$170,000,000! Where's the outrage?


New Member
I walked into the office during the inauguration and one of my co-workers was watching the festivities on her laptop. She was actually crying. Tears were streaming down her cheeks. I asked her what was wrong ... and she said: "Nothing, I FEEL wonderful! Isn't it great?"

Propaganda works folks, it really works.



New Member
My daughters co-workers think Obama is the anti-christ, they base this opinion on him being black..........and these people are school teachers........:spew:


Well-Known Member
when the next four years is up ..alot of people are going to think obama is the anti christ...the economyis TANKING unemployment is sky rocketing..im sure obama is going to LOOK fabulous in his new hummer cadallic SUV driving by people standing in unemployment lines..soup lines..food kitchens...losing thier homes and jobs...and guess what...LOL.im going to laugh my ass off..i think ill frame a couple of pictures in my work shop..one will be of barrack obama...and the other one will be of the unemployment rates..LOL....so..how do you like obama giving his buddy buffet ANOTHER 20 plus billion...B of A..LOL..you fuckers are getting looted and think the looter is going to save you....


New Member
You are aware that Obama has only been in office for 2 days now. This mess isn't his, he's just stuck trying to clean it up.

So far I think he's done pretty good. In 2 days he capped his staffs salaries, he is making it so lobbyists can NOT buy votes with gifts anymore. He's closing Gitmo (the place of Bush regime horrors) and he's going have the troops home from Iraq in 16 months.

What did Bush do during his first 2 days in office?

On his first day in office, Bush moved to block federal aid to foreign groups that offered counseling or any other assistance to women in obtaining abortions.

Days later, he announced his commitment to channeling more federal aid to faith-based service organizations


So in GW's first few days in office, he forgot that there is a seperation between church and state.


Well-Known Member
when the next four years is up ..alot of people are going to think obama is the anti christ...the economyis TANKING unemployment is sky rocketing..im sure obama is going to LOOK fabulous in his new hummer cadallic SUV driving by people standing in unemployment lines..soup lines..food kitchens...losing thier homes and jobs...and guess what...LOL.im going to laugh my ass off..i think ill frame a couple of pictures in my work shop..one will be of barrack obama...and the other one will be of the unemployment rates..LOL....so..how do you like obama giving his buddy buffet ANOTHER 20 plus billion...B of A..LOL..you fuckers are getting looted and think the looter is going to save you....
Wow dude, you come off as quite angry and petulant. I will take great pleasure in every success President Obama makes knowing how much it pisses off fuckwads like you :clap:


New Member
when the next four years is up ..alot of people are going to think obama is the anti christ...the economyis TANKING unemployment is sky rocketing..im sure obama is going to LOOK fabulous in his new hummer cadallic SUV driving by people standing in unemployment lines..soup lines..food kitchens...losing thier homes and jobs...and guess what...LOL.im going to laugh my ass off..i think ill frame a couple of pictures in my work shop..one will be of barrack obama...and the other one will be of the unemployment rates..LOL....so..how do you like obama giving his buddy buffet ANOTHER 20 plus billion...B of A..LOL..you fuckers are getting looted and think the looter is going to save you....
Yeah, aint it the truth. He'll probably need the first 4 years just to clean half the mess that idiot Bush has left. If he can pull this cleanup off, I'll damn sure be calling him the messiah. I'm thinking we, (The recipients of SS) should get a 200% raise. That would make life tolerable.


New Member
:lol: ... Who says history doesn't repeat itself?

It took Roosevelt three and a half terms to "clean up the mess Hoover left."

The fact is, Bush is Hoover and Obama is Roosevelt. More truth ... Roosevelt did NOTHING to end the depression, WWII did that. All Roosevelt did was to erode individual liberties and increase the size and scope of the federal government.

Yeppers ... history repeating itself.



New Member
:lol: ... Who says history doesn't repeat itself?

It took Roosevelt three and a half terms to "clean up the mess Hoover left."

The fact is, Bush is Hoover and Obama is Roosevelt. More truth ... Roosevelt did NOTHING to end the depression, WWII did that. All Roosevelt did was to erode individual liberties and increase the size and scope of the federal government.

Yeppers ... history repeating itself.

We can only hope Obama will do for the country what FDR did, pull it out of the depression. Yeah if he can pull that off, I'll bet there are a few hundred thousand jobless people that will be real happy.


