New Member has trouble keeping up with me as the truth often shatters his weak delusional mind. has trouble keeping up with me as the truth often shatters his weak delusional mind.
and with his every post he proves my pointIdiot........
Well, if you say so, But calling me an asshole isnt very nice either, I Kinda like the fact that you said Hempie may not be the biggest genious,~LOL~ what an understatement but I guess you're just trying to be nice, So double bird to you Kieatoka and be sure to have a nice day,~LOL~.BTW, what was this thread about,~LOL~.I say, to each his own. When I put up that avatar, that was what I was trying to express. but oh well, fuck off works too. idc how people see it. I don't put it up for them, I put it up because I liked it. If other people don't pff who cares? Also, I like hempie, he may not be the biggest genius here, but everyone has an opinion, I feel like bush is a warmongering guy who in theory could do what this thread was saying. If he was so inclined to do so. Yet again, my opinion. and argueing with me, or anyone else won't really change that. so I don't see the point in argueing with someone about such a trivial topic. On the other hand I do like telling people to chill out when they start insulting and argueing, whether it is with much earnest or just as a little squabble. It's annoying and it makes a thread to go hell. so in the end what's the point in handing out insults? Argue facts, with facts, or else you just look like an asshole.
First of all public opinion has everything to do with it .... if these illegitimate assholes had of heeded the people when the biggest anti-war demostration took place before the war we wouldn't be in this mess .... if you can't see that then you are blind.Oh? ... and who exactly are these "attentive people?" I would assume the "expert advise" would be coming from the Democrat Party controlled congress and senate. The President is the Comander in Chief and MAY take the advise of these so-called "experts" and he may not. Its his perogative. And what the hell does "public opinion" have to do with anything?
.... and what's to stop the illegitimate bush from using the executive orders in place in case of a so-called national emergency making himself the dictator? What's to stop him? Tell us ....Eh, bush's Term is almost up anyways. Unfortunately it's not him that a lot of people need to worry about. he's just the public figure.One person can't do what this thread is about, but the right ones in unison can.
...maybe the fact that a hundred people like me would go perch outside the white house with high powered rifles. Honestly, if anyone even tried this they'd be shot. the only real way he'd be able to scape it is being up in air force one for as long as he remains dictator. Because you know there are enough angry rednecks in this country. AND IT would incite MANY MANY violent riots, since the bush administration no longer has the majority vote in this country. I may sound like an ignorant extremist, but I'm sure if he tried this shit, he'd have a few shots ringing by his ear...... and what's to stop the illegitimate bush from using the executive orders in place in case of a so-called national emergency making himself the dictator? What's to stop him? Tell us ....![]()
.. It's not really him, just his opinion. He's not the one writing this stuff, he's just copying it. It's like shooting the middle man.. so direct your Insults at the author, because they very much do deserve it.GrowRebel, your inane and juvenile characterization of Bush as being illegitimate is infinitely more stupid than anything ever uttered by Bush.
It is simply asinine and quite silly.
It undermines ANY legitimacy your posts may posses, because it seems as if you have a tendency to engage in hyperbolic, puerile nonsense.
You like to simply make stuff up!
You are woefully incorrect….IMHO!
hes just as insane as the author for posting.. It's not really him, just his opinion. He's not the one writing this stuff, he's just copying it. It's like shooting the middle man.. so direct your Insults at the author, because they very much do deserve it.
HAHAHAHEHEHEHOHOHO, the pot calling the kettle black, Idiot.hes just as insane as the author for posting
... and you are woefully ignorant of the facts ... the illegitimate bush was never elected by the people .... both elections were stolen ... that's a fact .... just as it is a fact that they are planning to steal 2008.GrowRebel, your inane and juvenile characterization of Bush as being illegitimate is infinitely more stupid than anything ever uttered by Bush.
It is simply asinine and quite silly.
It undermines ANY legitimacy your posts may posses, because it seems as if you have a tendency to engage in hyperbolic, puerile nonsense.
You like to simply make stuff up!
You are woefully incorrect .IMHO!
.... I doubt it .... they would be too busy watching america idol .... or some kind of sport show ... the MSM would make up lies to convince people it's in their best interests ... now back to monday night football .......maybe the fact that a hundred people like me would go perch outside the white house with high powered rifles. Honestly, if anyone even tried this they'd be shot. the only real way he'd be able to scape it is being up in air force one for as long as he remains dictator. Because you know there are enough angry rednecks in this country. AND IT would incite MANY MANY violent riots, since the bush administration no longer has the majority vote in this country. I may sound like an ignorant extremist, but I'm sure if he tried this shit, he'd have a few shots ringing by his ear..
.. what facts? I see no facts that anyone has stolen any election. Please specify what you mean because right now it just looks like you're bullshitting.... and you are woefully ignorant of the facts ... the illegitimate bush was never elected by the people .... both elections were stolen ... that's a fact .... just as it is a fact that they are planning to steal 2008.
So if stating the truth undermines legitimacy in your eyes so be it ... I really don't give a shit .... I've presented the facts of the stolen election and not one person has been able to disputed other than saying I make stuff up... or I woefully incorrect without proving why ....![]()
So if you don't like the way I refer to the illegitimate bush that's tough ...![]()
... wow that was slightly ignorant. they already try and tell us it's in our best interests and no one really believes it, so why would they when bush takes over the country for good? This would make people even LESS likely to support him. Sounds a little far fetched to me.... I doubt it .... they would be too busy watching america idol .... or some kind of sport show ... the MSM would make up lies to convince people it's in their best interests ... now back to monday night football ....![]()
Congress and 80% of the American public. Although if he tried to make himself a dictator it would be more like 99% of the American public..... and what's to stop the illegitimate bush from using the executive orders in place in case of a so-called national emergency making himself the dictator? What's to stop him? Tell us ....![]()
Hahahahahaha, HA, Here is a pot calling a cattle black!hes just as insane as the author for posting
..... ho hum .... I've done this so many times ..... what facts? I see no facts that anyone has stolen any election. Please specify what you mean because right now it just looks like you're bullshitting.
Congress! HA .... if congress did their job we would have never gone to war ... war criminals wouldn't have been confirmed by them to higher positions ... corporatist wouldn't now be in the SC ... elections wouldn't have been stolen ... and he wouldn't be able to get away with the report in my new thread ...Congress and 80% of the American public. Although if he tried to make himself a dictator it would be more like 99% of the American public.