BB & SSH Hydro Grow


Well-Known Member
I got some new items:
29.3L (7.7gal) tub
15yd chrome duck tape
hot glue gun & glue sticks
aqua-tech power filter (5-15 gal)
aquarium floating thermometer
10in long air stone
9oz activated carbon
a pair of pantyhose
So im going to start working on a new dwc system. This one is going to be 1/3 of the size of my present one. This smaller tub will be more beneficial because it will be easier to maintain, it will use smaller amount of nutes and pH, and it will be easier to move around. I will wrap the tub with the chrome duct tape (prevents disease and algae growth) and glue the air stones to the bottom of the tub (so they dont float). The thermometer will simply go on the side. It is just a temp fix until i can get a digital external water therm.
The pantyhose and 9oz activated carbon is so I can build a air purifying system. I still need more materials but for now ill just push these materials to the side.
The aquarium filter is used to filter the bathtub water between cleanings. It will NOT be used while the plants are in the water. It is strictly for purifying the water before i adjust the pH and add nutes to the tub.



Well-Known Member
UPDATE:Here are the current pictures of my plants and there root system. I will not be switching out the containers untill my pH stuff gets here (few days).

The first two pictures are of the same plant. This plant seems to be wilting, and has been for 2 days now. I could use some help determining why it is doing this.


Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
Looks good man. Did you have fun shopping ? To bad we could'nt take our babies shopping with us though huh? You know, show them what we are getting for them and make them happy. Maybe some day. A couple things, 69-72 should be good temp The carbon, Nowhere near enough for a filter. It takes quite a bit. I did some research and went with cat litter when I built mine. Fresh Step Crystals is what I used, About $14.00 for a bag and could fill it 2 times. Carbon would be at least $50 to fill it once. I filter out of my closet and back into the house (don't want to lose the heat in the winter) and no smell in the house. Your new setup sounds great. I'm going to change mine to somthing bigger tomorrow so I can start to flower them. Kinda sucks when they suck up the gallon in two day's.

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
As for your plant. As always IMO ( got to cover your ass from critics). Looks to me like a bad seed to start with. I've had two like that. They just don't grow right or look right. Funky leaves and deformed. Like in your case when everything else is the same (nutes and such) that would be my bet. The last one I had looked kinda like that but after I pinched the top what grew from there looked much better. In fact the stem above the pinch was twice as big around as the lower part. It started to look like a decent plant until I found It was male.

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
UPDATE:Here are the current pictures of my plants and there root system. I will not be switching out the containers untill my pH stuff gets here (few days).

The first two pictures are of the same plant. This plant seems to be wilting, and has been for 2 days now. I could use some help determining why it is doing this.
Sorry, want back to read this again and forgot you said it has only been doing this for a couple days? Might be ph problem. Did I mention you can use baking soda for ph up, and vinegar for ph down. Also don't remember if I sent you this problem guide.


Well-Known Member
Im waiting for my pH supplies to arrive in a few days... im hoping my plants can hold out untill i get this pH supplies (meter, up, down)
Im also considering upgrading my light from my current 150W HPS to a 400W HPS/MH dual (200 bucks)
I think my max watts needed is 400 for my closet. therefore i only need an additional 250watts. Well i can either get a 250W HPS/MH or a 400W HPS/MH system (they are both the same price) and if i get the 400W then i can get rid of the 150W

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
Ya, I've seen HTG before they have great prices. Might as well go for the 400 for the price if your space is big enough for it. An save the 150 for a back up to give them some light if your 400 goes down. Like other things just because it's new doesn't mean it won't brake down. What size is your space? from the pics it looks big enough. Maybe save the 150 for a smaller veg area.


Well-Known Member
woohoo got my ph meter in, just calibrated it, my water reads 7.3 ph..... im glad to finally know what pH my water is :D.... tomororw the pH up and down should come in the mail

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
The best thing about knowing what things are,(ph,temps, ppm and such) is when you are having a problem at least you know what is right or not. Sure makes it a lot easier to figure out when trying to fix. You might think you have a nute problem but really the ph is way off and locking them up.


Well-Known Member
UPDATE: i got a pH meter, pH up, and pH down. I have a ppm meter ordered and should arive in a few days.

My plants are growing BIGG BIGG BIGGGGGG!!!

pH is around 6.0-7.0 because it reads differently everday for some crazy reason. It was 7.5 but its droping slowly from my pH down solution.

Alright... my pH meter is fucked up already.. i think its not water proof because its readin anythign between 1 and 20 or so



Well-Known Member
Well, I just added 15 teaspoons of grow big and 8 tablespoons of big bloom foxfarm nutes... i still have not changed the water since the first day... ut i do plan on doing that asap..

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
UPDATE: i got a pH meter, pH up, and pH down. I have a ppm meter ordered and should arive in a few days.

My plants are growing BIGG BIGG BIGGGGGG!!!

pH is around 6.0-7.0 because it reads differently everday for some crazy reason. It was 7.5 but its droping slowly from my pH down solution.

Alright... my pH meter is fucked up already.. i think its not water proof because its readin anythign between 1 and 20 or so
Different temps can change your ph but not sure how much. What happened to your ph meter? General Hydroponics has a cheap ph test that is pretty good. A lot better than strips. Good to keep on hand for just such a time. The ph test indacator at the bottom of the page. It's less than $10.

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
I like general hydroponics stuff. I use their nutes. Take the batteries out and let it dry for a couple days. Maybe somewhere warn and try it after that.


Well-Known Member
I got my pH meter in working order. I tested my tap water today and it was around 9.3 and i tested a glass of tap water that had been sitting out all night and it tested around 8.0.. Why could this be so different?
Also I tested my weed water and its pH is 6.3
I havent changed the water becuas i broke my container.. so i gotta go get a new one asap and switch things out
EDIT: the general hydroponics pH up and down seems to be really potient. I put a good splash of down in my tank and it droped it wayyyyy down to 3.0 so i had to put a splash of up in there to bring it up to 6.3


Well-Known Member
Well, I just found out that my plants are suffering from a very mild degree of "LIGHT BLEACHING" & "HEAT STRESS". I just moved the light an additional inch away. Hopefully this will resolve any issues.


Well-Known Member
The middle plant is my favorite... im hoping for a gurl
BTW: I have super silver haze and blueberry plants but I do not know which is which.
EDIT: look at the bottom right plant... see the white streak on the leaf?.... that's light burn... i moved my light an inch away and rearranged the plants(ill show the new arrangements in the next picture posting)



Well-Known Member
Im out of bud, I have no hook up for any (i just moved to this crappy town), and I need some now. When can i put these damn things into flowering stage. Better yet, would it be faster to clone them and put them into flowering stage so I can save them as mothers (if the clones come out as females)?
Whats the fastest and best way to get some bud in less then a month?