Well-Known Member
Roosevelt did NOTHING to end the depression, WWII did that. All Roosevelt did was to erode individual liberties and increase the size and scope of the federal government.
yet he is considered a hero and one of the great presidents by those sheep who are willing to give up liberty for comfort. i'm afraid the great american experiment is coming to an end, thanks to the simple human failings of avarice and envy. it seems we are soon to be just another footnote, an example of how indolence and ignorance can pervert even the most noble endeavor.


Well-Known Member
Its interesting that one of Obamas themes to his speech was for America to quit the petty partisan bickering. Vi the young people of this nation have spoken, we are are moving on with or without you.

You should take her advice Vi.
you are going to move on to the unemployment line.....let me tell you a story junior..about you young smart ass's that think you are going to make your living putting the government hand into working people's pockets...there was this old lady..she was pulling into the shoping mall parking lot...she was about to pull into a parking spot she just waited on for someone to leave..and this young guy in his car..with payments i might add. pulled up into her parking space she was just about in..the youngster hoped out of his car..and said..that is how it is when you are young and fast..he went to walk toward the store...and heard the tearing and smashing of sheet metal and plastic and glass...he turned around in time to see the old lady back up and plow straight into his car again..then backed up again and hit his car...his little piece of shit foriegn car was a wreck.....she had just destroyed his and pushed it into the street..she steped out of the car...looked at the young fella..and said..that is the way it is when you are old and RICH...get used to it boy..we got the money..you do not..we will always have..you will never have it..and uncle obama..isnt going to change that fact now is it?LOLmatter of fact..he is going to make it alot worse on you..im sure you will be happy standing in the unemployment line..saying..wow..that obama sure is a great guy..as he drives by your dumb ass in a multi million dollar SUV you paid for..you are such suckers..you deserve everything you got comming..and ill by there..to say..I TOLD YOU SO....LOL..i love to gloat..:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Wow dude, you come off as quite angry and petulant. I will take great pleasure in every success President Obama makes knowing how much it pisses off fuckwads like you :clap:
i am one of the worlds greatest investors...ill take great pleasure in making large sums of money off of your misery and displeasure..maybe ill even purchase your home in foreclosure after you lose your job....ill rent it to someone else who;s home has been foreclosed on...obama's first success obama has had is closing gittmo with no place to put the prisoners and a tanking stock market he cant stop..another trillion dollars plus in fat cat bail outs..another obama succes already...hell at this rate he is going to surpass even carter in stupidity...fannie mae gets another 25 billion ..the car industry is back already asking for more money...the building industry is asking for money..hell even larry flint wants a bail out..i wonder if his magazines are selling as well as they used to>?oh well..what the hell..uncle sugar is handing out free money..might as well get in line hu?i wonder how many people understand that the government pay rolls right now.to include local state and federal government are reaching 45% of the workforce..anyone with a brain...you are not included obviosly....knows that is not a sustainable level..in other words RETARD..YOU ARE FUCKING BROKE..YOU CANT BUY TEN NEW CADILLAC BEASTS..AND NEW AIR FORCE ONES AND REMODEL JOBS FOR THE WHITE HOUSE..I BET YOU GET to pay for IT THOUGH...THE SHIT IS ALREADY STARTED..AND ROBERY RIECH..HAS ALREADY STARTED ABOUT TRYING TO MAKE AS MUCH OF THE MONEY IN THE BAIL OUT GO TO BLACK PEOPLE ..ALREADY..HERE YOU GO WHITEY..YOU GET A LITTLE BIT OF DISCRIMINATION ..HOW DO YOU LIKE IT?lol as if we didnt know it already existed..just look at obama;s church..and the fine upstanding racist rev wright..lol..ill take great pleasure..in his failures as i already am..he started out screwing up ...right off the bat..from his treasury nomination to closing gitmo..to his new and improved bail out for billionaires plan.incase your dumb ass didnt notice the last bail out just lines the pockets of the banksters ,,the stupid ..and the incompetent..i bet you got a nice piece of bail out money hu bradley?i bet that is why you like obama so much hu? he is bailing your incompetent ass out hu?with my money hu?LOL you are a fucking jerk...:finger:oops..i meant a fucking stupid jerk..


