Guns and Growing.


Well-Known Member
I never said blast anyone. If someone is in your house with a knife, and you have your gun, I would warn him once, then shoot him in the leg. Shoot below the waste and its not even attempted murder.

Also Justatoker....try quoting it all, if your going to pick apart what I say then your always going to find something you dont agree with.

You make it sound like Im saying to sneak up on the guy and blow his head off. And yes, you can inflict harm to defend your property. If I had a kid upstairs I wouldnt let a robber near the stairway. If I needed to shoot him I would.

I would take the risk and shoot him, I would rather risk an attempted murder charge than risk my family being harmed in any way. Any jury would agree.



New Member
If they have a knife then your life is IN JEAPORDY.. THEN IT IS LAWFUL....

Dont backpedal now BC.. Before you said just because they were in your home you can shoot them. WHICH IS FALSE.

OK. well. Im not gonna reply any further as I have givien my replies plenty.. But I will say this.. If you shoot someone that broke into your home and they dont have a weapon your ass is going to jail.. PERIOD.. Now, do wtf u wanna do I dont really give a fuck. Its def not worth arguing over.. But of course I am correct lol.


Well-Known Member
It depends on the state. In the state I'm in you CAN shoot and kill anyone legally if they even attempt to come in your house if you feel threatened.
Castle Doctrine state? There are several states that have such provisions on the books.


Well-Known Member
OK. well. Im not gonna reply any further as I have givien my replies plenty.. But I will say this.. If you shoot someone that broke into your home and they dont have a weapon your ass is going to jail.. PERIOD.. Now, do wtf u wanna do I dont really give a fuck. Its def not worth arguing over.. But of course I am correct lol.
Where do you get your information bro?

If you shoot an unarmed intruder you wont go to jail just like that. It would all depend on the circumstances of the whole situation.

Also where did anyone say to shoot an unarmed intruder? All the scenarios we described where with an armed intruder where we felt threatened.

If he is unarmed, hes gonna shit his pants when you pull out the gun and start yelling at him. No need to shoot him if he pisses himself.



Well-Known Member

AULT, Colo. (AP) - A man accused of killing a neighbor in a dispute that
started with a barking dog will not be charged with a crime because of
Colorado's "make my day" law, which protects residents protecting
themselves from intruders.

Weld County District Attorney Al Dominguez said Monday he had no choice.

"I have a dead human being and that death was caused by someone shooting
a shotgun at him. Under normal circumstances, that kind of behavior
demands a consequence," Dominguez said. The decision "was very
difficult. I struggled with it all weekend."

Eric Griffin, 33, upset by the barking of a dog belonging to neighbor
Richard Hammock, allegedly wounded the animal with a pellet gun Nov. 2.
Hammock, 48, then went to Griffin's home carrying a 3-foot board,
authorities said.

Griffin's girlfriend told police she heard breaking glass and a shotgun
blast. Dominguez said the woman reported Griffin told her he fired when
Hammock tried to enter the house.


New Member
hell yea i -rep you cuz u -rep me.. so what? you grow the fuck up..and you never proved me wrong because u cant..



Well-Known Member
I love the heated debate but we are getting a bit off topic here, does anyone consider the consequences of owning guns and growing ganja if they were to get busted for whatever reason? If so, does the thought change how you go about handling your guns, ie loaded not loaded, locked or not etc.


Well-Known Member
hell yea i -rep you cuz u -rep me.. so what? you grow the fuck up..and you never proved me wrong because u cant..

Just because you wont admit it doesnt mean you are right. Dude find me one source that says you cant defend your property with force?

You will Not go strait to jail if you shoot an intruder like you claim.



Well-Known Member
2cimdma posted a factual experience with this. his 6 years in jail clearly indicate that drugs+guns='s big-no-no.

in most places if you are growing and there are guns in the house they will consider bumping the charge even at a local level... and as soon as you have 99+ plants it becomes a federal matter and there are mandatory minimum laws on the book about being in possesion of a firearm during the commision of a felony (legally registered gun or not)... it will up the ante and the time you do in jail.

the po-po do like to find guns and drugs in the same house. it makes you look like a bad guy - and guaranteed it will come up and out on every newscast that you had guns in the house with your grow operation.

i'd say that you should make a choice between either owning guns or growing weed, either one or the other, but not both.

i used to live in Florida... if you fired a gun at someone in your own home you would be charged with a crime if they could prove that you didn't attempt to escape out the back door while they were coming in the front door.

now i live in Texas... here you can kill a man just for knocking on your front door. You can also kill a person while sitting inside your vehicle if they attempt to carjack you (open your door). no joke.


Well-Known Member
Just because you wont admit it doesnt mean you are right. Dude find me one source that says you cant defend your property with force?

You will Not go strait to jail if you shoot an intruder like you claim.

It would depend on the state. I think in Cali you would have some issue, but in say Texas not so much. Some states do not like you defending yourself.


Well-Known Member
prove me wrong and ill apologize and wear a pink tutu in my avatar.otherwise stop troling.
Here, they laid it out Nice and Simple for you.

Defence against theft of movable items

You, and anyone who assists you, are justified in using reasonable force in order to prevent someone taking an item of your property, or in order to retake it. You are justified even if the person attempting to take the item thought he or she had the right to do so.

Defence against breaking and entering

You and anyone acting under your authority are justified in using such force as is necessary to prevent a person breaking and entering into your home. This includes taking action to prevent a burglary continuing if you discover that burglars are already in your house.
The defence is available to you only if you believed, on reasonable and probable grounds, that there was no legal justification for the breaking and entering.

Defence against trespass

You are justified in using reasonable force to prevent anyone from trespassing on any land or buildings of which you are in possession. This applies also to anyone assisting you or acting under your authority.

Now before you start picking this apart, no one ever said anything about attacking unarmed intruders. This is about using force to defend property. It is perfectly legal.

Now wheres that pink tutu? :lol:



New Member
OMFG.. I think ur the one thats 12 yrs old , not me.. Why are you keeping this going?

Just in case you cant comprehend .. "REASONABLE FORCE" DOES NOT = "DEADLY FORCE"

that means ( in "lamens" terms ) that if they have a weapon ,then u can use a weapon..

Why dont you just give up already? JEEEEEEEZZZ