• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Obama on decriminalization


Well-Known Member
Higher risk of breast cancer and ovarian cancer, do you not love your wife?
I don't know where you got that info, but I found a different site that I posted earlier that doesn't list any of those conditions.

Can you provide a link to the data?


As for the biology lesson thank you. That still doesn't stop my outrage at what has been done, and I still don't agree with hacking up a baby in what is called a "partial birth abortion".


Well-Known Member
Higher risk of breast cancer and ovarian cancer, do you not love your wife?
Also, I have never saw data that links IUD to any cancer. This will be the first.
I provided a link earlier that I think is reliable.

However, I may have explained this already, but my wife is pregnant. And I am the next one to get fixed. I volunteered to get snipped. She tried to talk me out of it, but I'm going for it.

And it was my wife's idea for the IUD. She researched it extensively before we had it inserted.


Well-Known Member
Sie können ein Pädophiler sein. Stoppen Sie bitte, wenn Sie sind. Kindkolben sind nicht Spielzeuge.:) sorry I may be wrong
I think Bable-fish translated this correctly.

But are you asking if it's wrong if they are toys?

Dude, they are most certainly not toys. I promise.

Cheers! Have a great day. Im off and up out!


New Member
The IUD has a synthetic hormone in it. Synthetic hormones are link to breast and ovarian cancer.

Practically speaking, the the hormone is what is causing it to be a method of birth control, why can't it be taken orally rather than inserted? The presence of an object in the womb causes the body to abort the baby itself. Hence the bicycle spoke / coat hanger method back when abortion was illegal in some states.

If you've been using an IUD as a birth control method, then you've been taking part in at least 1 abortion every 2 months.



Well-Known Member
The IUD has a synthetic hormone in it. Synthetic hormones are link to breast and ovarian cancer.

Practically speaking, the the hormone is what is causing it to be a method of birth control, why can't it be taken orally rather than inserted? The presence of an object in the womb causes the body to abort the baby itself. Hence the bicycle spoke / coat hanger method back when abortion was illegal in some states.

If you've been using an IUD as a birth control method, then you've been taking part in at least 1 abortion every 2 months.


Again, yes we have used the IUD. And you may very well be correct.

Yet nothing is more gory that a fully formed baby getting slaughtered in the womb half-way out.

And you never answered my question about "do you think abortions are safe"?

Maybe safer than an IUD?

I wonder how many women die from abortions, compared to have many die from an IUD. Just something to research in my spare time sometime.

But now that I am done with email, Im gone for awhile. So maybe I will do those numbers later.


New Member
I think it is safer for a young rape victim to have an abortion than is is for her to try to give birth to a baby her body isn't ready to pass through her hips.

I think it is better for these women to have options than to have some person with a penis of all things, half a world away to decide what is best for her.

We can't seem to protect these women, so instead, we'll just beat them up a little bit more buy FORCING them to have babies that they don't want, can't afford, and are too young to support.

If one out of every 2 women in South Africa (that doens't even include the rest of the continent) is raped, how many women do you think were forced to carry and birth babies in the last 8 years since Bush cut off their funding? How many of those babies were born and then taken into the bush and left for the predators? How many were thrown in dumpsters? How many sold into sexual slavery?

It's not a pretty world we live in and when people wear their blinders all the time, it just gets uglier and uglier.

Just as long as the babies are BORN it really doesn't matter what becomes of them, does it?

Keep in mind that these women in south africa don't have access to condoms, or IUDs or even medicines for the diseases they catch during the rape.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Misshester, all of the posts I have quoted should receive rep.As always, I agree with you on this issue one hundred percent.I too, would begin ranting, but ya know, I'm just so damn tired of trying to get folks to see reason when they won't,that I'll just let you do the talking today.:bigjoint: rep.
Its bad enough that the government wants to dicate what I put in my lungs.

They also had to dictate when I could have a surgical sterilization method,

now people want them to dictate the contents of my uterus? No thanks......