New Member
you are going to move on to the unemployment line.....let me tell you a story junior..about you young smart ass's that think you are going to make your living putting the government hand into working people's pockets...there was this old lady..she was pulling into the shoping mall parking lot...she was about to pull into a parking spot she just waited on for someone to leave..and this young guy in his car..with payments i might add. pulled up into her parking space she was just about in..the youngster hoped out of his car..and said..that is how it is when you are young and fast..he went to walk toward the store...and heard the tearing and smashing of sheet metal and plastic and glass...he turned around in time to see the old lady back up and plow straight into his car again..then backed up again and hit his car...his little piece of shit foriegn car was a wreck.....she had just destroyed his and pushed it into the street..she steped out of the car...looked at the young fella..and said..that is the way it is when you are old and RICH...get used to it boy..we got the money..you do not..we will always have..you will never have it..and uncle obama..isnt going to change that fact now is it?LOLmatter of fact..he is going to make it alot worse on you..im sure you will be happy standing in the unemployment line..saying..wow..that obama sure is a great guy..as he drives by your dumb ass in a multi million dollar SUV you paid for..you are such suckers..you deserve everything you got comming..and ill by there..to say..I TOLD YOU SO....LOL..i love to gloat..:mrgreen:
You are such an ass.


Well-Known Member
i am one of the worlds greatest investors...ill take great pleasure in making large sums of money off of your misery and displeasure..maybe ill even purchase your home in foreclosure after you lose your job....ill rent it to someone else who;s home has been foreclosed on...obama's first success obama has had is closing gittmo with no place to put the prisoners and a tanking stock market he cant stop..another trillion dollars plus in fat cat bail outs..another obama succes already...hell at this rate he is going to surpass even carter in stupidity...fannie mae gets another 25 billion ..the car industry is back already asking for more money...the building industry is asking for money..hell even larry flint wants a bail out..i wonder if his magazines are selling as well as they used to>?oh well..what the hell..uncle sugar is handing out free money..might as well get in line hu?i wonder how many people understand that the government pay rolls right now.to include local state and federal government are reaching 45% of the workforce..anyone with a brain...you are not included obviosly....knows that is not a sustainable level..in other words RETARD..YOU ARE FUCKING BROKE..YOU CANT BUY TEN NEW CADILLAC BEASTS..AND NEW AIR FORCE ONES AND REMODEL JOBS FOR THE WHITE HOUSE..I BET YOU GET to pay for IT THOUGH...THE SHIT IS ALREADY STARTED..AND ROBERY RIECH..HAS ALREADY STARTED ABOUT TRYING TO MAKE AS MUCH OF THE MONEY IN THE BAIL OUT GO TO BLACK PEOPLE ..ALREADY..HERE YOU GO WHITEY..YOU GET A LITTLE BIT OF DISCRIMINATION ..HOW DO YOU LIKE IT?lol as if we didnt know it already existed..just look at obama;s church..and the fine upstanding racist rev wright..lol..ill take great pleasure..in his failures as i already am..he started out screwing up ...right off the bat..from his treasury nomination to closing gitmo..to his new and improved bail out for billionaires plan.incase your dumb ass didnt notice the last bail out just lines the pockets of the banksters ,,the stupid ..and the incompetent..i bet you got a nice piece of bail out money hu bradley?i bet that is why you like obama so much hu? he is bailing your incompetent ass out hu?with my money hu?LOL you are a fucking jerk...:finger:oops..i meant a fucking stupid jerk..
Max, you are a classic internet tough guy. What you lack in modesty you also fail to make up in wit, character, or raw intelligence. If you were a fraction as bright as you tirelessly claim to be some evidence of the character traits I mentioned would be discernable from your posts. Their absence is readily palpable and speaks volumes about the man you are not. And in regards to your nitwit racist post quoted above, it is rather far from the mark and not worthy of a response. Max do you have a mullet hairstyle? For reasons I can't explain, most people who write with the sort of uncouth demeanor that typifies your language skills are mullet-headed 1982 camaro driving morons.


Well-Known Member
i dont wear a mullet..and im rich as fuck..and.on top of that..i made it all by myself..LOL..and..i just love to rub it into certain peoples faces..like your's bradley...cause you are a LOSER......MAX------>kiss-ass<-----BRAD


New Member
i dont wear a mullet..and im rich as fuck..and.on top of that..i made it all by myself..LOL..and..i just love to rub it into certain peoples faces..like your's bradley...cause you are a LOSER......MAX------>kiss-ass<-----BRAD
I didn't know they allowed rich fucks to be on this site, so you're probably a lying 16 year old kid with a mullet. No wonder you're such an ass. I thought I left idiots like you behind in high school.