Help with growing indoors


Active Member
Ok, so this is my first post to the forum as i have just now joined, and am urgently seeking help on growing and had seen that this forum had alot of professionals that seem friendly and knowledgeable.

I have become sick of buying skunk for many reasons such as money time etc, and have decided to grow it myself. However i have no expirience of doing so, and a very basic knowledge of what to do

I have been looking around seed websites and seed types and have found this to be the best and type i would like to grow

is this a good choice ?
and if not what would you suggest ?

I will be growing indoors in a cabbinet or something of that nature.
i have been looking at various different hydroponic websites and hydroponic kits also such as the pc planter which caught my eye, however after researching this i found it to be not as good as previously assumed

CAN anyone provide help ?


hello and welcome to RIU...
to answer your questions a little; your seed choice is fine, never really heard anything bad about white widow... but in my opinion, one would most likely be better off growing some bagseed for their first grow, rather than paying for seeds.... not my call though

all i can tell you about most of the grow tents/cabinets on the market is that they are grossly overpriced... my advice would be to build your own, unless you have more money than time...


Active Member
thank you for your help :)
would you be able to advise me on building onw, if you can it would be greatly appriachated

Armadillo Slim

Well-Known Member


Active Member
thanks alot for that :) i will definately be using those, how is your growth going by the way ? and just out of curiosity what system are you using to grow ?
as i have said thank you for that seed tip :)


Well-Known Member
hey and welcome. first off, you might want to start with soil until you get a few grows under your belt rather than going straight to hydro system. soil is more basic and you will certainly learn a lot in your first grow. as for cabinets, sure you can build one out of wood but i didnt want to build and nor did i want to buy a brand new cabinet so i went to a local used clothing&furniture store such as Goodwill or Value Village (sorry im from canada, you might not have these stores) and just pick up something and touch it up to your needs. since youre intending to grow in a cabinet, you'd probably be growing with CFL bulbs...

get the powerbar, stick several outlet-to-socket adapters into the power bar then grab the CFLs and stick it in. then mount the entire powerbar (sorry you would probably mount first haha) onto the side (top) of your cabinet. get some large CFLs at least 42w, dont get those 23w small things... they become useless to some degree

good luck

Armadillo Slim

Well-Known Member
It's going well thanks, I've just germinated them and they all 5 cracked within 2 days. I'm growing in soil, it seems easier then hydroponics but i'm sure you'll get better yeilds with a hydro system. I put the seeds in the soil 2 days ago and 3 of them have sprouted so i've got them under a 125w blue cfl, i'll keep them there for a week then put them under my 250w metal halide for 3-4 weeks. Then flower under my 250w hps. I might try some LST on one as well and see how that goes. Keep us posted on your grow.

Armadillo Slim

Well-Known Member
Are you from the uk chaircat? If you want to use flourescents then I'd advise getting some 125 watters, get a red and a blue spectum, you can get them on ebay for £27 including the fitting, 4m cord and plug, so for £54 you'd have plenty of lighing without messing around with loads of tiny cfl's.


Well-Known Member
i've heard good things about white widow but dont know if i'm crazy enough to actually order seeds on the internet. i would do a lot of research before i did.


Active Member
Yes i am from the UK Armadillo Slim, south east :), again thanks for your post :) as i say i sont know anything about growing, your help sp far has been great but as i dont know anything about growing i will need more ha :)
so i need a cupoard
then i line it all with foil ?
what liggting do i need ?
when do i water the plant ?
what do i feed it with ?

i just need to know all the basics before my first grow
if you could expalin in as basic terms as possible please :)
thankyou very much


Active Member
Yes i am from the UK Armadillo Slim, south east :), again thanks for your post :) as i say i sont know anything about growing, your help sp far has been great but as i dont know anything about growing i will need more ha :)
so i need a cupoard
then i line it all with foil ?
what liggting do i need ?
when do i water the plant ?
what do i feed it with ?

i just need to know all the basics before my first grow
if you could expalin in as basic terms as possible please :)
thankyou very much
I know some people frown on giving newbs just the Grow FAQ, but it helped me a lot for questions such as yours.

Check it out, lots of info. :leaf::leaf:


IMO, do what I'm doing just learn everything you can and then worry about buying your seeds. I did this because I was afraid of seeing them little seeds and wanting to plant them ASAP lmao.

Armadillo Slim

Well-Known Member
Everyone always directs people to the faqs, I can't see why they don't just give people the basics, so here I go; I'm obviously not an expert but I know a reasonable amount. Obviously you need a grow space, a cupboard will be fine. You can line it with foil and it will slightly increase the reflectivity but strangly tin foil has quite a low reflectivity, matt white paint would be best, tin foil can also concentrate heat on small areas of your plant like hotspots in a microwave(that's why they turn) so most people advise against it. If I was you I would buy a bit of white paint and paint the inside of the cupboard.

For the first week or so you should use blue spectrum cfl's, sometimes called daylight or cool, keep them really close to your plants. The best lights for vegging are metal halides and the best for flowering are high pressure sodium. If you have some cash to spend I would advise to get thse kind of lights, you can buy a 250w hps with a reflector and ballast(everthing you need) for £70 and get a MH bulb for another £15, that's what i did. If you'd rather not bother with that then get as many cfl's as possible, blue for vegging and red (warm) for flowering. You can also buy 125w cfls like i mentioned earlier, get a blue and a red. I would guess that one 125w cfl would be ok for about 3 plants.

