Guns and Growing.


Well-Known Member
In this place it is not a problem to kill a thief you just say your life was in danger.....I saw what I thought was a weapon...He lunged at me...I fired over his head and he jumped.:)


Well-Known Member
OMFG.. I think ur the one that is 12.. Why are you keeping this going?

Just in case you cant comprehend .. "REASONABLE FORCE" DOES NOT = "DEADLY FORCE"

Why dont you jsut give up already? JEEEEEEEZZZ

......where did anyone say to kill an unarmed intruder, have you ever read a whole post? Or do you just skim over it and get pissed off then go find some more stupid pictures of monkeys covering their ears.

Give up? Man you dont get it do you. At this point it seems your arguing just to argue. If your gonna pick EVERY post apart you will find something you dont agree with in every one.



Well-Known Member
In this place it is not a problem to kill a thief you just say your life was in danger.....I saw what I thought was a weapon...He lunged at me...I fired over his head and he jumped.:)

Exactly. A jury wont convict you for shooting an intruder. Damn, some people are so damn ignorant, and overly opinionated.

My friend stabbed a guy who attacked him, the other guy almost died. You know what my friends lawyer told the judge? "If I had a gun I would have killed the guy"

My friend got off with no charges. And he didnt even get hurt, or attacked with a weapon.



New Member
In this place it is not a problem to kill a thief you just say your life was in danger.....I saw what I thought was a weapon...He lunged at me...I fired over his head and he jumped.:)

lol thats funny.. Kinda like , "Na man I didnt have sex w/ ur wife.. She just tripped and fell onto my dick" lol.

Im not saying there arent ways around it . Maybe the laws are diff where you live ( maybe ).. but they are clear on the issue here.. And of course it all depends on the jury.. And actually it can depend on the color of your skin and the color of the skin of the intruder if you want to nit pick.. Ive seen alot of foul shit in my 36+ yrs on this earth.. So I know what im talking about.


Well-Known Member
I dont think its wrong to own them but it might not look so good if you were raided. ya know cause they associate "drugs" + guns = ur a really really bad person! :O but hey just dont get caught!


Well-Known Member
I dont think its wrong to own them but it might not look so good if you were raided. ya know cause they associate "drugs" + guns = ur a really really bad person! :O but hey just dont get caught!
I hear that. I thought it was a good question, I just didnt realize that people are very passionate about killing.:lol:


New Member

I dont give a fuck how many ppl -rep me.. If you dont like what I say IDC.. I dont lie.. But if you dont like it, SO what -rep means shit to me.. This is what I get for trying to post TRUTHFUL HELPFUL INFO.. Fuck it.. shoot everyone that rings ur gd doorbell I DONT GIVE A FUCK.. SERIOUSLY.


Well-Known Member
I hear that. I thought it was a good question, I just didnt realize that people are very passionate about killing.:lol:

I dont think its the killing, it seems to happen a lot on this forum, some people just dont like being proved wrong.

As much as I have said I think you should defend your house. I dont keep any firearms at this place, so I couldnt shoot anyone even if I wanted too. :lol:

How big is your grow LIS, and are you a med user or do you just like the chronic?



Well-Known Member

I dont give a fuck how many ppl -rep me.. If you dont like what I say IDC.. I dont lie.. But if you dont like it, SO what -rep means shit to me.. This is what I get for trying to post TRUTHFUL HELPFUL INFO.. Fuck it.. shoot everyone that rings ur gd doorbell I DONT GIVE A FUCK.. SERIOUSLY.

You make it sound like your preaching the only true info. No one said they are gonna shoot people who ring their doorbell. No offense but thats your problem, someone says they would defend themselves from an intruder with a firearm, and you assume they are gonna kill anyone who sets foot near their house.

Maybe if you relax you wont get -repped. If you dont give a fuck, why do you keep posting?

We appreciate your input bro, but theres no need to force your opinions on us as the "truthful helpful info"

I would +rep you but since you already -repped me I cant rep you today....



New Member
You are a real douchebag BCtrippin.. You love to turn shit around and make yourself look like your not starting shit and backpedal and change your story.. I can honestly say that I really dont care for ppl like you. You are nothing more than a glory/praise hog that feels the need to play mr big shit on some forum. GFY.
Get a life troll


Well-Known Member
You are a real douchebag BCtrippin.. You love to turn shit around and make yourself look like your not starting shit and backpedal and change your story.. I can honestly say that I really dont care for ppl like you. You are nothing more than a glory/praise hog that feels the need to play mr big shit on some forum. GFY.
Find where I changed my story or backpedal?

Call me whatever you want man....grow the fuck up.

If your gonna make posts that claim you are the one helping all of us out with your Useful Helpful info your gonna get some backlash. What did you expect with a post like that?

Your the one resorting to childish name calling and not posting any useful info.... You could just as easily not post. Or maybe go find some relevant info to back up your claims.



Well-Known Member
I dont think its the killing, it seems to happen a lot on this forum, some people just dont like being proved wrong.

As much as I have said I think you should defend your house. I dont keep any firearms at this place, so I couldnt shoot anyone even if I wanted too. :lol:

How big is your grow LIS, and are you a med user or do you just like the chronic?

I don't have a huge grow, have a look at the link in my sig. Not for medical use, only recreation:weed:


Well-Known Member
I don't have a huge grow, have a look at the link in my sig. Not for medical use, only recreation:weed:
Thats not that much at all, You could Definitely argue that thats only for personal use. Theres no way they could charge you with producing with intent to distribute.

As long as your guns are all safe and legal like you said they were then I wouldnt be too worried. If your unsure still you could always talk to some local lawyers.



Well-Known Member
Too be honest I'm not that concerned. Like superhighme said, just don't get caught! lol I was more curious how other people felt, I sure got more than I bargained for!

On a side note how have you found the service of BC seeds? Its a shame they only accept cash, I would love to grow some G13...


Well-Known Member
I don't have a huge grow, have a look at the link in my sig. Not for medical use, only recreation:weed:
Also thought I would throw this idea out there.

Since you just have your guns for hunting, do you have any friends or family that you hunt with? Perhaps someone who could store you firearms for you when your not using them.

Since you dont need your firearms for self defense, and they are just locked up anyway, it might be a good alternative. That way if you ever did run into problems you wouldnt even have any firearms at the house anyway, just a bit of herb.

You probably wouldnt even risk losing your firearms license with a small grow like that if you had all your guns being stored somewhere else.



Well-Known Member
I would not keep guns where you grow if cops see that that's just one more stereotype that people get high and get into violent crime's...
Even if your a nice guy thy still see you as a bad guy because cops profile hard core!!!


Well-Known Member
I don't really have the option to store my guns elsewhere, not that I would anyway. Also if I did get done they would take my license anyway...thats just the rules where I am.


Well-Known Member
Too be honest I'm not that concerned. Like superhighme said, just don't get caught! lol I was more curious how other people felt, I sure got more than I bargained for!

On a side note how have you found the service of BC seeds? Its a shame they only accept cash, I would love to grow some G13...

Unfortunately I havent used them yet. Im thinking about ordering some Indica off them for my next batch though. Hell I could make a trip of it and drive out there.

G-13 is available from a lot of other sources though. Im actually thinking about some G-13 myself. I dunno if you know the story of G-13, back in the 70s it was a strain being grown by the government. G for government, 13 is for M, the 13th letter in the alphabet.

Back then they reached THC counts of over 25-30% which was insane compared to the 5-10% average of that time.

Iv heard nothing but good things about it and Iv been dying to get my hands on some.
