BB & SSH Hydro Grow

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
Also you have such a lot of water for what you really need. I would really recommend making something smaller to put the pots in until they get bigger. I think you are going to waste a lot of costly nutes. You can use the same size pots just a smaller container. Those little babies won't use much of the nutes before you should change the water.


Well-Known Member
Just an update on my plants

I am down to 4 plants (soon to be 3). I accidentally mixed up my SSH and BB plants so I do not know which is which. Does anybody know how i can differentiate between the two?

First Pic - The whole set up

2,3,4 pic - My fav plant ... notice the burn on the tip of the left leaf (3rd plant has the flash on and fourth does not)

5,6,7,8 pic - This is deff a different strain then the other two

9,10,11 - Check out that root system :D



Well-Known Member
Nice plants. Once
They get past this seedling/ small plant stage they will be easyier look after.


Well-Known Member
QUESTION: Its been 2 1/2 weeks since i started my grow, and now I am ready to change my water. When I fill my tub up with water, I simply fill up water jugs in the shower and dumb it into my tub. I know that I should let the water sit for 24 hours, BUT I have no way to do this without leaving my plants out in the dry air for the whole time. Also, what should I clean my tub with? What should I be doing differently?

Thanks guys

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
I'm going to stress again the benefit of using a smaller container to make your life easier. Just way less water to deal with. Or you can get another tub the same size to store the water in to get it ready. Maybe throw a bubbler in it to help. For cleaning your tub H202 is good. I've read bleach can leave a residue that would be bad for the plant's.


Well-Known Member
So you would go with a tub half this size.... then once the plants roots get larger you would put it back in the big tub? 8 or 10 gal? (im usuing 18 gallon). What about growing in 3 buckets? buckets or rubbermaid hmmmmmmm

I only have 3 plants surviving but they are starting to grow strong and bushy

I'm going to stress again the benefit of using a smaller container to make your life easier. Just way less water to deal with. Or you can get another tub the same size to store the water in to get it ready. Maybe throw a bubbler in it to help. For cleaning your tub H202 is good. I've read bleach can leave a residue that would be bad for the plant's.

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
I'll post some pics later of some that I have. A one gal. is more than enough for each of those. And then you can change them once a week like you should, and are much easier to handle. And now that your using much less water you can buy distilled water if you want. I've got a couple clones in a container that I have been wanting to move for a while but have not had the space for them. It uses 1 gal to fill it but sucks that up fast, 2 days tops and it needs more. You could use one about that size for all three. I also have a bigger one that I made that holds 6 but have not used it yet. Goes back to the space thing. But to give you some idea of how small you can get by with. That's part of what I'm doing today. New wiring for my grow area to get more of my lights running. Gotta love a day off when you really need it.


Well-Known Member
Ill be downgrading my rubbermaid the same day that my pH meter and ph solutions get here (3 days). I do not have access to 1 gallon tubs (that i know of) but rather 5 or 10 gallons

Update on plants: The really yellowish-green plant has allot of darker green new growth. I think this is probably due to me adding nutes a few days back. Over all everything is looking great. Except, there is one plant that is barley looking wilted. A leaf is curled up just slightly and it looks a little weak. What could be some of the causes of this?

avg temp of room: 75F
Lights: 24/7 ... distance 9 inches from tops of plants
nutes: just the one dose
pH & ppm: Unknown
Fan: allways on

EDIT: water feels cool to the touch... possible slime on roots system (very minimal thou)
Humidity: avg 25

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
Slime is no good. Changing the water more often should help with that. I make my own 1 gal tubs with some that I get at Walmart. $1.98 for a pack of 2, then I have to light proof them myself. Got my electrical done for now. 20 amp line that only goes to my closet. Need to move some stuff around, feed and photo's of the girls that are finishing and then I'll get some pics and info for you.


Well-Known Member
Ide like to see a picture of your tubs, so that i know what to look for at wally world. With several tubs, wouldn't you need several airstones and pumps?

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
Yes you do need more pumps and stones. But that depends on what size tubs you have. I made a good size one that will hold 6 plants while they are young. Pumps and stones are pretty cheap at Walmart. But that partly make's them easier to deal with and move around when needed IMO. As well as their smaller size. Easy to pick up and move around if you need to. It's ok for a few plants. But maybe not to practical if there are to many. I plan to at least set my flower area up with a NFT type system. In time. Pics to come.

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
Here's some of my small containers that I made. Part of the reason I made my own was I could not find them in the sizes I wanted and it was cheaper. You can paint them or use foil tape. I like the foil tape better because it does not chip. I like the 1 gal size for my soil also. Plus using the same ones as much as I can makes them interchangable. I can make different covers for different size net pots. I use the little ones for seedlings and new clones. Then move them up when they get bigger into their final pot. With that one lid I can have up to 5 seedlings or clones in at one time and only use 3/4 gal of water. Alot easier to move around than a much bigger one and easier to light it. Less lighting needed than the larger ones. The one with the plants in it really needs to be changed. It has for a while. But no the roots have not grown together, I was afraid they would by now. I've cut it back a couple times because it was getting to big for my space and the flower box was full. But now that my power problem is fixed a larger veg box or area is coming soon. I like these because of their size but you could take any plastic food container and make a DWC with it. Like the coffee container I made for a single seedling. The largest one I made for rooted clones.



Well-Known Member
Yah dude, im going to try and duplicate part of your grow...

What did you use for your black tub and silver tub? What do you mean by foil tape? Im going to wally world tomorrow after an aquarium chiller and a new airstone... ill look for some new tubs

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
Those square ones I get at Walmart. The foil tape is an aluminum foil tape used for duct work (heat and air for house). If you do use it get it at home depot or lowes. It's worth getting good one because it's easier to work with. Walmart has cheap stuff. I know I used it. The black ones were painted with $.98 spraypaint from Walmart. You need to clean them really good to get the paint to stick. Even then it chips, and takes about 4 coats or so to block the light. There is other stuff you can use though. I like the tape even though it is kind of a pain to do (not to bad though). With the foil tape one layer blocks the light. I also do a peice around the top on the inside to get were I can't get it from the outside. Making them as light proof as possible. The silver tub is foil tape on the bottom and Rust-oleum Universal W/ metallic finish. First time I've used it. Not bad, I was playing and thought the metallic would help reflect the light back up. Hope to be filling that one soon. Also that one was one that I got at a discount store near me. Your getting a chiller??


Well-Known Member
yah, im getting an aquarium chiller to keep my water below 70F

EDIT: I heard that I could get a root disease if I dont keep my water under a certain temperature. Normally it probably stays around 50-70F