• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Quit yer bitchin' and just read it.


New Member
Med, Indie is a minor irritation, kind of like a gnat that buzzes around a horse's ass.. the More the horse swishes it's tail at it, the more it tries to fly up the horse's asshole.
How'd the 6 yards come out, everything work out OK. I once had a guy tell me Concrete was hard work, that you had to work it hard, the fact is concrete works you, trowel it too soon and you have to trowel it again, trowel it too late and you have to work your ass off to get it to look right, if you catch it at just the right moment, one time over and it's good to go, get the broom. I once did a 9 yard pool deck in 115 degree heat with a load that had gotten lost and been in the drum for almost an hour and 30 minutes. I threw a couple a hundred gallons of water in it and started pouring. I had 2 guys helping me, both were the homeowner and his neighbor that knew nothing about concrete, and it was a salt finish. I pounded the salt into the last slab in 40 minutes after the truck arrived, it was hard. That deck looked great and in the ten years that I lived by my friend, We never saw a crack in that deck, I figured that thing would crack all to hell, but nope, solid as a rock. I've also poured things that you would never expect to crack and had them crack all to hell. Concrete is a mystery. I worked it for ten years and never actually had an exact knowledge of it, I did some research on concrete, the physical charataristics etc. and drove a concrete truck for another 10 years but it will never cease to surprise you.


Well-Known Member
It came out nice actually.... What we were doing was retaining walls for a property that had a lot of slope to it.... Big footings.

My boss has us booked up for the next 3 years with all kinds of work.... Next month we have a remodel on a house and the month after that we have a 2000 sq ft addition to put onto another property...


New Member
It came out nice actually.... What we were doing was retaining walls for a property that had a lot of slope to it.... Big footings.

My boss has us booked up for the next 3 years with all kinds of work.... Next month we have a remodel on a house and the month after that we have a 2000 sq ft addition to put onto another property...
I did mostly commercial. I was the superintendent on many commercial buildings, (concrete only) I built 3 hospitals, 7-8 banks, vaults and all, a half dozen churches, 15-20 custom million dollar+ houses and more office buildings 3-5 stories,than I can count. That 300 yard footing pour I was telling you about was for three Braced frame footings, Huge holes in the ground 20'X40' with # 8 rebar end to end, just back up a truck and pour out as fast as you can. I was responsible for the hiring and firing and bringing those buildings out of the ground. My boss would come by, have a 10 minute conversation about the new job, drop off the plans, and split. he'd come by once a week with the paychecks after I had called in the hours for the employees, and basically that was all I saw of him on the job. sometimes he'd come by and take me to lunch and discuss the itinerary, but I was pretty much on my own. Did a whole bunch for my self esteem to see a new building standing where once there had been only dirt and me with a set of plans. Most of my buildings are in Orange county Ca. For all this I was paid carpenter scale plus 1.00


New Member
fight the war on terror within our own borders. that is the only solution. if you want america safe, make american SOIL safe. (yes, that would include our embassies, worldwide)

there is no need to take a bullshit, unwin-able war overseas, on their turf, with tons of their people mad at occupancy, incouraged to join.

if we aren't there, there will be less folks with something PERSONAL against the U.S.


Well-Known Member
In one sentence you question both sides of the arguements***********************************************The Boarder....I am for a secure boarder..................We are safer than befor 9-11. That\'s was my point.****************************************************************** What do anyone of us commoners have to gain with a victory in Iraq....................................Oil of course.LOL*************************************************************** Med, Indie is a minor irritation, kind of like a gnat that buzzes around a horse\'s ass.. the More the horse swishes it\'s tail at it, the more it tries to fly up the horse\'s asshole.....................................That would make you the *Horse\'s Ass* ? Don\'t Flatter Yourself.


Well-Known Member
Seriously, krime13, no I don't get paid for posting viewpoints opposing sthe Left-Wing-Dingers. There are two sides to every coin. Ann Coulter and her ilk present one side, Moveon.org and their ilk presents the other.

This is a forum for political disscussion, is it not? What would you do, suppress the speech of others who have opinions that differ from your's? If you don't agree with some of my posts, that's entirely OK with me as that is your right. All I ask is that you rebut my ideas with intellegent dialoge like Dankdude did above. But to just call opposing opinions "drivel" or "bullshit" without said rebuttal does nothing constructive, nor does it promote education in the forum.

Now then, lets all be friends and discuss politics in a rational, sane and respectful manner.

Vie, I have explained my points in the wery similar "after Iraq" thread, which was also started by you, to type them over and over just seems like a waste of time to me, I would appreciate if you keep that thread going by responding to the list of points that I posted there.I also do not recall calling any of your posts Idiotic or try to suppress them...Its just hard to belive anyone can take this propaganda seriously, you are right, facts are facts, so what is the result of this administration 8 years later? The terrorist free Iraq is now a terrorist playground, where terrorist recruits using our troops for target practice , while according to the latest administration Al Queada is "as stromg as ever", all this to the tune of trillions of dollars...


Well-Known Member
The whole thing is a distortion, half truths and out right lies. But Conservatives have been spewing this bullshit so long they actually believe it's true now.

Really? why are the borders wide open?
We are not any more or less safer than before. The opening statement that Ann Coulter said in this peice is utter bullshit.
We are not engaged in a war on terrorism, We are engaged in a war for profit. The gutted the Military and privatized parts of it, such as security details, quartermaster corps just to name a few. If we were really serious about Terrorism, we would have gotten Bin Ladin when we had the chance.

But now with the U.S. government — as well as the British and German governments — warning of major terrorist attacks this summer, the Treason Lobby is facing the possibility that the "bumper sticker" could blow up in their faces.
Did your parents ever tell you not to poke a dog with a stick?
If you keep fucking with a people they will attack just like the dog will.

