Did your parents ever tell you not to poke a dog with a stick?
If you keep fucking with a people they will attack just like the dog will.
Like Republicans don't Lie? Please.
This is a complete distortion as far as the National Security is concerned.
Yes we are more vonerable to a terrorist attack in the US because our military is over in Iraq in a needless, Illegal war instead of protecting this country. And Obama never said that terrorist don't exist nor does he act like they don't. Complete fabrication.
Democrats blame the Bush Administration's failed policies and the republican corruption over the past 12 years. Again about england... Poke a dog with a stick and they will attack.
Also al-Qaida was never in Iraq before the Americans went over there, Saddam did not tolerate them.
I could go on and on debunking Ann Coulter point for point but I'll stop here. I have to go to work in the morning ( I have 6 yards of concrete to pour tomarrow) and would like to get in some TV time before I go to bed.
Your war for profit allegations are devoid of any and all merit! You are simply way incorrect.
Your post is is in no way a refutation of ANY of the factual points Ann has made, seems to me that this set of facts can be spun to suit whomever's ox is to be gored!
Ann is a bit too caustic in her delivery for my sensibilities, but there is more than a kernel of truth to her right wing opining!
The fact you so eagerly overlook is that there have been NO attacks on US soil since 9/11.....how you prefer to characterize this truth is your choice.