I'd love to see that.Please check and see whether or not the company that makes those LED's is in any way advertising on that site, or in that magazine.
Looking forward to it.
If you can give a link, that would be cool, or, if it's an actual magazine you're reading, the issue date and number and the name of the article,because I'd like to read about it.

Also, yes, this is a hobby...and it's expensive enough with HID lights, ventilation, nutes, etc....unlike other hobbies where you do something without a lot to show for it,like beadwork, painting,etc(and I'm not ragging on these hobbies,just saying paintings don't have any THC),the purpose of this hobby is to get the best quality you possibly can, each and every time.Since it makes much more sense to me, right now, at least,to go with a setup that has been proven to grow the quality I'm looking for,without putting me in the poorhouse(remember, most of us are growing because we don't like the expense of buying)then right now, my choice is to stick with tried and true.If I had a lot of extra money to blow, I'd experiment, too.