Like Republicans don't Lie? Please.
This is a complete distortion as far as the National Security is concerned.

Yes we are more vonerable to a terrorist attack in the US because our military is over in Iraq in a needless, Illegal war instead of protecting this country. And Obama never said that terrorist don't exist nor does he act like they don't. Complete fabrication.

Democrats blame the Bush Administration's failed policies and the republican corruption over the past 12 years. Again about england... Poke a dog with a stick and they will attack.

Also al-Qaida was never in Iraq before the Americans went over there, Saddam did not tolerate them.
I could go on and on debunking Ann Coulter point for point but I'll stop here. I have to go to work in the morning ( I have 6 yards of concrete to pour tomarrow) and would like to get in some TV time before I go to bed.
Your war for profit allegations are devoid of any and all merit! You are simply way incorrect.

Your post is is in no way a refutation of ANY of the factual points Ann has made, seems to me that this set of facts can be spun to suit whomever's ox is to be gored!
Ann is a bit too caustic in her delivery for my sensibilities, but there is more than a kernel of truth to her right wing opining!

The fact you so eagerly overlook is that there have been NO attacks on US soil since 9/11.....how you prefer to characterize this truth is your choice.


Well-Known Member
Hi,Wawels I would like to take on your " its not war for profit point" 1_) If it isnt war for profit than why is US oil companies claming first 50% of all the oil currently produced in Iraq?2-)Why is Halliburton getting paid billions of dollars it cannot account for?3_)Why does Iraqi energy minister (a woman who has been emprisoned by Saddam for her work as the head of Iraqi energy workers union) publicly asked US people quote" Please preassure your government to remouve accupational forcess out of Iraq and let us solve our own problems" 4_) Last but not least, Why are we building permanent bases in Iraq?


New Member
Hey guys, here's the deal: Wavels, 7X, and Vi are right wing extremists. Right wing extremists are like one brain cell away from brain dead. They believe everything put out by their gods, like Ann Cuntler and Rush Limbaugh. They lack the ability to see past their ingrained beliefs and think any opinions opposing their own are communistic, or in the least left wing drivel. Arguiung with them is like pissing into the wind. When they post their facsist ramblings, just consider the source and cut them some slack as we must feel sorry for their mindset and hope the truth comes along and hits them square in the ass. As for Hempie, He is just an Idiot.


Well-Known Member
Hi krime....it is quite simple to deduce that there is no war for oil....have you looked at the profit margins of these greedy, evil corporations.....there are many far more profitable industries that provide far greater return on invested dollars...look at some tech corporations margins.....much more bang for the buck! If it was a war for oil...sure did not pan out that well for investors.
Geopolitics anyone?
Wondrous oblivion!


New Member
That is perhaps the single most ignorant statement I've ever seen. So you're looking for examples of transitional fossils? What would you call the Ambulocetus or the Tiktaalik? What did you sleep through your introductory biology courses, or did you go to Liberty "University?"
I'd call the Ambulocetus a whale (mammal) that walked. I'd call the Tiktaalik a fish that could make its way across a mudflat. AND ... I'd call an Emu a bird that can't fly.

Your talking about animals/fish that lived 350 million years ago. Where's the connection between those and Man?

And no, I didn't attend Liberty University. But, what's up with the reference anyway? Do you have a prejudice against Christians? Are you one of those "tolerant" lefties?

You know "Plato," you may like to think that you are a descendent of monkeys, but I, on the other hand, prefer to believe that I am descended from a Higher Power. In spite of your cocky, arrogant attitude, neither position makes either one of us intellectually superior to the other.

Now go pound sand. :blsmoke:




Well-Known Member
Hi krime....it is quite simple to deduce that there is no war for oil....have you looked at the profit margins of these greedy, evil corporations.....there are many far more profitable industries that provide far greater return on invested dollars...look at some tech corporations margins.....much more bang for the buck! If it was a war for oil...sure did not pan out that well for investors.
Geopolitics anyone?
Wondrous oblivion!
Hmmm, wasnt the profits made by oil companies last year a new record?Isnt it a fact that US claming 50% of all the oil produced in Iraq? Didnt Halliburton "missplaced " 3.5 billion dollars last year alone , and that is not counting all the projects they were paid for and did not complete? Geopolitics, I think not, more like highway robery.


Well-Known Member
Profits are not to be confused with profit margins.....the gross profits are record setting.....more people consumed more petrol....my point is that there are many more profitable industries, and besides this fact, every drop of oil is payed for....who conducts a war simply to purchase oil?
The oil would simply be stolen if it were indeed a war for oil.....no?


New Member
1953? Damn, man ... I was in the Ninth Grade. All I cared about was the nice butt on the chick that sat in front of me. Oh, and basketball took a close second. *lol*



Well-Known Member
Profits are not to be confused with profit margins.....the gross profits are record setting.....more people consumed more petrol....my point is that there are many more profitable industries, and besides this fact, every drop of oil is payed for....who conducts a war simply to purchase oil?
The oil would simply be stolen if it were indeed a war for oil.....no?
Yes more people puchased, but at what price? Yes they might be buying Iraqi oil, but again at what price? (there must be a reason why theyr oil workers want to go on strike). Also dont forget the exclusive drilling and prospecting rights that US oil companies got out of it...You havent answerd to 2 of my other points.


Well-Known Member

Fuck that witch.

This shit comes from the same woman who went after New Jersey widows who were only seeking a Congressional investigation into the 9/11 attacks by calling them "The Witches of East Brunswick" and that they were "Dancing on their Husbands Graves".

She's a hatemongering skank who believes everything the party she sucks dick for (and loves every second of it) will whisper into her ear.

Everytime I read her shit, I slowly feel my own I.Q. dropping.