Here's the funny thing, I had extreme periods, with tubes tied, and don't want anymore kids, for sure, no contest. I asked my doctor to take my uterus out because I am done with it and it causes me nothing but pain and extreme bleeding. They said they couldn't do that.

They won't take your parts out even if you are sure you are done with them. So on top of all that, I still had to sweat my tubes coming undone. (the doctor won't tie your tubes until you sign saying that you won't sue if they come undone, which means they can sleepwalk their way through the surgery with no recourse if they screw it up)

People with penis' should have no say in what people with vaginas do with said vaginas and uterus'. I don't care what people with a penis do with their penis, as long as they keep the damn thing away from me.

OH yes and one more thing about the glorious IUD, it is like carrying a tiny abortion doctor around in your uterus. The egg still is released and the sperm still fertilizes the egg. Egg plus sperm equals baby you know. The now fertilized egg can't attach because of the presence of the IUD so your body ABORTS it. Using an IUD is like having an abortion per month, just a little FYI........
Bradley Allen, as always, a solid, intellectual post that hits the nail; on the head.When is common sense going to rule the day, and not nonsensical beliefs based on a work of fiction?
My point exactly. You people on here can blow smoke out your asses all day long and I coudn't give two-shits about it. But when the anti-abortion or anti-gay or anti-whatever politicians you vote try to interfere with my rights by enacting legislation tailor-made to suit your biblical/moral/ethical beliefs at my expense you can shove those laws right up your holier-than-thou ass. When are "christians" going to get it and stop trying to decide for the rest of us?

They don't have statistics on the child rape victims.

Now, you can tell a man all day long, "don't go and rape any women" but at the end of the day he's going to do what the hell he wants.

Denying these women who are in this situation options is just adding yet another wrong to the one they've already suffered.

Imagine spending your entire life in fear of being raped because I'm sure it's on their minds all of the time, all day every day. Then actually being raped, mind you that rape isn't so much about sex as it is about POWER. Rapists aren't kind and loving, they like to do horrible things to their victims, they beat them up, sodomize them, there is no end to their sickness. Imagine living through all of this and then finding out that you are pregnant? It is cruel and unusual punishment to make these women have to use self abortion methods when clean and sterile methods exist.

Denying them options is really victimizing them over and over again and I am ashamed for anyone who thinks this is morally acceptable.
I think it is safer for a young rape victim to have an abortion than is is for her to try to give birth to a baby her body isn't ready to pass through her hips.

I think it is better for these women to have options than to have some person with a penis of all things, half a world away to decide what is best for her.

We can't seem to protect these women, so instead, we'll just beat them up a little bit more buy FORCING them to have babies that they don't want, can't afford, and are too young to support.

If one out of every 2 women in South Africa (that doens't even include the rest of the continent) is raped, how many women do you think were forced to carry and birth babies in the last 8 years since Bush cut off their funding? How many of those babies were born and then taken into the bush and left for the predators? How many were thrown in dumpsters? How many sold into sexual slavery?

It's not a pretty world we live in and when people wear their blinders all the time, it just gets uglier and uglier.

Just as long as the babies are BORN it really doesn't matter what becomes of them, does it?

Keep in mind that these women in south africa don't have access to condoms, or IUDs or even medicines for the diseases they catch during the rape.


New Member
So here is the best argument for abortion yet. Today I was watching the History channel and they were talking about a woman in Iraq. This woman became pregnant and didn't want the baby, she tried to perfom a self abortion but failed in her attempt. Her baby was born anyway and guess what his name was?

Saddam Hussein.

"It all goes back to his mother's womb," Post declares with some professional satisfaction. "During the mother's pregnancy with Saddam Hussein, his father died, and another son died when he was only 12 years old. She both tried to commit suicide and to have an abortion."

Back in late 1930s Tikrit, 100 miles north-west of Baghdad, Subha, still in a deep depression, could not bring herself to look on her new-born son. He was handed over to her brother, Khairalla Msallat, until the infant was three.
But even when the toddler Saddam was reunited with his mother, her treatment of him hardly improved. She had remarried and allowed her new husband to abuse the little boy. "His stepfather was brutal both physically and psychologically," Post says. "His mother's failure to nurture him and his stepfather's abuse deeply wounded his self-esteem. In psychological terms, it is known as "the wounded self".


