An IUD does not stop sperm from entering the uterus. The sperm still travel up the falliopian tubes looking for the egg. The female body still releases the egg. The sperm and egg always meet in the fallopian tubes. Once the sperm and egg have met, the cells start to divide and multiply as the fertlized egg moves down the tube towards the uterus.
Once the egg gets to the uterus, it can't attach because of the presence of the IUD so it self ABORTS.
These new ones that they've just come up with the last few years also contain estrogen called progestin. It is a synthetic estrogen and I guess you haven't heard of synthetic estrogens being linked to breat cancer.
Risks and side effects of HRT
There are a number of risks and side effects associated with HRT. It is difficult to determine the extent to which NHRT is associated with most risks and side effects because of the lack of long-term clinical trials using NHRT or comparing bio-identical hormone replacement with other forms of HRT in the United States.

HRT risks and possible side effects include:
- Increased risk of endometrial cancer in women with a uterus if estrogen is taken without progesterone or a progestin
- Slightly increased risk of breast cancer after 4 or more years of HRT, as shown in the WHI study that used continuous combined oral estrogen and progestin (Prempro). Estrogen alone or other HRT regimens may not raise the risk of breast cancer significantly.
- Increased breast density, making mammograms more difficult to interpret and possibly increasing breast cancer risk. This appears to be an effect primarily associated with taking oral progestin continuously with estrogen (e.g., Prempro).
- Slightly increased risk of ovarian cancer
- Slightly increased risk of blood clots, associated primarily with oral estrogens such as Premarin*
- Increased risk of gallbladder disease, associated primarily with oral estrogens such as Premarin*
- Slightly increased risk of heart attack or stroke, both in women with cardiovascular disease and in healthy women. This effect may be associated primarily with HRT using continuous combined oral estrogen and progestin (Prempro) or the daily use of an oral progestin such as Provera with estrogen.
- Breast pain (often a temporary problem)
- Nausea, associated primarily with oral estrogens*
- Bloating and fluid retention, primarily associated with progestins, e.g., medroxyprogesterone acetate
- Negative effects on mood, primarily associated with progestins, e.g., medroxyprogesterone acetate
*Note: These side effects seem to be associated with oral estrogen and not with transdermal estrogen.
Monthly vaginal bleeding often occurs when women take estrogen and progestin in a cyclical style (usually estrogen every day, but progestin only part of the month) rather than all the time. Spotting or bleeding may also occur when HRT is taken in the continuous combined style (both estrogen and progesterone or progestin every day). Problems with bleeding and spotting may improve over time or with a change in dose, regimen, or type of progestin/progesterone used. Women who do not want any bleeding at all may find these effects unacceptable.
Some women find that trying a different type of HRT, such as switching to bio-identical hormones, using a transdermal product instead of pills, or trying a different regimen, may reduce or eliminate side effects and work better for them.
Who should not use HRT?
HRT is usually not recommended for women who have:
- Vaginal bleeding for no known reason
- A history of breast cancer
- A history of cancer of the uterus
- Liver disease
- Blood clots in the veins or legs, or in the lungs. This includes women who have had blood clots during pregnancy or when taking birth control pills.
- Cardiovascular disease (diseases of the heart and blood vessels)
Personally I think there are too many risks involved in inserting an object into my uterus and leaving it there for YEARS. I remember back in the 70's when women were jumping on the IUD bandwagon only to have the things go ripping through their uterus causing permanent damage. Only a fool would use one of those things, history does repeat itself, just give it a few years.
Higher risk of breast cancer and ovarian cancer, do you not love your wife?