering if you can actually tell me, since you said these questions were easily answered...........I'm just asserting once again that you can't know, being a finite being, what an infinite being's reasons were or are.So have I stumped the faithful?:blsmoke:
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