Now lets think about this, had Saddam's mother had access to abortion, the world may very well not be in the state it is today. Was it better that Saddam was born? How many people did he have killed again? How many young American lives were cut short because of the war in Iraq.........if only she'd have been able to get that abortion done right.....


Well-Known Member
Now lets think about this, had Saddam's mother had access to abortion, the world may very well not be in the state it is today.

Sorry, you think THIS is logical?

1. With abortion, if we aborted the whole world we would have NO human problems, right?! (sarcasm)
2. What if Stephen Hawking's parents aborted him? This world would not be as scientifically enlightened!
3. What if our beloved Baracm Obama's mom didn't want him and aborted him?
Or worse yet, what if her abortion failed, and he became a misformed, bitter man who had bad intentions because of it?
4. Are we still pretending that Iraq was ever a major threat to our nation? I thought we got past that in our country. Bush lied!!!!

I am amazed at some of the things people will use to justify murder!!!


Well-Known Member
So obama is decriminalizing rape? Or decriminalizing babies? I'm lost now.

160 some posts ago I think this had something to do with marijuana.


Well-Known Member
"Synthetic hormones are link to breast and ovarian cancer."
I've been looking for this in a clinical study of some sort. I can't find one.

Have you read one?


New Member
You didn't really anser the question,

If Saddams mother had been able to obtain an abortion, what do you think the world would be like today. Remember she WANTED an abortion. She TRIED ro abort him herself, when that didn't work she ATTEMPTED SUICIDE.

You bring up pther people whos mothers DIDN'T want an abortion is not an argument.

You have no right to decide the health and well being of a woman half a world away. Only that woman has the right to decide about her health and well being.

Is it fair that these womens only option especially after being RAPED is SUICIDE?

You are participting in their death with your views, that makes you a MURDERER.

I forgot, it's ok to murder adults, it's ok to kill the babies once they're born.

You never did say how many babies in Africa are left out for the predators after their birth, or thrown into dumpsters or sold into sexual slavery. (remember they were raped and didn't want the babies, so I'm sure the outcome of the babies life doesn't matter to them)

What a warped point of view "as long as they're born, fuck 'em once they get here"


Well-Known Member
Yeah, we kind of got derailed.

If you're interested, and haven't been following along.

Here is a recap:

I watched it...

I'm with you on the pot part, but I don't believe abortion is murder and I will always support a womans right to choose.


It's a shame that people want to control what other people do. Even a pot activist figting for freedoms wants to control others and call abortion illegal and immoral.

Pot, Kettle, black.


New Member
That's the thing I could never figure out about all these anti-abortion jokers. It's a sin to kill the unborn, but once you take that first breath, look out it's katy bar the door, kill em all if they don't think like you.


Well-Known Member
Tens of thousands of children are sold in Tajikistan for less than 200$. Sold into slavery, prostitution , organ harvesters.....UN report.


New Member
but as long as they were born it apparently doesn't matter what happens to them later.

As long as they are born they can be sex slaves.

As long as they are born we can harvest their organs.

Some people don't care about their health and well being during their actual lives, they just want to make sure they are born. It doesn't matter if they have food to eat, or clothes to wear, or even get treated like humans, it's all about them getting out of the womb alive, then they are on their own.


Well-Known Member
Even a pot activist figting for freedoms wants to control others and call abortion illegal and immoral.
If I have to wear some shame in the pot community because I believe abortion is disgusting and equal to murder, then so be it. Especially partial birth abortion!

Doesn't bother me if it's not politically correct to be against this HUGE sum of money being spent on lowering the value of human life.

Now misshestermoffitt makes a point that using an IUD is essentially abortion. Well, then we have found some common ground, because I still completely support the use of an IUD.
I don't consider it abortion, but if she does then at least we have found common ground.

I believe in choice, as long as it doesn't involve the choice of hacking up another human being! I don't believe in murder.