BB & SSH Hydro Grow


Well-Known Member
I was taking a stab in the dark and thought it was nute burn... but i dont know if this is correct.

EDIT: will a simple wal-mart Brita picture filter everything out?

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
I was taking a stab in the dark and thought it was nute burn... but i dont know if this is correct.

EDIT: will a simple wal-mart Brita picture filter everything out?
I wouldn't think it is nute burn. You haven't given them that much. And that usually starts at the tips. And because you hav not given them much I would really lean on the side of a deficiency for sure. I don't know about the Brita filter. Someone was talking about a filter at walmart for like $20 that was for doing carwashing. They seemed to like it. Last time I was there I asked and they did'nt have one. I guess poeple here in New England don't hand wash their cars in the winter to much. Here's some water info from a trusted source:

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
I was taking a stab in the dark and thought it was nute burn... but i dont know if this is correct.

EDIT: will a simple wal-mart Brita picture filter everything out?
Keep in mind now that you have a meter you can buy something if you want and check it out. Return it if it doesn't work for you.

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
Looking back week 3 In hydro does not use the Big Bloom but the soil does. And going back in the weeks They both use it early, Right from the start. So in their schedule If you are doing week 3 they are assuming that you have already used it. IMO you might have been better off doing week 1 or 2. Remember organic stuff is slower to act but last longer. Maybe that is why they left it out on that week.


Well-Known Member
Today when i changed the water, I put in 15 teaspoons of "GROW BIG" as per what the foxfarm hydro table says to do. I know I am using the dirt ferts but I figured I might as well go by the hydro chart.

I started a thread in the plant problem section, and i was told that it is in fact nute burn and that i should start over with the watering.

EDIT: the reason why i jumped to week three is because I done a reservoir change today. Also today is the 22 day or so of my grow.


Well-Known Member
I am taking off in an hour, so all of this water changing must wait untill i get home. I will half to use tap water :(


Well-Known Member
If i dont get any more responses on the plant problem thread by the time I get home then I will just redo my water with the 2nd week of ferts on the hydro chart.

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
Kinda goes back to using soil nutes for hydro. Best to get what you need for your type of system. But all in all I do believe you would be better with week 2 anyway. It's a more complete mix if nothing else.


Well-Known Member
I just hung the kids out for an air bath while I changed the water. Ill put in some nutes for the second week of the hydro calender, but at half strength and then adjust the pH.
PPM & pH of straight bathwater: 221 & 8.6 (or so)
PPM & pH of bathwater & nutes: 525 & 8.0
PPM & pH of water with pH down: 572 & 5.5
NUTES: 5 tsp Grow Big 6-4-4 & 2.5 Tbl Big Bloom
Hopefully this "FLUSH" will take care of the problem while I am out of the area.

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
I was going to suggest cutting the grow big in half since yours is 6-4-4 and the hydro is 3-2-6. But give them all of the big bloom. Might get you closer to the hydro mix N-P-K wise. Out of the area?? You can't leave your babies at a time like this. I left mine in my wife's care once, she almost killed them all. Good thing I love her huh. I won't do that again for sure.

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
I was having that problem and at a suggestion from a guy at a hydro store switched to General Hydroponics stuff. Now I check it when i mix a batch and don't check it again. And they have done fine. Might just be because of your nutes I don't know. One thing he did say though was it's ok to be a little high or a little low as long as it is fairly constant.


Well-Known Member
Well its never constant... its allways needing to be brought back down. I use general hydroponics pH up and down but i use foxfarm nutes. Hmmmm... i started a thread on this in another area.. lets see what they say bud


Well-Known Member
Nice man im about to start my first bubbler/hydro grow and my set up is exactly like yours. ill be watchin your progress. what kinda yeilds you get from your 150?


Well-Known Member
I havent exactly ever grown successfully.. my first attempt was with soil and this is my second attempt... i am really praying to the marijuana gods that i get at least a half ounce off of this harvest... i only want that much oh marijuana lord ... just a ounce... maybe even a volkswagon full

i wish i could give you a better answer but i have never been able to harvest

im considering getting one of those econ 150w hps lights

Nice man im about to start my first bubbler/hydro grow and my set up is exactly like yours. ill be watchin your progress. what kinda yeilds you get from your 150?


Well-Known Member
yea i got my light from homedepot and took it apart and made a reflector out of sheet metal, this will be my second try also i did 4 plants in soil a couple years ago and it did not turn out to good. i did not have the right nutrients and no ventliation in my closet so the bus looked and smelled real good but just did not really get you high!!!

Im gunna try to do the bubbler with better results, i got the fox farm nuts and ph, ppm meter and done a lot of research. In my opinion this site is the shitttt, what cant you find out about on here!!!

good luck ill be watchin and waitin......


Well-Known Member
o yea and i got an 18 gallon container similar to yours but was thinkgof going to a smaller one maybe. im looking to get 4 plants, hopefully, would a smaller container be ok, i think may be easier to take care of a smaller one? not really sure what kinda root ball to expect?