• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Obama on decriminalization


Well-Known Member
but as long as they were born it apparently doesn't matter what happens to them later.

Some people don't care about their health and well being during their actual lives, they just want to make sure they are born.

I would prefer that these people became educated, and responsible and had proper planning instead of hacking up humans as a means of birth control.

Hell, spend 100's of millions of dollars (in the worst economy since the great depression) on education and non-abortion birth control!!! That would at least be better than wasting 100's of millions of dollars destroying human lives.

If people have wholesale access to abortions, and NEVER get any education about proper family planning, or sex education, then abortion won't fix the problem.

These people need more than just a way out. They need to find a way to curb the problem of un-wanted babies.

Partial birth abortions will ALWAYS be disgusting. :spew:


New Member
How exactly are you going to EDUCATE third world men to NOT rape women.

You're still acting like when these women get raped and get pregnant that it's all thier fault.

Are you really that stupid? ONE out of TWO women in South Africa will be raped in their lifetime.

What about those kids being sold for 200 bucks as ORGAN DONORS. These are live children when they're sold, but I bet they aren't alive much longer.

I can't believe you'd rather a child be born and then later on killed to have it's organs harvested, rather than just abort it in the first place. Especially when the mothers didn't have sex by CHOICE, they were FORCED. You know, held down, clothes torn off, beat up.

Lets say some man attacked you, knocked you out, beat the shit out of you, sodomized you, caused you extreme bodily harm, would it your fault that it happened? Should we all tell you to suck it up and dammit, show some self control.... :roll:

I would prefer that these people became educated, and responsible and had proper planning instead of hacking up humans as a means of birth control.


Well-Known Member
How exactly are you going to EDUCATE third world men to NOT rape women.

You're still acting like when these women get raped and get pregnant that it's all thier fault.
This is false. And I have not confirm that the majority of these abortions are raped based pregnancies.

If it's anything like our country where 90%+ abortions are due to piss poor family planning.

There are going to be a lot of things that I think should be illegal that you may or may not agree with.

Let's talk about torture. Or wiretapping. Or a bunch of other things that bush made legal during his presidency.

Just because something is legal, doesn't make it right!

As for my solution to fund prevention. Well, if an IUD, or some other permanent contreceptive was inserted for proper family planning, then that may help some of the rape problems as well.
Further than that, we are still not solving the problem of unwanted babies. The millions of un-wanted pregnancies that happened not because of rape, but because of laziness and poor family planning will only continue, and will only get worse if people have an easy, wholesale (or possibly free) abortion at their disposal.
This people won't plan for the future if they continue to have an easy way out.
No they will continue to fuck without consiquence, and will have millions more unwanted babies because of poor family planning and laziness.


Active Member
"The millions of un-wanted pregnancies that happened not because of rape, but because of laziness and poor family planning will only continue, and will only get worse if people have an easy, wholesale (or possibly free) abortion at their disposal."

LOL you have to take your glasses off, you need a dose of reality.

If the anti-choice people in this country cared about children we wouldn't have 1 in 5 living in poverty.

As soon as the anti-choice crowd opens their wallets/votes for a kid tax and start feeding, educating and adopting these kids..
instead of shaming them and their parents.

ONLY THEN can we consider outlawing abortion.

The anti-choice voice in this country screams NO SEX.

They don't have a single damn solution other than abstinence.


New Member
How in the fuck is a women in a third world country going to get an IUD? Those people don't even have food.

IUD's are a health risk. There is no way in hell I'd ever use one. I don't want to use something that is going to rupture my uterine wall. It contains hormones which cause breast and ovarian cancer.

In a country where 1 out of 2 women will be raped during their lifetime. Not including child rapes. You want to force these women into using an unsafe birth control method because the men can't control themselves.

I think you should take your wife and your daughter and go live in South Africa, then when BOTH of them end up raped, you can tell them how they have no self control.

Once again, you are only in charge of what your penis does, my uterus and every other uterus on this planet don't belong to you. You get to have no say in it. Only people with a uterus can decide what said uterus can and can not contain.

You never did say, if you were attacked, beat up and sodomized, should we give you a lecture on self control?


New Member
"The millions of un-wanted pregnancies that happened not because of rape, but because of laziness and poor family planning will only continue, and will only get worse if people have an easy, wholesale (or possibly free) abortion at their disposal."

LOL you have to take your glasses off, you need a dose of reality.

If the anti-choice people in this country cared about children we wouldn't have 1 in 5 living in poverty.

As soon as the anti-choice crowd opens their wallets/votes for a kid tax and start feeding, educating and adopting these kids..
instead of shaming them and their parents.

ONLY THEN can we consider outlawing abortion.

The anti-choice voice in this country screams NO SEX.

They don't have a single damn solution other than abstinence.