I heard that the most comman mistake for new growers was overwatering, how often you water depends on the size of the pot. You should let the soil dry slightly between each watering to allow oxygen to get to the roots, if it's constantly waterlogged the roots will "drown". Every few days would be my guess.

The plant needs a fertiliser with lots of nitrogen in veg phase because it's growing fast and needs N to do so. the numbers on a fertilizer are it's N-P-K ratio N for nitrogen, P for phosphorous and K for potassium. About 10-5-5 or something is about right for veg. It needs more P in flowering phase for bud production so about 5-10-5 should be used. The actual numbers don't really matter because the instructions on the fertilizer will tell you how much to use, it is the ratio that is important. If you over fertilize then your plants will get "nute burn" and maybe die, it's best to dilute the fertilizer more then the bottle tells you to because cannabis needs less nutrients then most plants, use about 1/4 of what it tells you at first then build it up to about 1/2 over time. It's best not to use nutrients for the first week or so becuase the soil has enough for the plant and seedlings are very fragile.

You might already know this but i'll mention it anyway, the first 3-5 weeks of the plants life are it's vegging phase where it grows and not much else, the lights should be on for 18 hours a day in this phase and blue lights should be used. When the plant gets to a decent height after 4 weeks or so switch the lights to 12 hours on and 12 off, this makes the plant start the flowering phase and begin bud production, this phase last between 8 and 12 weeks depending on a lot of factors. It might double or even triple in height in the flowereing phase. When the plant is in darkness make sure it's virtually complete darkness, light destroys a hormone in the plant and once this hormone gets to a certain level the plant starts flowering, that's the reason for the longer dark period. I heard that with white widows in the last week or two before harvest you should put the lights on 8 hours a day which somehow makes the plant produce more resin, don't ask me why.

Thats the gist of it, ask me if there's something else you want to know, i'll try and give you an answer. The south east? Would that be london or kent or around that area? I'm from west yorkshire, but i'm not one of those idiot tykes, our reputation has been marred by that retard chavy scum Sharon Matthews, what a disgrace that lot are. I should set my whippet on the lot of them.


Active Member
ha thanks alot mate :) and yes kentt

right i want to use this system

with this carbon fan to eliminate odor|66:2|65:12|39:1|240:1318

These seeds, what do you think

here are some more questions, are the lights provided in the bubbleponics kit sufficent for the entire growth period ?
i dont need to water the plants with the bubbleponics do i ?
do i leave the lights on 24/7 with the ponics kit

Also this kit apparently speeds up groth and eventual harvest time by quite a bit ?

what are your thoughts on this slim ?

if you dont mind, il also be adding you as a friend so i can pester you for months to come :)


Active Member
Everyone always directs people to the faqs, I can't see why they don't just give people the basics
Maybe because I probably don't know the basics my self, and still learning.

You can clearly tell this by the amount of posts I have. But I'll be sure not to attempt to help out in the future.

Armadillo Slim

Well-Known Member
Maybe because I probably don't know the basics my self, and still learning.

You can clearly tell this by the amount of posts I have. But I'll be sure not to attempt to help out in the future.
I didn't mean to offend you CClark56, it's just i've seen people who do know what they're talking about getting snappy with people for asking questions, they just say "grow faq, everything you need".

Armadillo Slim

Well-Known Member
ha thanks alot mate :) and yes kentt

right i want to use this system

with this carbon fan to eliminate odor|66:2|65:12|39:1|240:1318

These seeds, what do you think

here are some more questions, are the lights provided in the bubbleponics kit sufficent for the entire growth period ?
i dont need to water the plants with the bubbleponics do i ?
do i leave the lights on 24/7 with the ponics kit

Also this kit apparently speeds up groth and eventual harvest time by quite a bit ?

what are your thoughts on this slim ?

if you dont mind, il also be adding you as a friend so i can pester you for months to come :)
Yeah those lights have the right spectrums for the whole grow, but if I was you I would get the biggest ones. I don't really know anything about bubbleponics OR hydroponics but I'm pretty sure you don't need to water them because the kit sprays the roots with nutrient enriched water, or something like that. You don't have to leave the lights on 24/7 ever, it doesn't matter what you are growing with the light schedule is the same. You can leave the lights on 24 hours in the veg phase but it doesn't give any better results then 18 hours so theres no point. In flower you need a 12/12 lighting schedule. I've heard that hydroponics gives better results then soil, and bubbleponics is the next method up from hydoponics so it should give good results. The thing about the "ponics" is you can regulate the nutrients much more accuratly then with soil, and the extra benefit of bubbleponics is that lots of oxygen can get to the roots. I'm looking forward to seeing how much you get off your grow, we can compare because i'll only be a few weeks in front of you and we're using the same seeds.

Where in the hell am I?

Well-Known Member
Maybe because I probably don't know the basics my self, and still learning.

You can clearly tell this by the amount of posts I have. But I'll be sure not to attempt to help out in the future.
You can help me out w/a link ANYTIME!!! I just cant stand it when someone tells me to google it:cuss:


Maybe because I probably don't know the basics my self, and still learning.

You can clearly tell this by the amount of posts I have. But I'll be sure not to attempt to help out in the future.
dont do that.... we appreciate you pointing people to the growfaq; in a friendly, polite way... rather than being rude about it; thanks bro, and welcome to RIU:leaf: