BB & SSH Hydro Grow


Well-Known Member
Here is the current setup that i have. This picture was just taken yesterday. It is of all 3 plants, my 150Watt Hps light, and my new 5 gallon tub. This 5 gallon is a hella lot better then that 18 gallon.
Ive heard that 1 gallon of water per 1 plant is fine for there younger years.
Also, i am considering either getting an addtional 150 Watt Hps light or instead a T5 light.... what do you think?



Well-Known Member
I have two separate closets measuring 2x3x7, but i am only using one closet at the moment. I would like to set up one closet with a veg cycle and the other with a flowering. A 400 Watt system puts out the max amount of light for my closet setup. But im stuck with this 150W HPS for now. So far its working just fine for me.

For ventilation i simply open my closet door :D ... i would like a better ventilation setup ... btw i do have a box fan running 24/7 blowing on the plants


Well-Known Member
I usually snip off dead and or dying leaves. The plant ends up wasting valuable energy on a leaf that isn't worth saving and never will be saved anyways.

This plant is a weed, it'll recover fine.

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
Light burn usually starts at the upper most leaves closest to the light. Yours seem to be at the lower side. I see your light has hookup for duct work, do you have glass in it? It's best to save any dying leaves until they are at least 50% gone. If you want to cut the yellow part off that's ok but leave the rest of it if you can. The leaves are what make energy from the light and also store energy for when the plant needs it. Always best to leave as much as you can.


Well-Known Member
I went to the comedy club and seen Doug Benson, the guy that made "Super High Me"!!! He had that guy with him that said he has never tried marijuana and the doctor had him recite some items...Graham Elwood was his name
So Graham Elwood opened up for Doug Benson and the whole show was fucking hilarious... Doug started naming off 13 states and i was like... MEDICAL MARIJUANA STATES.. people thought i was bullshitting until he said the same damn it was fucking awesome (man.. i thought there were 16 MM States?!?!)
Graham signed the DVD over to me and put "PALM STRIKE" on it because this dude was talking shit about people in Martial Arts... not knowing that there were some of us that are black belts and are professional Kick Boxing Pot Smokers HAHA... naaa im just a fuckin orange belt
So Doug wrote on there "SUCK IT --------->" and pointed at Graham (the guy on the front of the dvd) and autographed it



Well-Known Member
Time for a reservoir change... i went and got some 7.0 ph calibration fluid... some foxfarm hydro grow big formula, and 5 gallons of distilled water

The distilled water has an incredible 000 PPM and 6.0 (apx) pH!!!!

Im going to leave these bad boys in pure distilled water for a few hours....


Well-Known Member
Well, I added 10 tsp grow big, 5 Tbl big bloom, and a little pH + into 5 gallon distilled water and 1 gallon Brita filtered water. My ppm is around 275 and my pH is 5.8 :D Im thinking that my ppm should be higher, maybe i should add more nutes?

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
Don't you just love that distilled water. No ppm so you can give them the best of what they want. What I like most is I know what is in it and not having a meter that's important. My distilled ph's at about 7.5 ?? Did you check your meter? I just checked mine to be sure and it was off by .2 so no big deal. I did a change and flush today myself. When I checked the other day and added plain water that was ph adjusted. One was at 6.0, and was still 6.0 today when I checked. The other was 6.4 but I forget to ph the water before I put it in and knew it. But was close enough for me. I have been only using chemical stuff so far and that might have helped keep it consistant I don't know. But added some organic stuff today from Advanced Nutrients, some Mother Earth Grow Tea. Sould have used the bloom since I started flowering but don't have any yet. But just got off E-bay and got some. I like their stuff a lot but had stopped using it when I had a major problem. Come to find out that as usual the problem was me. I had put molasses in the water and just about killed a plant that I was playing with. I know better now. I have been using General Hydroponics stuff since then with good luck. I will probably use the GH nutes with the AN bloom tea to try to keep it simple. I use the GH at full strengh as per the chart. Advanced Nutrients is made for growing the plants we love, not for tomato's. IMO you should add more nutes, At least 500-600 I would think for their age. Check on their chart an see what they say and do 1/2 maybe and if all goes well go to 3/4 after a week. And then just take it from their. Their chart showes 1100-1200 ppm for your plants at about their age. But cut it back some if it makes you feel safer. Took my two hydro out today and got some pics for you. The only problem I see is the water is to cold but they are looking just fine so I'm not going to do anything about it. The cold nights are whats doing it but that will change soon enough.


Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
I set up my CFL's again since the 2 that are in flower are not done and I wanted to get these going. Their clones of one that is in flower. That is where my 400 HPS is. when they finish These will go in there. There are 9 42 watt soft white and 2 26 watt daylight.


Well-Known Member
Docgreen07: Thanks dude.. keep checking back:bigjoint:
HashLover420forLife: Dude is that a picture of your mother plant? She looks really sweet and bushy, that must have some massive watts shining on it. yah i check my pH meter quiet frequently because its always giving the wrong pH read out. I gotta adjust it probably every day or every other day. Its junk dude!!! I might try those aquarium drop test type to measure my pH
Here is an update: I added 2 teaspoons of grow big hydro into my res this morning... it brought my ppm from 420 up to 475 ruffly... ill check my pH in a little while
DUDE my ppm meter read 420 yesterday so i had the ol lady take a picture of it :D
Here are some pic of the plants yesterday... ohhh yah uhhh my leaves are starting to boat a little bit... is that from high humidity? Theres no new spotting or nute burn showing up
I switched the lights to 18hours on and 6 hours off so that i can switch to flower mode later this week



Well-Known Member
Ya, you top right is defiantly your Super Silver Haze, has the huge fan leaves too.

Plants looking good, maturing fast, already got 7-9 bladed leaves. Nice root mass too, keep it up.


Well-Known Member
half of the leaves are 7 bladed and a quarter are 9 bladed and even some more are 10 bladed :D ... im curious to what the 10th blade is...
well i just added 3 teaspoons of foxfarm grow big hydro which raised my ppm p from 525 to 625
Ya, you top right is defiantly your Super Silver Haze, has the huge fan leaves too.

Plants looking good, maturing fast, already got 7-9 bladed leaves. Nice root mass too, keep it up.