Well-Known Member
i hear you slu2 you gotta get to the source of the problem you have to figure out why somthing became a problem but the people running things dont want to fix it so now we have this huge population suffering from a conditioning they didnt even know happend sad world, hey med man how you been dude its been ahwile

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Yup.My uterus, my choice.Period.And shame on you, slu2, for treating the rape problem as if it's the fault of the women."maybe they could get an IUD" after it's been pointed out the health hazards of such a device.Why don't these raping bastards have their peckers cut off?That sounds like effective birth control to me.It takes two to tango, and there IS a male birth control pill...but big pharma did a survey and said there's no consumer base for it.So you tell me, why is it all on the woman?Because condoms have a 14 percent failure rate, when used, which is telling me some guys are slipping it off.Shouldn't both partners take precautions?And if there is a pregnancy,who the hell are you to tell a woman she has to carry it to term?What makes anyone think they have the right to tell someone else what they can do with their own body and whatever else is growing inside it?You still haven't answered...so you think it's better to live, be sold into sexual slavery, be neglected,unloved, unwanted, as long as noone terminates you before you have to go through such suffering?You know what I think?I think any guy who tries to dictate what I'm to do with my uterus should have a vasectomy.So he doesn't raise other close minded pro lifers who don't think any further than getting them born and dumping them on the system.


Well-Known Member
Oh that's funny, when I clicked on this thread I thought it was going to be about BARACK OBAMA'S VIEWS ON DECRIMINALIZATION OF MARIJUANA. What the fuck does abortion have to do with marijuana decriminalization????

I live near a hospital and we have these anti-abortion protesters clogging up my sidewalk and street when I try to drive to the store to buy some rolling papers. I like to throw water out my window so it gets the protesters wet.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I have no idea.I just no when pro lifers get to ranting, I tend to respond.
Oh that's funny, when I clicked on this thread I thought it was going to be about BARACK OBAMA'S VIEWS ON DECRIMINALIZATION OF MARIJUANA. What the fuck does abortion have to do with marijuana decriminalization????

I live near a hospital and we have these anti-abortion protesters clogging up my sidewalk and street when I try to drive to the store to buy some rolling papers. I like to throw water out my window so it gets the protesters wet.


Well-Known Member
.It's not illegal to have an opinion.[/
.....A big AMEN to that!!! SUCH a damn shame on behalf of the GOV'T to criminalize sane and innocent people just going about their business harming not a soul.


Well-Known Member
I have no idea.I just no when pro lifers get to ranting, I tend to respond.
Yeah seriously. I think there should be a harmonious meeting of the minds. We shouldn't abort a baby after the first trimester IMO, because while the baby is in a woman's body (who has a right to choose), there comes a point in time when that baby, however dependant on it's mother for sustanance, is an independent person in it's own right.

Also, we should not ban abortions alltogether because there is sometimes due cause for them. In some religions, like Judaism, Jewish Law states that abortion is sometimes necessary if the mother's life is in danger. If we criminalize abortion, they will still be available. The only difference is that some creep in an alley will be performing the abortion with a vaccuum pump, or a wire coat hanger.

ANYWAYS, Barack Obama said he does not support legalization. I assume that if he had voiced support for legalization, he would have not won the election. Now that he is elected, I think he might just take a different view on the subject.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I sure hope he does.I'm tired of skulking about like a criminal smoking my joints in secrecy.
ANYWAYS, Barack Obama said he does not support legalization. I assume that if he had voiced support for legalization, he would have not won the election. Now that he is elected, I think he might just take a different view on the subject.


Well-Known Member
Yeah me too. I am tired of being a medical marijuana patient by the state law and still I can be fired from my job for failing a "drug test." I could use cocaine or methamphetamine every day and probably pass a piss test, but marijuana stays in your system so i'm fucked. Please Barack Obama legalize it and then smoke one up.


New Member
I wish we could get a med law in my state, but we're too busy impeaching every governer we get. Maybe if we could get someone who is NOT a crook in the State government, then maybe we can get to the people's issues.


Well-Known Member
.It's not illegal to have an opinion.[/
.....A big AMEN to that!!! SUCH a damn shame on behalf of the GOV'T to criminalize sane and innocent people just going about their business harming not a soul.
A very large AMEN to that!

Ya know, Im glad we can sit here an bicker on who's opinion is right and who's opinion is not.

When it comes down to it, the abortion people are very tense!



New Member
We're tense? You're the one who wants to regulate the contents of my uterus and you can just as soon as I can regulate your nuts.

Let's see here, you claim that you don't want anymore kids. Well it's a sure method of birth control if we just hack your nuts right off, you can even get it done at the Vet's office.

Oh and I haven't heard a word out of you about "selective reduction" of invitro ferlilization.


Well-Known Member
How in the fuck is a women in a third world country going to get an IUD? Those people don't even have food.
There is plenty of money being sent that way now. Remember, that was my original point before you got bent on the justification of abortion!

The original point was that I was pissed how Barack could send 100's of millions of dollars around the world to destroy babies.. When our country needs that money, and how. Also, how instead of doing what the people want (#1 question at Change.gov, pot), he does the polar opposite and wastes more money while he's at it!


Well-Known Member
If the anti-choice people in this country cared about children we wouldn't have 1 in 5 living in poverty.

First, Im not "anti-choice". I vote mostly libertarian on issues. I've found that Ron Paul and I have a lot in common in relation to the mix of Libertarian and Conservative ideals. However, I vote for Nader, have for many elections.

Marginalizing me by calling me "anti-choice" is silly. Just because I have a different definition of murder than you?

I mean, I doubt you are in favor of murder in the traditional sense. Even if you are ok with that, it's not matter.
I am against harming others yes. I am in favor of protecting others yes. I am not in favor of taking rights away from someone, that if those rights are exercised responsibly hurt no one else. I am in favor of decriminalizing all crimes that have no victim.

But in the case of abortion, there is a victim.

Now you disagree. I realize this. We can agree to disagree. I am not changing your laws. I am not forcing myself on you. So chill.